Another insightful piece. I think you are right about Trudeau's feminist-learned fear and contempt for masculinity. Traditional men have their place in the feminist world as tamed circus lions. Recall Trudeau initially praised the truckers for their work at the beginning of the pandemic. But those men from the wild who refuse to obey are an "existential threat"(a term the corporate media often uses on former President Trump), and all the collective power of the state must be brought to bear to crush them.

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Thanks for this highly engaging and thought-provoking piece. My take on Trudeau, at least since the truckers' convoy and his response to it opened my eyes, was that he was just a typical weak man who, given power, overcompensates for his weakness by being overly harsh and in ways that truly strong men would never do or need to do. His treatment of the truckers was just so obviously unnecessary and overblown. I had no idea about his mother who sounds like a woman who could damage any kid.

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I'm from that time and saw when she pulled her shenanigans on her children and husband. She made the rest of us hippie chick's look bad.

This article really touched me deep and revealed my own idiocy of character. Yes, a lot of woman from that time did damage their children.

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Feminism makes women unhappy. I regret many of the ways I acted when I was younger because I thought it was right to be independent and sassy and argue with people and "call out" men for all sorts of things. It was shameful in retrospect.

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An excellent article that tells the truth about Turdeau’s abandonment by his mother, as being the main cause of his dysfunctional personality. I have seen interviews with her, which must be cringeworthy for her children to watch. The people of Canada are the recipients of his anger. He is unqualified to lead a country, and it amazes me how many Canadians are willing to be lambs led to the slaughterhouse of Justin Trudeau.

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When reading Janice Fiamengo’s damning expose of Justine’s emotional makeup, I recalled the remarks made by Douglas Murray in an interview conducted in February by Rita Panahi of Sky News. Ranahi described Trudeau and NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern as “vacuous imposters” who display “performative caring”. Murray said that while empathy is an important attribute in leaders, it is not more important than competing traits like competence. And the idea that “empathy makes them better leaders”, is as he concludes, “an absolute crock.”

Considering the devastating consequences of Ardern’s hardline lockdown protocol and Trudeau’s callous refusal to dialogue with the truckers---and the vindictive incarceration of their leaders--- Murray pointed out that “even on their own terms”, these ‘empaths’ haven’t demonstrated the empathy they claim to be abundantly endowed with.

Whether Trudeau’s effusive tears and ostentatious warmth is genuine or not, the lesson of contemporary politics, I think, is that one must simulate empathy whether you have it or not. The most important thing in political life is sincerity. Once you can fake that, you’ve got it made.

Tim Murray

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Very interesting analyisis, Janice. The trouble is that men who grow up with such mothers still love them and will often defend their poor choices. We now have generations of men who were brought up by single mothers who they see as heroic, men who are happy to denigrate the role of fathers as unimportant. To acknowledge the damage done to fatherless children is to admit they have problems, which may have been the result of their mothers' life choices - a truth many find hard to confront. It is tragic we have so many of these men as leaders, willing to sell out men to pander to their beloved feminist role models.

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Mothers of Serial Killers, comes to mind. published in an Australian broadsheet, I bought in Port Augusta, late April as we were heading west. Year around 1980. It was the year when they discovered bodies being buried in the sand in SA.

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Sorry for such a late comment, Phillip. I wasn't sure what you meant by your lapidary remark, and couldn't Google to any Australian publication called "Mothers of Serial Killers". Could you give the gist of the piece, please?

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I doubt, you would find it using Google. You would have to search for the microfilm at the National Library. Possibly the Age or a South Australian broadsheet.

The date of publication would be either late April or early May, the year of the Turo Murders. 1978-79.

So this is really stretching my memory. However, the basic gist is that the mothers of serial killers worshipped their sons and put their son on a pedestal. He could do no wrong, and she would always excuse his bad behaviour.

Basically, she was the enabler, and if I recall, these mothers would really spoil their sons.

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Great article, Janice...with some profound insights! Thank you...:)

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I know little about Canadian politics but I was aware that from the moment Justin Trudeau came on my radar he was a man not to be trusted in any shape or form. Thank you for an insightful piece on this misguided and dangerous man. I was utterly appalled by his treatment of the hard working decent truckers and their supporters. Janice, your analysis of his facile personality as being that of a narcissist is undoubtedly correct. As for his mother, well, words fail me. A combination of feminist and narcissist hell bent on attaining her own desires with no thought or care for anyone not even her own sons.

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Robert Bork on sincerity


“Clinton may be more typical of our future than of our past. Now, more than ever, the American public responds to politicians as it does to popular entertainers. Think of Clinton as Madonna. He may fade as she has; with any luck he may disappear completely. But, as with Madonna, there will be other Clintons, dismaying as that is to contemplate. David Riesman once wrote that as the public loses competence to judge merits, it values "sincerity," which it believes, quite erroneously, that it is able to judge.”

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Great article, Janice! Helps us understand why we have what we have, even if we don't like it!

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What little I know of and see of this guy persuades me that Fidel must be turning in his grave.

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What is interesting is that lawyer Joseph Neuberger, also sees issues with Trudeau.

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This is slightly off topic as it's just a general Trudeau rant and not about his mother.

I watched the trucker protest from overseas. I was gripped by it. I don't know how many lies that back-of-the-leg-dribble-of-diarrhea Trudeau told but I caught two of them. One was the so-called desecration of a statue - which turned out to involve a traffic cone, a scarf, and some one taking a leak nearby - oh, the violence of it all. The other was a singular nazi flag held by someone who clearly wasn't a trucker, and this became proof of a far-right presence. Trudeau would have received enough of a police briefing to know the truth, yet he went on TV and told lies that the truckers were to blame.

We expect politicians to lie. They lie about their personal wealth, their sex lives, their botched policies and their over-budget programs. I get it, politicians lie. But the one thing they don't lie about is the people. That is one line they don't cross - and Trudeau crossed it. He stood up in front of the nation and told lies about its own people to its own people. Boy, did I see red.

That's a serious kind of shit we in Europe haven't seen for decades. And it didn't end well for Jewish people then. F@@k him.

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Agreed. I wrote on Trudeau's attacks on his own people in another article (which I will not bore you with!). I agree that he crossed a line and it was unforgiveable.

The Freedom Convoy broke my heart. I didn't want to believe in it. I said from the beginning that it would fail utterly. Then I started to believe ... and it was crushed.

But I think the various mandates ended because of those heroes, whose lives have been permanently ruined by Trudeau and his goons.

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I don't think there is a doubleness here.

If his strong emotion and tears are real ( And they may not be, of course ) the flip side of sentimentality is cruelty for when such powerful emotion as weeps at the drop of a hat, or perhaps of a lady's handkerchief, is sufficiently aroused fury is the result and all the vindictiveness this entails.

how do i know this?

I know myself. but at least, though I cry at movies all the time, I only let my ferocious rages out when alone ( and i do live alone)

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