Made half his cabinet female. Feminists rejoice. Doesn't do the same for construction workers, truck drivers, law enforcement, military, fire, or oil & gas workers. Feminists rejoice.
Of course you can't say that she sings better. You'd lose your music gig. But to be serious, your husband's vocal cords are 80 years old. So I gotta say that he sounds good compared to Bob Dylan. I don't know if his poetry is better. That would be tough. But his essay writing is knock down brilliant and he tells a good Jesus joke, as well as others.
e.g. Israeli Paratrooper: If my 'chute doesn't open, how long until I hit the ground? INSTRUCTOR: The rest of your life.
Do you know why Jesus was an utterly Orthodox Jew?
1. He lived at home until he was 30. Then,
2. He went into his Father's business.
3. He believed his mother was a virgin
4. His mother thought he was God.
Only a Jew could think up that one. Only an Irish Catholic couldn't stop laughing --- despite impending flames
A’s hire A’s, B’s hire B’s & C’s,…..& it continues to go down from there. Trudeau is clearly a C like his mother hiding behind emotional excuses for their behavior/actions. Sadly in this day & age enough of the population falls for the act. He’s aware enough to never subject himself to an A level subordinate - male or female!
Was that when one of the political parties had a man as the winner over all the others in that party, and then was accused of rape, and had to dropped out of the campaign and a women took his place, and then the rape accusation disappeared?
Could it be that the rape accusation was false like most are, was used a reputational murdering for power situation where some woman jumped forward for the chance to lie to hurt a man, and did she have to fight over it with all the other lying vicious soul-sicken man-hating women, for the fun of destroying a man's dream and rightful fruit of years of work, like all the back-stabbing vile divorcing putrid mothers, the most delusional immoral back-stabbing virtueless psycho horror will get the children to abuse and twist into mind-raped copies of her demons?
And are the lying vile false-rape accusing women's name not released so they can do it again, or because we all might be warned of the putrid lying dangerous women's name and so treat her like the dangerous pile of poison vomit she hopes to be someday?
"Son of a sexually liberated w0e-MAN who lost interest in mothering, Trudeau is a case study in the effects of toxic femininity" BINGO! I haven't even read the article and yet, your Entree was enough to get it. BINGO!
If we compare his dad Castro's behaviour, it might explain some things. I think Trudeau suffered from fetal alcohol syndrome, and no one wanted to say anything because it was impolite. Anyway, his brother was supposed to be PM but died. Canada got the sloppy seconds because he was Swamp breeding.
All spot on except, and you might find this trivial but it is not. The Left is not liberal. The Left pays for their programs by taking money from others, thus decreasing the liberty of the taxed. The Left then addicts others to government programs, which define and dictate how they live, thus depriving them of liberty. Leftism is centralized government control by a self-appointed elite. Language is important. Twisting our language is how the Left has manipulated the masses further curtailing liberty.
"Liberal" is the new illiberal collectivist tyranny. The word's meaning has been inverted like all satanic endeavours.
Liberal used to mean:
A political philosophy based on the belief in progress towards maximum liberty of the individual and stressing the essential goodness, nobility and righteousness of the human race, freedom for the individual from arbitrary authority, and protection and promotion of political, religious and civil liberties.
Liberal, as an adjective, once denoted an attitude or approach characterized by openness to new ideas, progress, or reform of a system to bring it into line with natural law. It implied a willingness to challenge conventional norms and advocate for social, political, or economic change.
"Liberal" policies are now woke, often claiming to prioritize individual freedoms, equality, and justice but instead pushing division, censorship and social justice. There is no diversity of thought, only hive mind obedience to the woke authorities, which have no grounding in reality, consistency or standards. Without double and triple standards, they would have none.
I agree with your statement. My point was to indicate the subversion of language and our capitulation to it if we don’t expect and practice proper definitions. We now have no definition for a woman. We accept the application of gender to humans when it was intended as a linguistic term. We now apply terms such as trans and nonbinary to humans. When we acquiesce to their language we adopt their positions.
Moreover, we now have no definition for a "man," even though feminists (and wokers) clearly believe that it refers to biology (as in "testosterone poisoning") and is therefore neither remediable by culture (as in "hegemonic masculinity") nor redeemable by atonement (as male feminists discover when feminists fail to pin medals on them).
We must stand firm on truth. Look where politically correct language got us. They lie, cheat and steal to move their agenda forward. Pretending they are genuine is our fault and it must stop.
They are communists (feminism is a sub-category of communism) using every advantage to move their agenda forward. Manipulation is their only weapon because their ideas suck.
The problem has its roots in their contestation of natural law. They do not possess the brain power to correctly observe even basic animal behavior let alone infer any meaning from it.
The woke problem is just the result of letting everyone decide instead of the wisest/most competent. Which is why it invariably ends up in some sort of communism. They are very dependent on the collective, otherwise they couldn’t survive (they believe it’s a good thing).
If you were to remove all modern confort (built by the people they hate), wokeness would disappear pretty quickly, nature does not allow too many mistakes.
This is why they focus on nonsense such as gender and like to say everything is socially constructed; they try to transcend nature but it is fundamentally impossible, no matter how much technology you have at disposition.
Left is collectivist and they do not want you to see them clearly, so they can manipulate you and your ignorance.
The real political spectrum is this:
Left is total government control;
right is no government control.
The spectrum is degrees between those two points.
