Thanks, Janice, for shining some light on these dishonest feminist spiels. Don't bother understanding men. The aim is to fix them so they meet women's expectations. What more could men aspire to? Rage rabbit holes? Somebody thinks of a cute phrase and it becomes a syndrome. The Wall Street Journal used to be made of better stuff.
Dr. Fiamengo has once again hit the nail on the head. Feminism has been remarkably successful in deploying casuistic strategies to obtain total control of and subsequently weaponize the semiotics of rage and victimhood. As Dr. Fiamengo's expert analysis of these incidents shows, the feminist agenda has reached a point where we are to believe that woman's rage is evidence unto itself of the moral superiority of women and their struggle against injustice while man's rage is to be accepted a priori of his degeneracy and misogyny. This reminds me of a chilling episode I experienced many years ago shortly after marrying my wife. She announced to me that she wanted to have one day a week where she could unleash her rage and I would agree to endure the abuse without retreating, responding, or holding her responsible in any way for her behavior; she had come across this idea in one of the feminist books that she ardently read and found it brilliant. Although we'd been together for nearly three years before getting married, I had no idea that she was so filled with rage. Needless to say, there was no mention of me being afforded a time slot to spew vitriol at her (nor would I have wanted even five minutes a week for such a purpose; the idea seemed abhorrent to me). I must have gone completely pale as the blood drained from my face upon learning that the person I had just chosen as my life partner would like to schedule weekly abuse. After spending years building monuments to her rage and sense of victimhood, I finally escaped that marriage having learned that it's impossible for a man and woman to have an equal partnership in a culture that enables women to wield such immense power over their mates while degrading and infantilizing men.
Exactly so. As the ancients knew, rage is an aspect of the human condition--many of us, men and women, feel helpless anger and sadness at cosmic injustice, cruelty, pain, human imperfections, and our own inevitable deaths, "mutability and mortality" as one of my English profs was fond of saying. Mature societies develop rituals and systems of meaning to deal with them; feminism told women, instead, that their anger was unique--and uniquely good--and men's grounded in nothing. Incredible stupidity.
They, the feminists have achieved what they set out to do. Destroying marriage. Making heterosexual relationships a minefield for men.
Now they complain men are bailing out. Heterophobia has created an extremely toxic environment for heterosexual men and I think it is too late to turn the clock back.
Another great piece Janice. This sentence really encapsulates much of our problem:
By telling men that what they see in the world is not really there, they will coach them in greater
Oh so true. And the most obvious omission is any, and I mean any reference to women evaluating themselves to see their own misandry and narcissism. Banish the thought. It's the mens!
There's a tremendous amount going on behind the scenes - of which these people are painfully ignorant. Thanks to YouTube mens' channels, men-advisors and authors like Richard Cooper - but most of all, the TikTok videos put up by "modern" Western women denigrating man, setting forth their standards (the "sixes" - six feet tall, six pack abdomen, six inches in the pants, six hundred horsepower car, six figure salary, six months out of a relationship, etc.) combined with the hard anal rape of "family law courts," Western men are deciding it's just not worth the risk of sticking their heads in that noose. David's Bridal - the largest bridal shop in North America, just went bankrupt. I wonder why.
But Western men still want a mate and a family; they just don't want Western women. What to do ...
I just finished up a second divorce at age seventy; my nephew lost his wife a year ago (how careless of him!) and just started trying the "dating apps." He has everything going for him but one: he's 5'6". The one date he went on was a bloody disaster. Guess what he's doing? At MY recommendation he started looking at the Philippines. Night and day. He's traveling there over Thanksgiving to meet a prospective girlfriend, with intentions of marriage if it all works out. And you know what? I may just go with him.
Appreciate the advice, but I would probably stay in the Philippines 95% of the time. My brother and I are the last remnants of our family, and it would be pleasant to bathe in the warmth of a large extended Filipino family.
I sincerely hope it works out for you, but do be careful, please. I've watched a lot of videos about the Philippines, some positive and some very negative. There are women (and whole families) on the take there too; some of them look at western men as cash machines only, to be bilked for everything they've got. Once married, some men find that their pleasant and affectionate wife turns into an intolerable shrew, with a grasping, demanding family backing up her ceaseless demands. Look after yourself.
