The definitions of rape and sexual assault, first in feminist ideology and now in law, are so loose as to be almost meaningless. Add to that that rape is used synonymously with sexual assault (the 'Stanford Rapist' was neither charged with nor convicted of rape) in the media and even feminist 'scholarship' and you have the perfect formul…
The definitions of rape and sexual assault, first in feminist ideology and now in law, are so loose as to be almost meaningless. Add to that that rape is used synonymously with sexual assault (the 'Stanford Rapist' was neither charged with nor convicted of rape) in the media and even feminist 'scholarship' and you have the perfect formula for demonizing male sexuality.
I know that many (probably not here, so much) will see this as jaw dropping misogyny, but I am EXTREMELY dubious that a woman as grotesquely unattractive as Andrea Dworkin was raped at all, much less many times. Still, if all it takes is a lingering gaze (as one might be unable to look away from a train wreck) to constitute sexual violation . . .
#BINGO! Well said. That's exactly my interpretation through my lens as well. I've been observing this $MeToo phenomena since I was 15 years old back in the mid 1970's.. It may sound cruel, but truth is most rape accussers have bad self images and are of low self esteem.
Most are retro interpreting things from the past they consented to at the time.
Attention/money/victim politics/ all play a role. George Will wrote an article about rape victim status being a coveted status. Notice it's invariably wo-MEN who are beyond their prime making these claims like they want to be reborn virgins? I think it's MENOPAUSE driving this phenomena
The definitions of rape and sexual assault, first in feminist ideology and now in law, are so loose as to be almost meaningless. Add to that that rape is used synonymously with sexual assault (the 'Stanford Rapist' was neither charged with nor convicted of rape) in the media and even feminist 'scholarship' and you have the perfect formula for demonizing male sexuality.
I know that many (probably not here, so much) will see this as jaw dropping misogyny, but I am EXTREMELY dubious that a woman as grotesquely unattractive as Andrea Dworkin was raped at all, much less many times. Still, if all it takes is a lingering gaze (as one might be unable to look away from a train wreck) to constitute sexual violation . . .
#BINGO! Well said. That's exactly my interpretation through my lens as well. I've been observing this $MeToo phenomena since I was 15 years old back in the mid 1970's.. It may sound cruel, but truth is most rape accussers have bad self images and are of low self esteem.
Most are retro interpreting things from the past they consented to at the time.
Attention/money/victim politics/ all play a role. George Will wrote an article about rape victim status being a coveted status. Notice it's invariably wo-MEN who are beyond their prime making these claims like they want to be reborn virgins? I think it's MENOPAUSE driving this phenomena