The communists have distorted the language to indicate a narrow band of possible reality, the left is a communist government and the right is a fascist government ( both are big government control of the individual). By using this scale, you always pre-posed their government's bureaucratic control. University has become a communist indoctrination mill, churning out leftist cult members who go into government, banking and media et al.. The communists themselves called this the long march through the institutions. They claim Nazis were on the right, but they were socialists, which is next to communism in the actual spectrum.
We need a new terminology. He is on the Left culturally and in some sense economically, with lavish government funding for many programs. He has certainly done nothing good for working people. His policies during the Covid era destroyed many people's livelihoods and businesses. I'll never forget the outrageous heartbreak of seeing so many small stores closed on the grounds of 'safety' while Costco was raking in money with customers cheek-to-jowl.
Perhaps you could adopt Australian terminology. Here the conservative/right wing party is called the Liberal Party. I used to think it was part of Australian humour. Like when the Prime Minister drowned at the beach, so we named a swimming pool after him.
Left is collectivist and they do not want you to see them clearly, so they can manipulate you and your ignorance.
The real political spectrum is this:
Left is total government control;
right is no government control.
The spectrum is degrees between those two points.
The communists have distorted the language to indicate a narrow band of possible reality, the left is a communist government and the right is a fascist government ( both are big government control of the individual). By using this scale, you always pre-posed their government's bureaucratic control. University has become a communist indoctrination mill, churning out leftist cult members who go into government, banking and media et al.. The communists themselves called this the long march through the institutions. They claim Nazis were on the right, but they were socialists, which is next to communism in the actual spectrum.
Hey, there’s no evidence that Harold Holt wasn’t assumed corporeally into Heaven, abducted by the Greys of ζ reticuli, or evaporated into a cloud of gas.
There's actually a book called "The Prime Minister Was a Spy" claiming he was a Chinese spy and faked his own death to board a Chinese submarine, and lived happily ever after in Beijing!
The "COVID" dynamic had nothing to do with "left." It was large capital destroying small capital, part of the basic capitalist dynamic of centralization and concentration, in this case carried out with the direct aid of the state. Such state/capital cooperation dates back to the emergence of capital and the modern state onto the stage of history, starting in late medieval England and then spreading to the rest of the world. This dynamic is most certainly not good for working people.
It is abhorrent that most of what passes for the "left" embraced the official "COVID" narrative and mandates. This is a result of the modern "left" largely embracing the state and indeed even capital.
Yes, corporate-globalist-capital in alliance with elite opinion-makers, academics, and politicians against working people and small business owners. I'm not sure where the unions fit. They seem to have embraced the Big State as well.
The major unions long ago (1910s to 1930s) made peace with big capital and the state and in fact became workplace policing forces against the workers. Those unions which didn't were targeted and repressed.
Left is collectivist, and Trudeau is definitly a collectivist; all his policies are big government communists rebranded as something else.
The real political spectrum is this:
Left is total government control;
right is no government control.
The spectrum is degrees between those two points.
The communists have distorted the language to indicate a narrow band of possible reality, the left is a communist government and the right is a fascist government ( both are big government control of the individual). By using this scale, you always pre-posed their government's bureaucratic control. University has become a communist indoctrination mill, churning out leftist cult members who go into government, babking and media et al.. The communists themselves called this the long march through the institutions. They claim Nazis were on the right, but they were socialists, which is next to communism in the actual spectrum.
"Liberal" is the new illiberal collectivist tyranny. The word's meaning has been inverted like all satanic endeavours.
Liberal used to mean:
A political philosophy based on the belief in progress towards maximum liberty of the individual and stressing the essential goodness, nobility and righteousness of the human race, freedom for the individual from arbitrary authority, and protection and promotion of political, religious and civil liberties.
Liberal, as an adjective, once denoted an attitude or approach characterized by openness to new ideas, progress, or reform of a system to bring it into line with natural law. It implied a willingness to challenge conventional norms and advocate for social, political, or economic change.
"Liberal" policies are now woke, often claiming to prioritize individual freedoms, equality, and justice but instead pushing division, censorship and social justice. There is no diversity of thought, only hive mind obedience to the woke authorities, which have no grounding in reality, consistency or standards. Without double and triple standards, they would have none.
I don’t think I understand. Are you saying that Trudeau’s behavior, comments, positions, policies are merely due to a distorted perception of the observer?
Not at all, everything about him is EFFED UP. What i'm saying is that a frame of reference for political positions which has Trudeau on the "left" is grossly distorted. He is a creature of big capital and big state. This entire frame of reference which has taken over modern language is a deliberate distortion, a lie, intended to confuse people.
Very enlightening. It also demonstrates how, in the long run, feminist upbringing of children fails them later in life. Canada will be better off once "Governor" Trudeau is out of office.
Excellent analysis Janice. After his mother's flight Justin strove to become an developed woman. Men need intact mothers in order to be initiated by the men. One indigenous group has a ritual where the boy is asked by the mother to go to the well and bring her a cup of water. The boy goes and gets the water and returns and promptly throws the water in the mother's face. He then goes to be with the men. Many mothers understand this. The sense that their growing son is insulting them in order to carve out his own masculine identity. Many mothers don't. And some, like Trudeau's mother don't stick around to be insulted leaving the boy in a state of perpetual youth.
So she was hypersexual and didn't parent. That explains a LOT, and not just with Justin! It seems like he got his politically manipulative behaviours from his mother then!