Appreciate the heads-up. So far, I've seen none of that in numerous postings by men - at least claiming to be - married to Filipinas and/or living there. Having been divorced twice and well aware that at age seventy, my earning potential is now near zero - which means that my current assets and investments must carry me through - I'm pretty wary.
My brother went on those international dating sites. He met a few filippino ladies. Got engaged, gave the lady and her family money and presents, then she dumped him. Tried again, and this lady attempted to move here. She 'needed' $10,000 in her bank account to get a visa... He gave her that and bought a flight. On the way here she was 'detained' by customs, with additional money required to release her. He paid, and then paid again when that wasn't enough... Somehow the lady never arrived, and all the money disappeared. He moved on to ladies from the Ukraine. Got married, brought the lady over here. She was abusive, the marriage fell apart, and she ran off with his money. Turned out she had a boyfriend the whole time too.
But I also know a lady from the Philippines. She married a Canadian man after her husband died, leaving her a widow with a small child. The marriage was for convenience and not so much affection.
I was in Thailand working for 3.5 months. I would see all these ‘couples’, a very overweight 55-65 year old guy with a 35 year old Thai wife. I didn’t see one that looked happy. Asia has a much more transactional relationship with sex and marriage. They don’t have the romantic mythology we have. In the end i hate to say it, but most marriages have a very transactional aspect. It seems impossible to get away from it. Asia or here. The best relationships I have seen as a guy are friends who married Latina women. But Latina woman get jerked around by Latino men.
A Mexican buddy who was married to a Canadian woman was shocked at how Canadian women treat their husbands. He said ‘Amigo, the difference between a Mexican woman and a Canadian woman is it don’t matter what you do with a Mexican wife. She still love you. And it don’t matter what you do with a Canadian wife. Eventually she stops loving you.’ I said ‘Felix. You slept with her Sister.’ ‘One time!’ ‘You told me for two weeks.’ ‘One time, two weeks. It has been 14 years. She still hates me.’ I said ‘On her death bed forty years from now in her last breath she will struggle to lift her head and she will say I HATE FELIX. Then she’ll die.’ ‘I know! Canadian women are soooo cold.’
Or, Felix could repent of his infidelity and get some counselling with his wife, instead of just complaining that she's cold to him. The passage of time does not by itself cure deep injuries to trust.
It's not a problem. Filipinas are more interested in what kind of man he is than they are how tall. And what do they bring to the table? Everything - including domestic skills, education, and pleasant personalities - all the skills needed to run an efficient, peaceful, and happy home. And not a hog-ring, tongue piercing or five square-foot tattoo to be found anywhere.
That is over-generalizing women's expectations. I am a western woman, and my husband is 5'6". His height was not at all a consideration when deciding whether to date or marry! His character, on the other hand, was everything.
Obviously it is a generalization. Over? I am not sure. That's just the reality. The shorter you are the chances are slimmer. And if you are not handsome then you are definitely unlucky.
Excellent post! The narcissism on display here is unreal. “You don't deserve my attention, so I will ridicule you and then ignore you. What? You're not going to beg me for my attention? What's wrong with you?! I *order you* to pay attention to me, and if you don't, I will escalate the lecturing and guilt-tripping until you do!”
God forbid that these entitled princesses should ever consider that it may be some things in them that need change.
But of course that is the entire thrust of victim culture and its illusory entitlements so speciously claimed.
the cause of grief, real or imagined is always external.
Thus their misery will be eternal
<end irony>
and while on the subject of princesses I take it that you remember the classic fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea" ?
This idea occurred to me the other day and it is thus:
Every aspiring princess NEEDS her pea for she can only show the superiority of her sensitivity and the refinement of her breeding by having something trivial to complain about. This something is such that more gross souls like men and other plebs never even notice .
After all today's aspiring princesses do not have mercy kindness nobility or charity, only the bitter complaint of the aggrieved and sensitive soul
And , I suggest, such rituals as feminist "consciousness raising" - whereby, for example, a friend of mine left her husband after reading Germaine Greer back then - is where aspiring princesses get their peas and thus their excuse for complaining.
Thank you. That is good--grievance as demonstration of superior sensitivity. I don't think I ever read 'The Princess and the Pea' but I know the outline.
MY reason for claiming that I know whereof I speak is because I did this myself to some extent.
For i am in fact cursed with more sensitivity than is good for any man.
another who was also so blessed was the composer Schumann who died insane at age 56. i understood PERECTLY his creeping down the stairs at night to platy chord progression on the piano while weeping his eyes out.
such is morbid and makes life hell
So when i joined my church on conversion to Christ back in 1978 I was driven to madness within 5 years.
