Nov 6, 2022Liked by Janice Fiamengo

The behavior of these people is absolutely inexcusable. There will be no forgiveness for the neighbor who picked a fight about my unvaxxed status stating the unvaxxed don't deserve hospital treatment if they get sick because "our front liner workers" were so overworked (which was always a lie in the US. Not one single ICU bed was added to any hospital during the entire "pandemic." )There will be no forgiveness for the DNC employee across the street who actually started taking his solo am constitutional alone in the street sporting TWO MASKS on his ridiculous face. I do not have to live among such idiocy!

No, there will be no forgiveness even for my partner who has more or less seen the light and agreed to get no more jabs, kind of, but still can't admit that the gov't had ill intent in pushing the jabs. (BTW, Forgiveness is NOT necessary for love, another modern misconception.)

What is the point of forgiveness after all? Forgive and forget is what that author in the Atlantic piece means. But forgiveness simply prevents one from wasting one's energy on hate or resentment. It has nothing to do with "forgetting," and I will NOT forget that they abandoned their reason and humanity at the drop of a hat. They must be punished and hounded as far as the law will allow. When they admit their guilt (Ha! Ha!) I'll open the door to having a relationship with them again, but not before.

Personally I've started saying to clowns still donning masks as the store as I pass them by "You'll get sick wearing that mask." Last time I did this the guy seemed shocked to hear someone say that to him. Good. These people need to be shocked out of their bubbles in this manner before the next "pandemic" is presented and they go along with it eagerly again.

It is NOT ok to act like an unthinking robot in public, inflicting needless harm on others without reason.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Janice Fiamengo

I never got the vaccine myself and people insist that I'm going to die without it. Nearly three years on, I'm still waiting for death to come knocking on my door to tell me my time is up.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Thank you for this Janice.

It wasn't so very long ago that there seemed no end in sight for this madness. Thank you truckers and all who support the Freedom Convoy. And there are still elements of this madness going on with some schools or employers not allowing the unjabbed to participate. Not unlike wars where a peace deal was agreed upon and hostilities halted but were still raging in other regions.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Janice Fiamengo

My "favorite" covid ridiculousness is, during & after mandatory masking, seeing people in grocery stores masked up with dogs in tow. NOT service animals, just pet dogs (some unleashed even). Some concern for food safety!

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Janice Fiamengo

The idea that folks didn't know or were misled somehow and that they in fact meant well simply isn't true. We were all brought up to know better. These folks who Oster says should receive amnesty dropped all their ethical training and turned into savages, snitches and haters at the first twinge of fear. Ethics and moral codes are in place specifically for times of crisis (or perceived crisis), same goes for charter rights and human rights. What is the point of these codes of honour and ethics if not in times of crisis? When all's well and easy, we don't really need the guidance of ethics and charters: they are in place for those times when things are not going well. So I think there ought to be some serious truth and reconciliation at the very least. And frankly I believe those who did not opt to be guinea pigs in this affair are owed compensation. Surely if Khadr received $10.5M due to his charter rights being violated, Canadians who had theirs trammelled and suffered all manner of shunning and gaslighting deserve the same. Meanwhile, those responsible for perpetrating the scam, who most certainly were aware of the falseness of the narrative, the various persons in government and health officials should face criminal charges. . . or else what's to stop them doing it again? Let's recall that these folk have been well rewarded for their unconscionable behaviour, and that they didn't miss a day's remuneration.

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It seems obvious looking back that this was really absurd. Medicine has a long history of quarantining the ill to insure the safety of the well. But the reverse is stunningly ridiculous, to quarantine the well. But those who were taken in by the fear porn and "civic duty" to harangue those who saw the truth need to be understood. I think we have been through one of the most elaborate and controlled brainwashings the world has ever seen. Those who saw through it were in the minority and also were more likely to have a history of knowing the government lies in order to get what it wants. Most people don't have that advantage and have lived their lives trusting the news, trusting the leaders and doing what they think must be the right thing.

Should we hold those scoundrels who brought this upon us accountable? Oh hell yes! With a fury. if we don't we are asking for this to happen again, and again, and again. This makes Nuremberg look small.

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Nov 7, 2022·edited Nov 7, 2022Liked by Janice Fiamengo

No, no, Janice. You are behind the times. "Social justice" requires that all criminals be celebrated and rewarded. Just as the politicians and pretend-prosecutors who release violent felons on to the streets to attack innocent civilians, so the politicians and faux "public health" bureaucrats who violated all medical ethics and civil rights must be coddled and celebrated. You will see; they will not only not be called into account for their unscientific and unethical impositions, they will be promoted!