Insightful, thank you. This article needs to be a launchpad for further inquiry in two opposing temporal directions: to what extent has this narcissistic maternal influence resulted in more extreme pathological behaviour in Justin; and what was done to Margaret in her formative years to produce such a mother?
The interplay of personal psychopathy v. the social psychopathy of feminism is an intriguing topic.
Men can never do enough to satisfy the feminists since they demand absolute surrender and perfect obedience. Indeed once a man begins to reshape himself to please feminists they will continually move the goal posts while ridiculing his efforts and condemning his motives.
Far better for a man to live upon his feet with his sword in his hand than to live on his knees in abject and useless submission.
Congratulations on an excellent critique of Trudeau. You made his flip flop policies make sense, at least in a psychological sense. They never made political sense.
The role of a politician is to create a majority in favour of a policy or suite of policies. This requires the ability to build a consensus. Trump and Farage show this ability. Trump did not side with a majority of republicans, he caused a majority of Republicans to side with him. Churchill did not reflect the attitude of the British people to the war, he created a new attitude within them.
Trudeau often attempted to choose a political wave and ride it to the end. This sometimes worked but often did not. This made him look inconsistent because waves and people are inconsistent.
As a New Zealander I ask what attitude my government wants me to have about New Zealand, and I have no real idea. They are riding the waves and going nowhere.
I blame a lot of this on the public relations industry. They have taken over many political campaigns and are paid big bucks by political candidates. They are often correct tactically and nearly always wrong strategically. Their use of polling data and study groups are nearly always focussed on current public attitudes, which are frequently as shallow as a bird bath, and reasonably easily overturned. Are you in favour of illegal immigration? Yes. Why? Um, , ,
PR firms would have told David Cameron that there was a clear majority in opposition to Brexit. And I am sure that was correct. But I made money by betting in favour of Brexit early. (I read a lot! And the EU is a delightful opponent!)
Part of the problem is that staffers, who are trained to serve political interests, too often become political candidates. Such people frequently make mediocre politicians. They often lack conviction, and connection to real people. They are risk averse and quickly become slaves of the Bureaucracy. Not all fail, but most do. Former NZ PM Jacinda Ardern who was a staffer was actually a competent politician, who lacked a sound policy base. The best vacuum cleaner salesperson needs a vacuum cleaner to sell! Ardern could sell! She could have been successful but was not. Like Trudeau, she did not build anything new and left almost nothing behind.
Trump will attempt to "Make America Great Again." That is sufficient reason to support him. Will he succeed? I do not know. But at least he will try. And New Zealand needs the USA to be much better than it is. If they go bust , so will we.
Within the family tree of "poorly mothered" children runs a strain of "poorly fathered" mothers--virtually gauranteed. While reading this article I could hear the voice of a 1970's game show host in the back of my mind saying, "Johnny, show 'em what they've won!" This is tragic--almost to the point of being beyond ridicule.
And yet, those in both the fore and back ground of the federal liberal party knew enough about some or much of Justin's history and still selected him as their chosen one. Was it entirely about the brand name? Is there something about candidates with less than traditional family dynamics that catch the current interest of party elites?
Regarding one of the trucker convoy in Ottawa photos. Who was the individual dressed in a brown parka and under the back hoof or hooves of a mounted horse? Why was this man not made an instant hero and celebrity from being trampled and injured like the woman in the red parka had been? Whatever became of this man? Why was this man's humanity not acknowledged by both media reports and the public not long after this grievous insult? It was like this man was invisible to the world at large. Could it be that old boogie man "male privilege" at work again?
Good point, Mike. I don't know who the man was. To my knowledge, he did not go to hospital, so perhaps he managed to avoid the horse's hoofs. Even the Indigenous woman, who DID go to hospital, was largely ignored, which is almost inconceivable in contemporary Canada. If it had been, say, an environmental protest, especially against a right-wing government, there is no way these two would not have become 'Persons of the Year.' But of course, if it had been that, it's more doubtful the Emergencies Act would have been invoked for a peaceful protest that posed no threat. Canada is a thoroughly progressive country with contempt for the working people, mostly men, who keep it running through the sweat of their brow.
When Trudeau was chosen as Liberal party leader, many conservatives rubbed their hands in glee, thinking he would be immediately exposed for the prancing narcissist he is--and soundly defeated. Instead, he went on to win a landslide victory in 2015 and to maintain power ever since (though he lost the popular vote to the Conservatives in the last election). I think the name-brand recognition was part of it. He was very popular (still is) with female voters and with younger voters. He legalized marijuana. He was adored by media and the intelligentsia. That was enough for a long time. Stephen Harper, the sober and decent (I thought) leader of the Conservatives, who steered Canada ably through the 2008 economic meltdown, was utterly despised.
Your observations concerning the 2015 election are a good reminder of what has occurred since.
Conservative Party media ads depicting Monsieur Trudeau as, "Not Ready (yet)", had displayed then a degree of prescience. That ad was not necessarily meant to besmirch. It was a foreshadowing of what Canada received after 2015.
The PMO, and those displaying the big minds of the day, all benefited career-wise by promoting the hand-wringing politics of 'woke', which is now under dispute. These politics are likely to have been a brave excursion into the new ways of some entities foreign to us, but not so much for the people of Canada, and the nation. The people of Canada remained to live practically despite who or what was at the rudder. For most of the time from 2015 until now, we've been stalled by the minutiae of the unproven.