And when i found out why this was so i was furious and played the victim for quite a few years.
But rest assured, when the sensitivity is real and the injury real n one cares
my playing the victim card ended when i discovered that i was a collaborator with the church I now deem a cult. I consented to it
i might also suspect that some play sensitivity card as a grift. They are LARPNG.
Very true. In my experience women constantly go on about all sorts of minor problems as part of what seems an obsession with fishing for compiments and praise. Having a litany of "problems" seems to be essential because one can then garner praise for overcoming them, however trivial. From health to relationships, to weight, to "society" there is no limit to women's penchant for self revelation in pursuit of sympathy and praise. Men are bad at "help seeking behavior" because they seen far less inclined to broadcast what they perceive "private".
The only good use that women sometimes make of their/our endless ability to find things to grouse about is that it can be a bonding technique between women (and even sometimes between women and men) so long as there is an edge of good humor and laughter in the narratives, and some self-reflexive irony (along the lines of 'What a goof I am to have been taken in by this shyster,' or 'Look at me, complaining about this, when it's my own fault). But feminism elevated grousing into a sacred orthodoxy, and blamed men when they responded rationally.
Long before I took a "red pill" I had always been slightly taken aback by what I, in my male way, took as a sort of disloyalty by women to their partners. There was a constant litany of the "problems" presented by their partners, often including quite intimate details. As you say over time one came to realise that this constant denigration of their partners didn't reflect a lack of affection for the men in their lives but was all part of "sharing" and competing to see who was most "saintly". I recall that in her book Norah Vincent observing the contrast with the way her fellows (as Ned) talked about their wives and partners. Like so many things the ideology of feminism in fact rides on much much older social psychology and peverts it. I think it appeals to the immature particularly because it speaks to the simplicities of adolescence rather than the more complex world of adults, where people can indeed recognise the many contradictions we all exhibit.
In 2021, in the UK, for the first time in history, a majority of new births came to single mothers.
The most vulnerable of all citizens, new- borns, are mainly in the exclusive care of women. Women whose collective mind- set is exemplified, (for want of all but the most rare of exceptions,) by such careless, fascistic, hate- filled narratives.
It seems to me that boys wanting to be girls is the new rock 'n' roll. They inhabit a world in which to be male is to be sub- human. (Which is how the Nazis characterised those they sent to Auschwitz, etc.)
If it didn’t happen how do you explain Auschwitz? Etc? My wife’s family was Jewish. About 25% of their family died in the camps. My MIL’s childhood friend died in the camps. Many didn’t die. But a large number did.
I don’t believe that. Anyway, you didn’t answer my question. Also, I know jewish communists. And I know lots of non Jewish communists. Saying what you said is akin to saying black gospel music is European because the chromatic scale is European.
Only your first two lines showed up. Now the full response showed. Jews invented a lot of things. Movies for one. A lot of medicines etc. they punch above their weight in good areas and bad areas. Calling Communism Jewish though doesn’t make sense. Karl Marx lived in England. Why is not
IMHO, the types of women who despise men in general should just be honest and tell men they aren't interested, as opposed to trying to convince themselves (and the rest of us) that the men are to blame for the feelings these women have. If I were a young single male looking for a partner, I would rather know up front whether or not a young lady has these biases. If so, rather than trying to convince her otherwise, I would not waste my time and I would look for somebody who is more realistic about life. Ironically, there also seems to be no end of videos on-line about women in their mid 30's and older who seem to desperately want to find a partner and can't understand why they are having such a difficult time. Mr Aaron Renn writes with great insight and clarity on the issue of the men and the current problems they are having. One of his points is that many of the people writing about "the problems with men" are women, and it seems they seem to think that if only men would be more like them, they would be ok. These women complain about the male influencers, without realizing that (some) men are attracted to these influencers because they represent things that appeal to the male psyche.
If only boys were more like girls is the concept of modern Western education systems under the control and influence of feminisation. As such, boys' lives and mens' lives are destroyed in the service of women's solopsism.
I’m amused by the feminists and simps who think that isolated men, whom they collectively despised are “entitled” because they want emotional connection with a sympathetic woman, and, after being repeatedly condemned as evil for having both sexual urges and emotional needs, seek a way to satisfy their need for human connection. Misandry is very much the default.
