My sister was stealing things like cake decorations, so she was taking parts of packets of marzipan animals. I suppose these just got sold on to the customer with bits missing. This was in the 1970s before all the sealed packaging we have today. I'm sure my father noticed her stealing, but didn't do or say anything about it.
It's quite hard to track back to the discussion in substack, so I can't find the original discussion.
Hi Ben, Sorry for the long delay in this reply. I needed to do some repairs on my computer, and the wait for parts was interminable. Thankfully, I have rejoined the 21st Century.
I agree it's difficult to track back on Substack. There's a few comments I've wished I could reply to, but never managed to find them within the thread. I can't complain too much, though, as it's a sign of a lot of engagement with articles on important topics (Don't feel you have to try to find this one to reply. I'm sure we'll cross pathes again soon).
I knew about Wynona. She's the poster child for shoplifting as antisocial female behavior.
I wonder if your dad made up for her thefts out of his own pocket. o you think he would have ignored the truth about a son doing that?
Hi again Trish.
My sister was stealing things like cake decorations, so she was taking parts of packets of marzipan animals. I suppose these just got sold on to the customer with bits missing. This was in the 1970s before all the sealed packaging we have today. I'm sure my father noticed her stealing, but didn't do or say anything about it.
It's quite hard to track back to the discussion in substack, so I can't find the original discussion.
Hi Ben, Sorry for the long delay in this reply. I needed to do some repairs on my computer, and the wait for parts was interminable. Thankfully, I have rejoined the 21st Century.
I agree it's difficult to track back on Substack. There's a few comments I've wished I could reply to, but never managed to find them within the thread. I can't complain too much, though, as it's a sign of a lot of engagement with articles on important topics (Don't feel you have to try to find this one to reply. I'm sure we'll cross pathes again soon).