Regarding the two elders in Ottawa defending the nation.
It is difficult to be everywhere at any time. I observed numerous media reports concerning the woman shown on the ground in the photo. Fox News even covered this angle. More than once. I saw on-line news articles with photos of her in a hospital bed. Not so much anywhere as an acknowledgement for the 'privileged male' in receipt of the same horse walk upon his body.
I heard from an individual who claimed to be in Ottawa on this day, who claimed to be an eye-witness to the events above, who claimed to be paddy-wagoned and driven to the outskirts of Ottawa, who claimed to be abandoned in the -20 to -30 degree something cold without proper footwear and winter gear - who claimed an addition to the story of the older trampled man.
From what the world observed as events in Ottawa, and what we in this blog community understand - neither the additional but unrecognized horse trampling and the brutality seen during the final Trucker Convoy day in Ottawa could be beyond belief.
From what the world observed as events in Ottawa, and what we in this blog community understand - neither the additional but unrecognized horse trampling and the brutality seen during the final Trucker Convoy day in Ottawa could be beyond belief.
Reading this brings back a virtual lifetime of memories for me. I was 20 when PET was elected Prime Minister in 1968. My mother pointed out to me that she and I were the same age differential as Pierre and Margaret. Yup. Pierre, born in 1919, and Maggie, 1948. When they married, Pierre was 52 and Margaret 23. Nearly 30 years age difference! What could go wrong?
I think this topic - the feminist Margaret and son Justin Trudeau - would be a good subject for a book by Janice Fiamengo. Justin and his mother's crazy twisted feminist philosophy have had a significant impact on Canadian society since the 70s.
i enjoyed reading this a lot, having been something of a canadian until 2022 following trudeau's 2021 job or jab mandate. i chose no jab, no job. and following trudeau's not so veiled threats to the obviously misogynist, racists who he didn't know what he would do with no jabber-walker, and being unable to afford canada being a no-jobber, i exited to great effect.
you may find the interview jordan peterson did with celine caesar-chavannes, another competent female cabinet minister, interesting. caesar-chavannes adds to the narcissist nature of trudeau's decision making and her quick rise and fall.
"Trudeau, Women, & Minorities: the Brutal Reality | Celina Caesar-Chavannes | EP 493"
and you carefully did not include reference to his pedagogy: for certain he is the son of fidel castro, born about nine months after margaet and pierre visited castro. and the phyiscal resemblance is spot on, including his being close to the same height as castro whereas pierre is about 8 inches shorter.
finally, another interesting and important factoid that may help explain his openly expressed respect and even like for chinese-syle dictatorship is his being a proud graduate of the schwab school of tyrannical indoctrination. as one of schwab's young leaders, schwab had high praise for trudeau and his cabinet being amongst the best of his marionettes. my paraphrase.
all the best with what has changed in 2024! and with everything that is to change in 2025! everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.
All the best to you also in 2025. I've not found any evidence that the Trudeaus visited Cuba before Justin was born. As far as I can discover, the first state visit to Cuba was in 1976. Justin was born in 1971.
i appreciate the pushback. i 'remember' seeing photographs of the trudeaus with castro before justin was born. unfortunately i didn't take the time to save them or their sources at the time. this was still early in my have had my life turned upside down with the convid plandemic and early wake-up disorientations 'syndrome'. i am more careful about evidence sourcing and records than i was then. although still not 'perfect'.
so... for now, the near identical physical characteristics will stand, or not, as suggestive without being proof. and i am inferring that you have seen the striking comparative photos.
I fucking hate Trudeau, passionately, but he looks a lot like Pierre with better hair (from his mother). He’s not Castro’s kid, that’s an old joke that nobody takes seriously. No, he’s his father’s son, sadly. A spoiled princeling living in his father’s shadow, dying to bring the same panache to the PM’s office as his flamboyant father. Instead he’s just a high school drama teacher. Pathetic.
Sadly, Trudeau also suffers from his elitist upbringing and connections. His version of Canada is completely disconnected from that of the majority, their lives and priorities. He has also embraced the religion of Wokeism, with complete fanaticism and an unlimited drive to give away taxpayers dollars in the name of 'saving the planet' from a science fiction threat.
Trudeau will transition to the role he has bought with the UN, where he will support anti-Western causes and help advance the Islamic agenda.
Made half his cabinet female. Feminists rejoice. Doesn't do the same for construction workers, truck drivers, law enforcement, military, fire, or oil & gas workers. Feminists rejoice.
We can't forget, as Bruce Pardy has written elsewhere, women have been conferred the status of "equal but special" ;)
Unless they are part of trucker convoys. Or otherwise oppose the Turd.
Hypocrite Definition & Meaning
1. a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion 2. a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings
Unless you are an actual woman, named Tamara Lich. She is so cute, nice and tough. She also sings better than Janice's hubbie! (Needle Needle)
She's a knock-down great rock singer, but I wouldn't say she sang better.
Of course you can't say that she sings better. You'd lose your music gig. But to be serious, your husband's vocal cords are 80 years old. So I gotta say that he sounds good compared to Bob Dylan. I don't know if his poetry is better. That would be tough. But his essay writing is knock down brilliant and he tells a good Jesus joke, as well as others.
e.g. Israeli Paratrooper: If my 'chute doesn't open, how long until I hit the ground? INSTRUCTOR: The rest of your life.
Do you know why Jesus was an utterly Orthodox Jew?