What you describe is a deep hostility to working class and lower middle-class men, mostly, though not exclusively, White by women (mostly, though not exclusively White) who think of men as disposable. When they say they want to have simple human connection they’re laughed at. Then we see the experts announce that they deserve to suffer because of their “entitlement.”
Then we see the experts wondering why more and more men wanting a female person who isn’t a complete cunt.
Yes. Where is the encouragement for women to develop appreciation of men's contribution, their blood, sweat and body-wrecked tears without which women (in general) simply wouldn't have been enjoying their incredibly privileged lives in our era? For that matter, how about some appreciation for the largely male parliaments who supported women's suffrage and over only a century or so (and through fair-mindedness and rational consideration) facilitated such huge changes in women's roles, options and rights, unprecedented in the history of human societies.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but feminists imitate only the shallow aspects of traditional maleness such as wearing suits and taking up high-paid professions. It would be great if they imitated more fair-mindedness, taking responsibility, self-sacrifice, bravery, loyalty, honest rational consideration and prioritising their life partner's happiness, qualities long associated with masculinity. How toxic huh?
The predominance of women in tertiary education will be due to many factors including female dominance over earlier education and women's preference to be paid highly for comfortable roles in air conditioned offices rather than the uncomfortable, often lower-paid jobs that men overwhelmingly undertake. Where are the screams demanding gender equality in the teaching profession? I don't care whether those who designed the bridge I use were male or female as long as it stays up (I can safely assume that the dangerous, dirty, uncomfortable work of actually building the bridge was carried out totally or almost totally by men...), but I care a lot that my children are influenced during their schooling by a balance of both male and female approaches and role models. Gender equality in high-paid professions, stem subjects etc serves only feminist self-interest. It's telling that where gender equality would serve the interests of society such as in education, feminists don't care at all about inequality so long as it's in their favour.
Keep up the great work, such a valuable contribution to our societies. Despite the increasing efforts of feminists to maintain their grip on thought and lawmakers, I believe your efforts, alongside others and as an inspiration to others, are eroding feminist hegemony in popular culture.
More difficult to challenge will be the role and ulterior motives of the rich and powerful who stand to gain from promoting feminism and feminist laws (e.g. thereby driving down real wages, increasing workforce compliance and expanding consumer demand) and disempowering men from rising up in protection of their families, workplaces or communities. Enabling and encouraging women to have men impoverished or imprisoned at whim is a great way of taking out the threat posed by the strongest and most assertive males against the elites.
Just more evidence as far as I can see that people with manipulative personality defects tend to gravitate towards positions of power where they can influence ever greater numbers. And where else can you have more of an impact on large numbers of people than in the 'news' media? How does the media do that? By 'creating' drama and conflict between groups and individuals - Orwell's 'two minutes of hate' as embedded programming if you like.
The various fake wars on terror, drugs and viruses have had nothing like the longevity or mileage obtained from the manufactured 'war between the sexes'. And like most wars, it began with several 'false flag' events back in the 60s and 70s. The modern use of the term 'false flag' involves one side attacking their own members and blaming it on the other side. Straw men are much easier to defeat than real men.
Notice how feminists always point to women's success in traditional masculine spheres (academia, business, politics) as evidence for their desirability as a mate. They either don't know or don't care what men desire in women. It seems more likely they don't care, as they also teach women to despise men and expect men to always ask for more.
Thanks, Janice, for shining some light on these dishonest feminist spiels. Don't bother understanding men. The aim is to fix them so they meet women's expectations. What more could men aspire to? Rage rabbit holes? Somebody thinks of a cute phrase and it becomes a syndrome. The Wall Street Journal used to be made of better stuff.
Dr. Fiamengo has once again hit the nail on the head. Feminism has been remarkably successful in deploying casuistic strategies to obtain total control of and subsequently weaponize the semiotics of rage and victimhood. As Dr. Fiamengo's expert analysis of these incidents shows, the feminist agenda has reached a point where we are to believe that woman's rage is evidence unto itself of the moral superiority of women and their struggle against injustice while man's rage is to be accepted a priori of his degeneracy and misogyny. This reminds me of a chilling episode I experienced many years ago shortly after marrying my wife. She announced to me that she wanted to have one day a week where she could unleash her rage and I would agree to endure the abuse without retreating, responding, or holding her responsible in any way for her behavior; she had come across this idea in one of the feminist books that she ardently read and found it brilliant. Although we'd been together for nearly three years before getting married, I had no idea that she was so filled with rage. Needless to say, there was no mention of me being afforded a time slot to spew vitriol at her (nor would I have wanted even five minutes a week for such a purpose; the idea seemed abhorrent to me). I must have gone completely pale as the blood drained from my face upon learning that the person I had just chosen as my life partner would like to schedule weekly abuse. After spending years building monuments to her rage and sense of victimhood, I finally escaped that marriage having learned that it's impossible for a man and woman to have an equal partnership in a culture that enables women to wield such immense power over their mates while degrading and infantilizing men.
