Hi again Stephen. A bit more from me. I am sceptical of "unconscious anything" as aetiological prerequisites for psychological maladaptation and a resultant noisy, often highly gendered, political activism. I am relying mostly on personal experience here. Nonetheless I would challenge the hypothesis that what is readily observed by untra…
Hi again Stephen. A bit more from me. I am sceptical of "unconscious anything" as aetiological prerequisites for psychological maladaptation and a resultant noisy, often highly gendered, political activism. I am relying mostly on personal experience here. Nonetheless I would challenge the hypothesis that what is readily observed by untrained individuals and even stated by the subject is not what is going on so deeply inside someone's head that no-one other than a learned clinician can find it.
Narcissistic women's "disdain for maleness" (and I choose the words carefully) surely does not masquerade as shame or hatred for women including oneself. As the saying goes, "It is what it is" and not its gendered inverse. It may be safer for me to overtly defer to better minds than my limited experience, but I shall nonetheless covertly stick to my testosterone fuelled scepticism. Cheers. :-)
Hi again Stephen. A bit more from me. I am sceptical of "unconscious anything" as aetiological prerequisites for psychological maladaptation and a resultant noisy, often highly gendered, political activism. I am relying mostly on personal experience here. Nonetheless I would challenge the hypothesis that what is readily observed by untrained individuals and even stated by the subject is not what is going on so deeply inside someone's head that no-one other than a learned clinician can find it.
Narcissistic women's "disdain for maleness" (and I choose the words carefully) surely does not masquerade as shame or hatred for women including oneself. As the saying goes, "It is what it is" and not its gendered inverse. It may be safer for me to overtly defer to better minds than my limited experience, but I shall nonetheless covertly stick to my testosterone fuelled scepticism. Cheers. :-)
Thanks for your kind replies, Richard. All the best to you. :-)