1. He lived at home until he was 30. Then,
2. He went into his Father's business.
3. He believed his mother was a virgin
4. His mother thought he was God.
Only a Jew could think up that one. Only an Irish Catholic couldn't stop laughing --- despite impending flames
But can he be sure they are female? I believe they have difficulty defining a woman.
Nicely done!
A’s hire A’s, B’s hire B’s & C’s,…..& it continues to go down from there. Trudeau is clearly a C like his mother hiding behind emotional excuses for their behavior/actions. Sadly in this day & age enough of the population falls for the act. He’s aware enough to never subject himself to an A level subordinate - male or female!
You cannot apply equality a la carte. That's the opposite of equality.
You're confusing 'equality' with 'women's equality'.
Laughed! You're exactly correct. 🎯
What about a set men-u? :)
Was that when one of the political parties had a man as the winner over all the others in that party, and then was accused of rape, and had to dropped out of the campaign and a women took his place, and then the rape accusation disappeared?
Could it be that the rape accusation was false like most are, was used a reputational murdering for power situation where some woman jumped forward for the chance to lie to hurt a man, and did she have to fight over it with all the other lying vicious soul-sicken man-hating women, for the fun of destroying a man's dream and rightful fruit of years of work, like all the back-stabbing vile divorcing putrid mothers, the most delusional immoral back-stabbing virtueless psycho horror will get the children to abuse and twist into mind-raped copies of her demons?
And are the lying vile false-rape accusing women's name not released so they can do it again, or because we all might be warned of the putrid lying dangerous women's name and so treat her like the dangerous pile of poison vomit she hopes to be someday?
God Bless., Steve
Without triple standards, feminists would have none.
Where I live two thirds of cabinet ministers are women. Apparently this is how equality works in 2025.
The consolation is that the long term result will so atrocious that they will never be allowed any kind of position down the road.
It’s just gonna take a while, in the meantime you can enjoy the show.
"Son of a sexually liberated w0e-MAN who lost interest in mothering, Trudeau is a case study in the effects of toxic femininity" BINGO! I haven't even read the article and yet, your Entree was enough to get it. BINGO!
If we compare his dad Castro's behaviour, it might explain some things. I think Trudeau suffered from fetal alcohol syndrome, and no one wanted to say anything because it was impolite. Anyway, his brother was supposed to be PM but died. Canada got the sloppy seconds because he was Swamp breeding.
All spot on except, and you might find this trivial but it is not. The Left is not liberal. The Left pays for their programs by taking money from others, thus decreasing the liberty of the taxed. The Left then addicts others to government programs, which define and dictate how they live, thus depriving them of liberty. Leftism is centralized government control by a self-appointed elite. Language is important. Twisting our language is how the Left has manipulated the masses further curtailing liberty.
"Liberal" is the new illiberal collectivist tyranny. The word's meaning has been inverted like all satanic endeavours.
Liberal used to mean:
A political philosophy based on the belief in progress towards maximum liberty of the individual and stressing the essential goodness, nobility and righteousness of the human race, freedom for the individual from arbitrary authority, and protection and promotion of political, religious and civil liberties.
Liberal, as an adjective, once denoted an attitude or approach characterized by openness to new ideas, progress, or reform of a system to bring it into line with natural law. It implied a willingness to challenge conventional norms and advocate for social, political, or economic change.
"Liberal" policies are now woke, often claiming to prioritize individual freedoms, equality, and justice but instead pushing division, censorship and social justice. There is no diversity of thought, only hive mind obedience to the woke authorities, which have no grounding in reality, consistency or standards. Without double and triple standards, they would have none.
Your thoughts?
I agree with your statement. My point was to indicate the subversion of language and our capitulation to it if we don’t expect and practice proper definitions. We now have no definition for a woman. We accept the application of gender to humans when it was intended as a linguistic term. We now apply terms such as trans and nonbinary to humans. When we acquiesce to their language we adopt their positions.
Moreover, we now have no definition for a "man," even though feminists (and wokers) clearly believe that it refers to biology (as in "testosterone poisoning") and is therefore neither remediable by culture (as in "hegemonic masculinity") nor redeemable by atonement (as male feminists discover when feminists fail to pin medals on them).
We must stand firm on truth. Look where politically correct language got us. They lie, cheat and steal to move their agenda forward. Pretending they are genuine is our fault and it must stop.
If you follow the logical conclusion of continued “liberalism”, “woke” is to be expected.
They are communists (feminism is a sub-category of communism) using every advantage to move their agenda forward. Manipulation is their only weapon because their ideas suck.
The problem has its roots in their contestation of natural law. They do not possess the brain power to correctly observe even basic animal behavior let alone infer any meaning from it.
The woke problem is just the result of letting everyone decide instead of the wisest/most competent. Which is why it invariably ends up in some sort of communism. They are very dependent on the collective, otherwise they couldn’t survive (they believe it’s a good thing).
If you were to remove all modern confort (built by the people they hate), wokeness would disappear pretty quickly, nature does not allow too many mistakes.
This is why they focus on nonsense such as gender and like to say everything is socially constructed; they try to transcend nature but it is fundamentally impossible, no matter how much technology you have at disposition.
Meritocracy is natural law.
Collectivism is a cult.
Left is collectivist and they do not want you to see them clearly, so they can manipulate you and your ignorance.
The real political spectrum is this:
Left is total government control;
right is no government control.
The spectrum is degrees between those two points.