Exactly so. As the ancients knew, rage is an aspect of the human condition--many of us, men and women, feel helpless anger and sadness at cosmic injustice, cruelty, pain, human imperfections, and our own inevitable deaths, "mutability and mortality" as one of my English profs was fond of saying. Mature societies develop rituals and systems of meaning to deal with them; feminism told women, instead, that their anger was unique--and uniquely good--and men's grounded in nothing. Incredible stupidity.
Im really sorry you had to go through that! That sounds awful.
They, the feminists have achieved what they set out to do. Destroying marriage. Making heterosexual relationships a minefield for men.
Now they complain men are bailing out. Heterophobia has created an extremely toxic environment for heterosexual men and I think it is too late to turn the clock back.
Another great piece Janice. This sentence really encapsulates much of our problem:
By telling men that what they see in the world is not really there, they will coach them in greater
Oh so true. And the most obvious omission is any, and I mean any reference to women evaluating themselves to see their own misandry and narcissism. Banish the thought. It's the mens!
There's a tremendous amount going on behind the scenes - of which these people are painfully ignorant. Thanks to YouTube mens' channels, men-advisors and authors like Richard Cooper - but most of all, the TikTok videos put up by "modern" Western women denigrating man, setting forth their standards (the "sixes" - six feet tall, six pack abdomen, six inches in the pants, six hundred horsepower car, six figure salary, six months out of a relationship, etc.) combined with the hard anal rape of "family law courts," Western men are deciding it's just not worth the risk of sticking their heads in that noose. David's Bridal - the largest bridal shop in North America, just went bankrupt. I wonder why.
But Western men still want a mate and a family; they just don't want Western women. What to do ...
I just finished up a second divorce at age seventy; my nephew lost his wife a year ago (how careless of him!) and just started trying the "dating apps." He has everything going for him but one: he's 5'6". The one date he went on was a bloody disaster. Guess what he's doing? At MY recommendation he started looking at the Philippines. Night and day. He's traveling there over Thanksgiving to meet a prospective girlfriend, with intentions of marriage if it all works out. And you know what? I may just go with him.
Please be careful of "gold diggers", both of you. If you bring them back to the West, these women can still take advantage of the anti-male systems.
Appreciate the advice, but I would probably stay in the Philippines 95% of the time. My brother and I are the last remnants of our family, and it would be pleasant to bathe in the warmth of a large extended Filipino family.
I sincerely hope it works out for you, but do be careful, please. I've watched a lot of videos about the Philippines, some positive and some very negative. There are women (and whole families) on the take there too; some of them look at western men as cash machines only, to be bilked for everything they've got. Once married, some men find that their pleasant and affectionate wife turns into an intolerable shrew, with a grasping, demanding family backing up her ceaseless demands. Look after yourself.
Appreciate the heads-up. So far, I've seen none of that in numerous postings by men - at least claiming to be - married to Filipinas and/or living there. Having been divorced twice and well aware that at age seventy, my earning potential is now near zero - which means that my current assets and investments must carry me through - I'm pretty wary.
My brother went on those international dating sites. He met a few filippino ladies. Got engaged, gave the lady and her family money and presents, then she dumped him. Tried again, and this lady attempted to move here. She 'needed' $10,000 in her bank account to get a visa... He gave her that and bought a flight. On the way here she was 'detained' by customs, with additional money required to release her. He paid, and then paid again when that wasn't enough... Somehow the lady never arrived, and all the money disappeared. He moved on to ladies from the Ukraine. Got married, brought the lady over here. She was abusive, the marriage fell apart, and she ran off with his money. Turned out she had a boyfriend the whole time too.
But I also know a lady from the Philippines. She married a Canadian man after her husband died, leaving her a widow with a small child. The marriage was for convenience and not so much affection.
