I have been meaning to write about his case but have been such a coward as to be unable to read the transcripts of exactly what was said to him. I can't bear it; I get too angry.
I find when I get triggered by what is written, I need to walk away for a while, sometimes that while is many years. The book "Venus The Dark Side" I avoided buying for many years and even after buying it, it took many months before I actually read it.
Generally the more the person tries to bend over backwards to prove they're not a racist/sexist/misogynist, the more vulnerable they are to these accusations.
Two words: Richard Bilkszto
I have been meaning to write about his case but have been such a coward as to be unable to read the transcripts of exactly what was said to him. I can't bear it; I get too angry.
I find when I get triggered by what is written, I need to walk away for a while, sometimes that while is many years. The book "Venus The Dark Side" I avoided buying for many years and even after buying it, it took many months before I actually read it.
Generally the more the person tries to bend over backwards to prove they're not a racist/sexist/misogynist, the more vulnerable they are to these accusations.
Didn't know about this case, thanks for pointing to it. how horrible.