The communists have distorted the language to indicate a narrow band of possible reality, the left is a communist government and the right is a fascist government ( both are big government control of the individual). By using this scale, you always pre-posed their government's bureaucratic control. University has become a communist indoctrination mill, churning out leftist cult members who go into government, banking and media et al.. The communists themselves called this the long march through the institutions. They claim Nazis were on the right, but they were socialists, which is next to communism in the actual spectrum.
See the trick.
A frame of reference which has Trudeau, a tool of multinational capital, on the "left," is distorted beyond redemption.
We need a new terminology. He is on the Left culturally and in some sense economically, with lavish government funding for many programs. He has certainly done nothing good for working people. His policies during the Covid era destroyed many people's livelihoods and businesses. I'll never forget the outrageous heartbreak of seeing so many small stores closed on the grounds of 'safety' while Costco was raking in money with customers cheek-to-jowl.
"We need a new terminology."
Perhaps you could adopt Australian terminology. Here the conservative/right wing party is called the Liberal Party. I used to think it was part of Australian humour. Like when the Prime Minister drowned at the beach, so we named a swimming pool after him.
Collectivism is a cult.
Left is collectivist and they do not want you to see them clearly, so they can manipulate you and your ignorance.
The real political spectrum is this:
Left is total government control;
right is no government control.
The spectrum is degrees between those two points.
The communists have distorted the language to indicate a narrow band of possible reality, the left is a communist government and the right is a fascist government ( both are big government control of the individual). By using this scale, you always pre-posed their government's bureaucratic control. University has become a communist indoctrination mill, churning out leftist cult members who go into government, banking and media et al.. The communists themselves called this the long march through the institutions. They claim Nazis were on the right, but they were socialists, which is next to communism in the actual spectrum.
See the trick.
Hey, there’s no evidence that Harold Holt wasn’t assumed corporeally into Heaven, abducted by the Greys of ζ reticuli, or evaporated into a cloud of gas.
There's actually a book called "The Prime Minister Was a Spy" claiming he was a Chinese spy and faked his own death to board a Chinese submarine, and lived happily ever after in Beijing!
I remember that one.
Yes and the story of family businesses destroyed is the same down under whether whatever the stripe of government
The "COVID" dynamic had nothing to do with "left." It was large capital destroying small capital, part of the basic capitalist dynamic of centralization and concentration, in this case carried out with the direct aid of the state. Such state/capital cooperation dates back to the emergence of capital and the modern state onto the stage of history, starting in late medieval England and then spreading to the rest of the world. This dynamic is most certainly not good for working people.
It is abhorrent that most of what passes for the "left" embraced the official "COVID" narrative and mandates. This is a result of the modern "left" largely embracing the state and indeed even capital.
Yes, corporate-globalist-capital in alliance with elite opinion-makers, academics, and politicians against working people and small business owners. I'm not sure where the unions fit. They seem to have embraced the Big State as well.
The major unions long ago (1910s to 1930s) made peace with big capital and the state and in fact became workplace policing forces against the workers. Those unions which didn't were targeted and repressed.
Unions were taken over by the communists.
In Canada they are one in the same!
The Canadian government is a theatre of the absurd, led by an actual drama teacher.
Left is collectivist, and Trudeau is definitly a collectivist; all his policies are big government communists rebranded as something else.
The real political spectrum is this:
Left is total government control;
right is no government control.
The spectrum is degrees between those two points.
The communists have distorted the language to indicate a narrow band of possible reality, the left is a communist government and the right is a fascist government ( both are big government control of the individual). By using this scale, you always pre-posed their government's bureaucratic control. University has become a communist indoctrination mill, churning out leftist cult members who go into government, babking and media et al.. The communists themselves called this the long march through the institutions. They claim Nazis were on the right, but they were socialists, which is next to communism in the actual spectrum.
See the trick.
My Michigan governor did the same thing. Devastating, especially in poor communities.
"Liberal" is the new illiberal collectivist tyranny. The word's meaning has been inverted like all satanic endeavours.
Liberal used to mean:
A political philosophy based on the belief in progress towards maximum liberty of the individual and stressing the essential goodness, nobility and righteousness of the human race, freedom for the individual from arbitrary authority, and protection and promotion of political, religious and civil liberties.
Liberal, as an adjective, once denoted an attitude or approach characterized by openness to new ideas, progress, or reform of a system to bring it into line with natural law. It implied a willingness to challenge conventional norms and advocate for social, political, or economic change.
"Liberal" policies are now woke, often claiming to prioritize individual freedoms, equality, and justice but instead pushing division, censorship and social justice. There is no diversity of thought, only hive mind obedience to the woke authorities, which have no grounding in reality, consistency or standards. Without double and triple standards, they would have none.
Your thoughts?
I don’t think I understand. Are you saying that Trudeau’s behavior, comments, positions, policies are merely due to a distorted perception of the observer?
Not at all, everything about him is EFFED UP. What i'm saying is that a frame of reference for political positions which has Trudeau on the "left" is grossly distorted. He is a creature of big capital and big state. This entire frame of reference which has taken over modern language is a deliberate distortion, a lie, intended to confuse people.
Very enlightening. It also demonstrates how, in the long run, feminist upbringing of children fails them later in life. Canada will be better off once "Governor" Trudeau is out of office.