Caveat emptor.
I was in Thailand working for 3.5 months. I would see all these ‘couples’, a very overweight 55-65 year old guy with a 35 year old Thai wife. I didn’t see one that looked happy. Asia has a much more transactional relationship with sex and marriage. They don’t have the romantic mythology we have. In the end i hate to say it, but most marriages have a very transactional aspect. It seems impossible to get away from it. Asia or here. The best relationships I have seen as a guy are friends who married Latina women. But Latina woman get jerked around by Latino men.
A Mexican buddy who was married to a Canadian woman was shocked at how Canadian women treat their husbands. He said ‘Amigo, the difference between a Mexican woman and a Canadian woman is it don’t matter what you do with a Mexican wife. She still love you. And it don’t matter what you do with a Canadian wife. Eventually she stops loving you.’ I said ‘Felix. You slept with her Sister.’ ‘One time!’ ‘You told me for two weeks.’ ‘One time, two weeks. It has been 14 years. She still hates me.’ I said ‘On her death bed forty years from now in her last breath she will struggle to lift her head and she will say I HATE FELIX. Then she’ll die.’ ‘I know! Canadian women are soooo cold.’
Or, Felix could repent of his infidelity and get some counselling with his wife, instead of just complaining that she's cold to him. The passage of time does not by itself cure deep injuries to trust.
Being 5'6" is basically a sin in itself.
It's not a problem. Filipinas are more interested in what kind of man he is than they are how tall. And what do they bring to the table? Everything - including domestic skills, education, and pleasant personalities - all the skills needed to run an efficient, peaceful, and happy home. And not a hog-ring, tongue piercing or five square-foot tattoo to be found anywhere.
I meant that 5'8" is a sin in the western's women eyes. You can't even introduce yourself or show yourself because they disqualify you before.
That is over-generalizing women's expectations. I am a western woman, and my husband is 5'6". His height was not at all a consideration when deciding whether to date or marry! His character, on the other hand, was everything.
Obviously it is a generalization. Over? I am not sure. That's just the reality. The shorter you are the chances are slimmer. And if you are not handsome then you are definitely unlucky.
Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification.
What to do... indeed moving far, far away from Western women is a great start.
Most of them are really fat.
Not all, but certainly many are. Where I grew up, the common phrase was, "Three axe-handles across the ass."
And while they may have their preferences in men, woe betide any man who suggests that fitness trumps fatness. No accountability for anything....
Excellent post! The narcissism on display here is unreal. “You don't deserve my attention, so I will ridicule you and then ignore you. What? You're not going to beg me for my attention? What's wrong with you?! I *order you* to pay attention to me, and if you don't, I will escalate the lecturing and guilt-tripping until you do!”
<irony alert>
God forbid that these entitled princesses should ever consider that it may be some things in them that need change.
But of course that is the entire thrust of victim culture and its illusory entitlements so speciously claimed.
the cause of grief, real or imagined is always external.
Thus their misery will be eternal
<end irony>
and while on the subject of princesses I take it that you remember the classic fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea" ?
This idea occurred to me the other day and it is thus:
Every aspiring princess NEEDS her pea for she can only show the superiority of her sensitivity and the refinement of her breeding by having something trivial to complain about. This something is such that more gross souls like men and other plebs never even notice .
After all today's aspiring princesses do not have mercy kindness nobility or charity, only the bitter complaint of the aggrieved and sensitive soul
And , I suggest, such rituals as feminist "consciousness raising" - whereby, for example, a friend of mine left her husband after reading Germaine Greer back then - is where aspiring princesses get their peas and thus their excuse for complaining.
If you like this feel free to use it
Thank you. That is good--grievance as demonstration of superior sensitivity. I don't think I ever read 'The Princess and the Pea' but I know the outline.
You're welcome.
Fell free to use this image if you see fit.
MY reason for claiming that I know whereof I speak is because I did this myself to some extent.
For i am in fact cursed with more sensitivity than is good for any man.
another who was also so blessed was the composer Schumann who died insane at age 56. i understood PERECTLY his creeping down the stairs at night to platy chord progression on the piano while weeping his eyes out.
such is morbid and makes life hell
So when i joined my church on conversion to Christ back in 1978 I was driven to madness within 5 years.
And when i found out why this was so i was furious and played the victim for quite a few years.