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Janice Fiamengo

I would also like to point out that this "pandemic" was not a random event. To prepare for the next planned catastrophe, as far as an individual action is concerned, see this short video at https://globalwalkout.com/step-10/. It's important to fight back even in small ways, starting now.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Janice Fiamengo

I worked in Public Health Ontario. The majority of cases were in LTC homes and people above 80. Then a few testing was done in prisons and shelters. The weaker variants affected the 18-64 age group and an ever more weaker variant affected a few school kids. This pandemic was mainly affecting the elderly and the middle age with cancer and diabetes.

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Beautiful article. Wikipedia says that amnesty “obliterates all legal remembrance of the offense.” Not gonna happen. Forgiveness, yes. Amnesty? No. The mainstream media has been giving the perpetrators amnesty all this time. No justice, no peace. We cannot move on until the CDC and the medical complex is decoupled from Big Pharma, the media is freed from the grips of the big six, and big tech is broken up. That seems to me where we start.

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Janice Fiamengo

"Now since the children have flesh and blood, He too shared in their humanity, so that by His death He might destroy him who holds the power of death, that is, the devil, and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death." Hebrews 2:15

People who do not put their hope in eternity remain enslaved by their fear of death. This "pandemic" highlighted how potentially dangerous and damaging our fear of death can be--how it will fulfill itself if left unchecked. Andrew Cuomo spoke of how his life, ultimately, was the only important thing (of course, implying he would destroy anyone who threatened it). Without light, the law of the jungle is but a stone's throw away.

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I feel for you, it sounds like Canada was dreadful.

I find it hard to believe it could have been worse than Australia (where I'm from) though. I shall forever be ashamed of my country.

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I have to admit that my opinion of Canadians really took a tumble in the past two years. Granted many of my fellow Americans also relished in the orgy of covid related cruelties, but there's still an old fashioned strain of us who will tell bureaucratic bullies and sanctimonious academics and media types that they can just shove it. But the Canadians seemed to offer no resistance, excepting the truckers and a few rogue pastors.

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Dr Emily Oster gained purchase in policy circles with her COVID-19 analysis. Economists, post-2008 have been in the public policy doghouse. In the midst of the pandemic, post-hoc decisions needed justification, and ambitious types took the bate. Between the lines, I suspect that this a complaint about how policy and consulting opportunities have dried up. For years men in the hard edge areas of the discipline offering bad financial or valuation advice get fired or sued. Welcome to the jungle.

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I prefer to follow Lord Vader's in how to accept apologies...

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Public resistance to vaccination can be traced back to the discovery of a vaccine for Smallpox.

(quote)For some parents, the smallpox vaccination itself induced fear and protest. It included scoring the flesh on a child’s arm, and inserting lymph from the blister of a person vaccinated about a week earlier. Some objectors, including the local clergy, believed the vaccine was “unchristian” because it came from an animal.[3] For other anti-vaccinators, their discontent with the smallpox vaccine reflected their general distrust in medicine and in Jenner’s ideas about disease spread. Suspicious of the vaccine’s efficacy, some skeptics alleged that smallpox resulted from decaying matter in the atmosphere.[4] Lastly, many people objected to vaccination because they believed it violated their personal liberty, a tension that worsened as the government developed mandatory vaccine policies. [3](unquote)

This was 1853, and many of the arguments used back then are still being used today.

(quote)City resident Henning Jacobson refused vaccination on the grounds that the law violated his right to care for his own body how he knew best. In turn, the city filed criminal charges against him. After losing his court battle locally, Jacobson appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. In 1905 the Court found in the state’s favor, ruling that the state could enact compulsory laws to protect the public in the event of a communicable disease. This was the first U.S. Supreme Court case concerning the power of states in public health law.(unquote)


I still remember when the AIDs epidemic started, and it takes time to gather enough information and facts in order to deal with the disease practically and sensibly. Trial and error happens, safety procedures are put into place, sometimes they work, sometimes they don't and it is important to find out why they don't work.

Take for example the claim that wearing masks does not work, what is missing is that wearing masks needs to be done correctly and hand washing as hands that become contaminated will transfer the contaminate whether it is a virus or bacteria to a persons face where it can then enter the body.

The other issue, is that when people become unwell there is no guarantee that the person who becomes unwell will survive. It is like playing Russian roulette the odds are in your favour of surviving, but, and there is always a but, there is a chance that the odds do not play out your way.

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