Excellent analysis Janice. After his mother's flight Justin strove to become an developed woman. Men need intact mothers in order to be initiated by the men. One indigenous group has a ritual where the boy is asked by the mother to go to the well and bring her a cup of water. The boy goes and gets the water and returns and promptly throws the water in the mother's face. He then goes to be with the men. Many mothers understand this. The sense that their growing son is insulting them in order to carve out his own masculine identity. Many mothers don't. And some, like Trudeau's mother don't stick around to be insulted leaving the boy in a state of perpetual youth.
That is along the theme of "Iron John" by Robert Bly, where the boy must steal the key from his mother, if I remember correctly.
Excellent analogy. I always thought Native Americans were Matriarchal but maybe this particular tribe isn't.
To no one’s surprise, the description of toxic femininity sure seems to overlap with a description of feminism.
Such a great read, thank you, as always Janice 💙
So she was hypersexual and didn't parent. That explains a LOT, and not just with Justin! It seems like he got his politically manipulative behaviours from his mother then!
I wonder if it is all part of the plan.
Insightful, thank you. This article needs to be a launchpad for further inquiry in two opposing temporal directions: to what extent has this narcissistic maternal influence resulted in more extreme pathological behaviour in Justin; and what was done to Margaret in her formative years to produce such a mother?
The interplay of personal psychopathy v. the social psychopathy of feminism is an intriguing topic.
Men can never do enough to satisfy the feminists since they demand absolute surrender and perfect obedience. Indeed once a man begins to reshape himself to please feminists they will continually move the goal posts while ridiculing his efforts and condemning his motives.
Far better for a man to live upon his feet with his sword in his hand than to live on his knees in abject and useless submission.
Congratulations on an excellent critique of Trudeau. You made his flip flop policies make sense, at least in a psychological sense. They never made political sense.
The role of a politician is to create a majority in favour of a policy or suite of policies. This requires the ability to build a consensus. Trump and Farage show this ability. Trump did not side with a majority of republicans, he caused a majority of Republicans to side with him. Churchill did not reflect the attitude of the British people to the war, he created a new attitude within them.
Trudeau often attempted to choose a political wave and ride it to the end. This sometimes worked but often did not. This made him look inconsistent because waves and people are inconsistent.
As a New Zealander I ask what attitude my government wants me to have about New Zealand, and I have no real idea. They are riding the waves and going nowhere.
I blame a lot of this on the public relations industry. They have taken over many political campaigns and are paid big bucks by political candidates. They are often correct tactically and nearly always wrong strategically. Their use of polling data and study groups are nearly always focussed on current public attitudes, which are frequently as shallow as a bird bath, and reasonably easily overturned. Are you in favour of illegal immigration? Yes. Why? Um, , ,
PR firms would have told David Cameron that there was a clear majority in opposition to Brexit. And I am sure that was correct. But I made money by betting in favour of Brexit early. (I read a lot! And the EU is a delightful opponent!)
Part of the problem is that staffers, who are trained to serve political interests, too often become political candidates. Such people frequently make mediocre politicians. They often lack conviction, and connection to real people. They are risk averse and quickly become slaves of the Bureaucracy. Not all fail, but most do. Former NZ PM Jacinda Ardern who was a staffer was actually a competent politician, who lacked a sound policy base. The best vacuum cleaner salesperson needs a vacuum cleaner to sell! Ardern could sell! She could have been successful but was not. Like Trudeau, she did not build anything new and left almost nothing behind.
Trump will attempt to "Make America Great Again." That is sufficient reason to support him. Will he succeed? I do not know. But at least he will try. And New Zealand needs the USA to be much better than it is. If they go bust , so will we.
Within the family tree of "poorly mothered" children runs a strain of "poorly fathered" mothers--virtually gauranteed. While reading this article I could hear the voice of a 1970's game show host in the back of my mind saying, "Johnny, show 'em what they've won!" This is tragic--almost to the point of being beyond ridicule.
And yet, those in both the fore and back ground of the federal liberal party knew enough about some or much of Justin's history and still selected him as their chosen one. Was it entirely about the brand name? Is there something about candidates with less than traditional family dynamics that catch the current interest of party elites?
Regarding one of the trucker convoy in Ottawa photos. Who was the individual dressed in a brown parka and under the back hoof or hooves of a mounted horse? Why was this man not made an instant hero and celebrity from being trampled and injured like the woman in the red parka had been? Whatever became of this man? Why was this man's humanity not acknowledged by both media reports and the public not long after this grievous insult? It was like this man was invisible to the world at large. Could it be that old boogie man "male privilege" at work again?
Good point, Mike. I don't know who the man was. To my knowledge, he did not go to hospital, so perhaps he managed to avoid the horse's hoofs. Even the Indigenous woman, who DID go to hospital, was largely ignored, which is almost inconceivable in contemporary Canada. If it had been, say, an environmental protest, especially against a right-wing government, there is no way these two would not have become 'Persons of the Year.' But of course, if it had been that, it's more doubtful the Emergencies Act would have been invoked for a peaceful protest that posed no threat. Canada is a thoroughly progressive country with contempt for the working people, mostly men, who keep it running through the sweat of their brow.
When Trudeau was chosen as Liberal party leader, many conservatives rubbed their hands in glee, thinking he would be immediately exposed for the prancing narcissist he is--and soundly defeated. Instead, he went on to win a landslide victory in 2015 and to maintain power ever since (though he lost the popular vote to the Conservatives in the last election). I think the name-brand recognition was part of it. He was very popular (still is) with female voters and with younger voters. He legalized marijuana. He was adored by media and the intelligentsia. That was enough for a long time. Stephen Harper, the sober and decent (I thought) leader of the Conservatives, who steered Canada ably through the 2008 economic meltdown, was utterly despised.