But rest assured, when the sensitivity is real and the injury real n one cares
my playing the victim card ended when i discovered that i was a collaborator with the church I now deem a cult. I consented to it
i might also suspect that some play sensitivity card as a grift. They are LARPNG.
and they are the ones who get the attention
I remembered that I had the story in a collection of children's books my parents bought for me over 50 years ago
It is by Hans Christian Andersen and can fit on a single page of print. So it is very brief and can be read in a minute or two.
Which I did just now to be sure I had not misrepresented it. I had not but scholarship does matter to me
I imagine it can be found online for nothing
Thank you!
Very true. In my experience women constantly go on about all sorts of minor problems as part of what seems an obsession with fishing for compiments and praise. Having a litany of "problems" seems to be essential because one can then garner praise for overcoming them, however trivial. From health to relationships, to weight, to "society" there is no limit to women's penchant for self revelation in pursuit of sympathy and praise. Men are bad at "help seeking behavior" because they seen far less inclined to broadcast what they perceive "private".
The only good use that women sometimes make of their/our endless ability to find things to grouse about is that it can be a bonding technique between women (and even sometimes between women and men) so long as there is an edge of good humor and laughter in the narratives, and some self-reflexive irony (along the lines of 'What a goof I am to have been taken in by this shyster,' or 'Look at me, complaining about this, when it's my own fault). But feminism elevated grousing into a sacred orthodoxy, and blamed men when they responded rationally.
Long before I took a "red pill" I had always been slightly taken aback by what I, in my male way, took as a sort of disloyalty by women to their partners. There was a constant litany of the "problems" presented by their partners, often including quite intimate details. As you say over time one came to realise that this constant denigration of their partners didn't reflect a lack of affection for the men in their lives but was all part of "sharing" and competing to see who was most "saintly". I recall that in her book Norah Vincent observing the contrast with the way her fellows (as Ned) talked about their wives and partners. Like so many things the ideology of feminism in fact rides on much much older social psychology and peverts it. I think it appeals to the immature particularly because it speaks to the simplicities of adolescence rather than the more complex world of adults, where people can indeed recognise the many contradictions we all exhibit.
Thanks, Janice!
In 2021, in the UK, for the first time in history, a majority of new births came to single mothers.
The most vulnerable of all citizens, new- borns, are mainly in the exclusive care of women. Women whose collective mind- set is exemplified, (for want of all but the most rare of exceptions,) by such careless, fascistic, hate- filled narratives.
It seems to me that boys wanting to be girls is the new rock 'n' roll. They inhabit a world in which to be male is to be sub- human. (Which is how the Nazis characterised those they sent to Auschwitz, etc.)
If it didn’t happen how do you explain Auschwitz? Etc? My wife’s family was Jewish. About 25% of their family died in the camps. My MIL’s childhood friend died in the camps. Many didn’t die. But a large number did.
Same reason you want to believe 40 Israeli babies were beheaded without evidence.
Auschwitz was a concentration camp not a death camp.
Moreover, communism is Jewish. Let's not forget Jews attempted a communist takeover of Germany in 1919.
I don’t believe that. Anyway, you didn’t answer my question. Also, I know jewish communists. And I know lots of non Jewish communists. Saying what you said is akin to saying black gospel music is European because the chromatic scale is European.
Yes, I did answer your question, Auschwitz is was a concentration camp not a death camp. What more do you want?
Yes, Bolsheviks were primarily Jewish, Karl Marx was Jewish. German response was self defence against Jewish supremacist.
What to blame someone for Jewish deaths in these camps, blame the allies for their bombing campaign not the Germans.
Only your first two lines showed up. Now the full response showed. Jews invented a lot of things. Movies for one. A lot of medicines etc. they punch above their weight in good areas and bad areas. Calling Communism Jewish though doesn’t make sense. Karl Marx lived in England. Why is not
English? Why not say ‘Communism is English’?
IMHO, the types of women who despise men in general should just be honest and tell men they aren't interested, as opposed to trying to convince themselves (and the rest of us) that the men are to blame for the feelings these women have. If I were a young single male looking for a partner, I would rather know up front whether or not a young lady has these biases. If so, rather than trying to convince her otherwise, I would not waste my time and I would look for somebody who is more realistic about life. Ironically, there also seems to be no end of videos on-line about women in their mid 30's and older who seem to desperately want to find a partner and can't understand why they are having such a difficult time. Mr Aaron Renn writes with great insight and clarity on the issue of the men and the current problems they are having. One of his points is that many of the people writing about "the problems with men" are women, and it seems they seem to think that if only men would be more like them, they would be ok. These women complain about the male influencers, without realizing that (some) men are attracted to these influencers because they represent things that appeal to the male psyche.
