More and more, I begin to wonder if the reforms were not actually meant to help women but rather to help feminism. Feminism needs a lot of unhappy women who are aggrieved, single, and feeling put-upon. That's how feminism keeps on.
I think many of them are reforms made with short term goals in mind, with no thought of side effects and long term consequences. As Thomas Sowell said, this often happens with economic policies. But yes, feminism is a parasitic ideology that feeds on unhappiness, so it relies on persuading women that they're forever getting the short end of the stick.
Once again, feminist reforms meant to help women have had unintended side effects that harm them, and once again, they seem completely unaware of it.
More and more, I begin to wonder if the reforms were not actually meant to help women but rather to help feminism. Feminism needs a lot of unhappy women who are aggrieved, single, and feeling put-upon. That's how feminism keeps on.
I think many of them are reforms made with short term goals in mind, with no thought of side effects and long term consequences. As Thomas Sowell said, this often happens with economic policies. But yes, feminism is a parasitic ideology that feeds on unhappiness, so it relies on persuading women that they're forever getting the short end of the stick.