Hi Janice
Your observations concerning the 2015 election are a good reminder of what has occurred since.
Conservative Party media ads depicting Monsieur Trudeau as, "Not Ready (yet)", had displayed then a degree of prescience. That ad was not necessarily meant to besmirch. It was a foreshadowing of what Canada received after 2015.
The PMO, and those displaying the big minds of the day, all benefited career-wise by promoting the hand-wringing politics of 'woke', which is now under dispute. These politics are likely to have been a brave excursion into the new ways of some entities foreign to us, but not so much for the people of Canada, and the nation. The people of Canada remained to live practically despite who or what was at the rudder. For most of the time from 2015 until now, we've been stalled by the minutiae of the unproven.
Regarding the two elders in Ottawa defending the nation.
It is difficult to be everywhere at any time. I observed numerous media reports concerning the woman shown on the ground in the photo. Fox News even covered this angle. More than once. I saw on-line news articles with photos of her in a hospital bed. Not so much anywhere as an acknowledgement for the 'privileged male' in receipt of the same horse walk upon his body.
I heard from an individual who claimed to be in Ottawa on this day, who claimed to be an eye-witness to the events above, who claimed to be paddy-wagoned and driven to the outskirts of Ottawa, who claimed to be abandoned in the -20 to -30 degree something cold without proper footwear and winter gear - who claimed an addition to the story of the older trampled man.
From what the world observed as events in Ottawa, and what we in this blog community understand - neither the additional but unrecognized horse trampling and the brutality seen during the final Trucker Convoy day in Ottawa could be beyond belief.
addition to the story of the older trampled man.
From what the world observed as events in Ottawa, and what we in this blog community understand - neither the additional but unrecognized horse trampling and the brutality seen during the final Trucker Convoy day in Ottawa could be beyond belief.
Reading this brings back a virtual lifetime of memories for me. I was 20 when PET was elected Prime Minister in 1968. My mother pointed out to me that she and I were the same age differential as Pierre and Margaret. Yup. Pierre, born in 1919, and Maggie, 1948. When they married, Pierre was 52 and Margaret 23. Nearly 30 years age difference! What could go wrong?
I think this topic - the feminist Margaret and son Justin Trudeau - would be a good subject for a book by Janice Fiamengo. Justin and his mother's crazy twisted feminist philosophy have had a significant impact on Canadian society since the 70s.
“The Party told you to ignore
The evidence of your ears and eyes.
It was their final, most essential command.”
- George Orwell
hola, janice.
i enjoyed reading this a lot, having been something of a canadian until 2022 following trudeau's 2021 job or jab mandate. i chose no jab, no job. and following trudeau's not so veiled threats to the obviously misogynist, racists who he didn't know what he would do with no jabber-walker, and being unable to afford canada being a no-jobber, i exited to great effect.
you may find the interview jordan peterson did with celine caesar-chavannes, another competent female cabinet minister, interesting. caesar-chavannes adds to the narcissist nature of trudeau's decision making and her quick rise and fall.
"Trudeau, Women, & Minorities: the Brutal Reality | Celina Caesar-Chavannes | EP 493"
and you carefully did not include reference to his pedagogy: for certain he is the son of fidel castro, born about nine months after margaet and pierre visited castro. and the phyiscal resemblance is spot on, including his being close to the same height as castro whereas pierre is about 8 inches shorter.
finally, another interesting and important factoid that may help explain his openly expressed respect and even like for chinese-syle dictatorship is his being a proud graduate of the schwab school of tyrannical indoctrination. as one of schwab's young leaders, schwab had high praise for trudeau and his cabinet being amongst the best of his marionettes. my paraphrase.
all the best with what has changed in 2024! and with everything that is to change in 2025! everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.
All the best to you also in 2025. I've not found any evidence that the Trudeaus visited Cuba before Justin was born. As far as I can discover, the first state visit to Cuba was in 1976. Justin was born in 1971.
hola, janice.
i appreciate the pushback. i 'remember' seeing photographs of the trudeaus with castro before justin was born. unfortunately i didn't take the time to save them or their sources at the time. this was still early in my have had my life turned upside down with the convid plandemic and early wake-up disorientations 'syndrome'. i am more careful about evidence sourcing and records than i was then. although still not 'perfect'.
so... for now, the near identical physical characteristics will stand, or not, as suggestive without being proof. and i am inferring that you have seen the striking comparative photos.
I fucking hate Trudeau, passionately, but he looks a lot like Pierre with better hair (from his mother). He’s not Castro’s kid, that’s an old joke that nobody takes seriously. No, he’s his father’s son, sadly. A spoiled princeling living in his father’s shadow, dying to bring the same panache to the PM’s office as his flamboyant father. Instead he’s just a high school drama teacher. Pathetic.
Sadly, Trudeau also suffers from his elitist upbringing and connections. His version of Canada is completely disconnected from that of the majority, their lives and priorities. He has also embraced the religion of Wokeism, with complete fanaticism and an unlimited drive to give away taxpayers dollars in the name of 'saving the planet' from a science fiction threat.
Trudeau will transition to the role he has bought with the UN, where he will support anti-Western causes and help advance the Islamic agenda.