If only boys were more like girls is the concept of modern Western education systems under the control and influence of feminisation. As such, boys' lives and mens' lives are destroyed in the service of women's solopsism.
Janice, this is good work. CNN is such trash.
Ah, the infinite well of compassion feminist women have... for themselves. Same old story.
I’m amused by the feminists and simps who think that isolated men, whom they collectively despised are “entitled” because they want emotional connection with a sympathetic woman, and, after being repeatedly condemned as evil for having both sexual urges and emotional needs, seek a way to satisfy their need for human connection. Misandry is very much the default.
What you describe is a deep hostility to working class and lower middle-class men, mostly, though not exclusively, White by women (mostly, though not exclusively White) who think of men as disposable. When they say they want to have simple human connection they’re laughed at. Then we see the experts announce that they deserve to suffer because of their “entitlement.”
Then we see the experts wondering why more and more men wanting a female person who isn’t a complete cunt.
Yes. Where is the encouragement for women to develop appreciation of men's contribution, their blood, sweat and body-wrecked tears without which women (in general) simply wouldn't have been enjoying their incredibly privileged lives in our era? For that matter, how about some appreciation for the largely male parliaments who supported women's suffrage and over only a century or so (and through fair-mindedness and rational consideration) facilitated such huge changes in women's roles, options and rights, unprecedented in the history of human societies.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but feminists imitate only the shallow aspects of traditional maleness such as wearing suits and taking up high-paid professions. It would be great if they imitated more fair-mindedness, taking responsibility, self-sacrifice, bravery, loyalty, honest rational consideration and prioritising their life partner's happiness, qualities long associated with masculinity. How toxic huh?
The predominance of women in tertiary education will be due to many factors including female dominance over earlier education and women's preference to be paid highly for comfortable roles in air conditioned offices rather than the uncomfortable, often lower-paid jobs that men overwhelmingly undertake. Where are the screams demanding gender equality in the teaching profession? I don't care whether those who designed the bridge I use were male or female as long as it stays up (I can safely assume that the dangerous, dirty, uncomfortable work of actually building the bridge was carried out totally or almost totally by men...), but I care a lot that my children are influenced during their schooling by a balance of both male and female approaches and role models. Gender equality in high-paid professions, stem subjects etc serves only feminist self-interest. It's telling that where gender equality would serve the interests of society such as in education, feminists don't care at all about inequality so long as it's in their favour.
Thank you for this--very well said.
Thanks Janice, that means a lot coming from you!
Keep up the great work, such a valuable contribution to our societies. Despite the increasing efforts of feminists to maintain their grip on thought and lawmakers, I believe your efforts, alongside others and as an inspiration to others, are eroding feminist hegemony in popular culture.
More difficult to challenge will be the role and ulterior motives of the rich and powerful who stand to gain from promoting feminism and feminist laws (e.g. thereby driving down real wages, increasing workforce compliance and expanding consumer demand) and disempowering men from rising up in protection of their families, workplaces or communities. Enabling and encouraging women to have men impoverished or imprisoned at whim is a great way of taking out the threat posed by the strongest and most assertive males against the elites.
Just more evidence as far as I can see that people with manipulative personality defects tend to gravitate towards positions of power where they can influence ever greater numbers. And where else can you have more of an impact on large numbers of people than in the 'news' media? How does the media do that? By 'creating' drama and conflict between groups and individuals - Orwell's 'two minutes of hate' as embedded programming if you like.
The various fake wars on terror, drugs and viruses have had nothing like the longevity or mileage obtained from the manufactured 'war between the sexes'. And like most wars, it began with several 'false flag' events back in the 60s and 70s. The modern use of the term 'false flag' involves one side attacking their own members and blaming it on the other side. Straw men are much easier to defeat than real men.
Notice how feminists always point to women's success in traditional masculine spheres (academia, business, politics) as evidence for their desirability as a mate. They either don't know or don't care what men desire in women. It seems more likely they don't care, as they also teach women to despise men and expect men to always ask for more.
Thanks for these articulate poignant points.