4 hrs agoLiked by Janice Fiamengo

“Toxic masculinity”, until a woman does it, then it’s “empowerment” or “confidence”.

My teenager is starting to see first hand in high school how conniving and downright mean some of the female classmates can be. I wish I could tell him they’ll grow out of it, but I know from experience that’s not always the case. Funny how the worst of the mean girls went on to be teachers, I feel like that’s relevant to point out after reading this.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Janice Fiamengo

I fear that feminism is creating the monster that it wants to destroy.

Sadly, I beleive that in a few more years, we will start to see the monster emerging. If boys today believe that they have nothing to live for, no hope, no dreams, and to be seen as only criminals, then they will become the very monster that feminists have created.

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That'd be the plan, I expect. Already men are incarcerated at a rate about 10-1 vs. womem. More evidence of the 'patriarchy', hmm?

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3 hrs agoLiked by Janice Fiamengo

There is an increase in what is known as Carceral Feminism.

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Doubtless. The morbid, sadistic desire to see the suffering of The Other. . . in this case, males.

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And the invisible, non-existent, patriarchy will be to blame.

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Such a good piece Janice. Great job of giving a sense of the nonsense of that report.

My own take is that this is a sure sign that we are winning. Feminists have, for decades, found ways to NEVER have to defend their ideas and theories. Anyone who disagreed was immediately a misogynist. They never learned how to engage in a two way interchange that honored not only your own way of seeing the world, but someone else's. Now we see their defenselessness. They can't deal with even a young boy disagreeing with their world view. If that happens he must be misogynist! It is for this reason that I think this is actually a very positive sign. They are truly desperate. Their desperation will expose their idiocy. People will take a look at this and know that they are not mentally healthy and its time for a change.

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If you’re threatened by an eleven-year-old boy disagreeing with you you’re really not cut out to teach. Why isn’t this obvious to the whining feminist whores?

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"Their desperation will expose their idiocy."

Sadly, I think their desperation in the future will result in more totalitarian methods in an attempt to quell dissent.

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"Winning" does not include reliance on schoolboys to counter the nonsense they are being taught. "Winning" is about developing teacher training science and methods such that future teachers rise above dumb ideology, misogyny and misandry, while educating children of both sexes, and making that a prerequisite to employment as a teacher. In that we, and our children, are losing. We must do more. Much much more. There will be time to celebrate then.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Janice Fiamengo

The old saying applies here, garbage in, garbage out. The teachers are dehumanizing the boys so naturally most boys will rebel. There is great danger here.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs agoLiked by Janice Fiamengo

Great danger, there is nobody more dangerous than a person who believes that they have nothing left to lose. Manshaming and the Patriarchy virus, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QELHy4ezmcA

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When I separated from the military in the mid-Seventies, I immediately enrolled in the local community college. Even then, the female teachers were hard at work feminizing the Language departments, primarily by hiring only women for open positions, and teaching from 'feminist perspectives'. Fem-empowerment already was all the rage, and it never entered their minds that THEY were being bigots. Goddess forbid! They were on the Right Side of Moral History, you see.

Later as a professional, I saw the same thing in our organization: when women became department heads, almost invariably they'd hire other women -- often personal friends -- for any openings. This was not bigotry, oh no, it was 'righteous empowerment'.

Bad as those experiences were, they pale in comparison to the beatdowns and brainwashings that boys must endure before the Feminist Horde in schools. I shudder when thinking of the millions of households where little boys are left at the (often sadistic) hands of mothers and other female authority figures, because daddy has been forced-out of the picture. Castrating little boys is now becoming more common; they call it 'gender re-identification', etc. Boys NEED men present to guard them from the depredations of feminist relatives and 'teachers'. Often male infants and small boys are terribly abused by mothers and other female relatives. Society's interest in this? Zero.

Who do boys have these days to safeguard them from pathological females, and from pathological feminist societies and cultures? Well, that'd be us. Yep. We are IT, and there are very few of us, and we can only do so much. The schools, colleges, courts, corporations, media, LE, government, even the churches . . . all feminized or feminist.

These past decades I have written at length about the spiritual aspects of our feminist institutions and cultures, and there is no doubt in my mind that, at root, feminism is a demonic, satanic ideology which has infested and infected every aspect of our lives. What comes immediately to mind is the recent Scamdemic, in which newly empowered, authoritarian nurses literally DANCED in the aisles of their hospital wards and ERs, high on the attention and gifted-totalitarianism dropped into their laps. Meanwhile, en masse, hospitals and doctors falsified records to show that 'covid' was the cause of death in thousands, perhaps millions, of cases in which, to be brief, it was not.

Thanks to Janice for this brave and much-needed report. We few must stand for truth in the face of our societies of lies, and we must stand as guardians of little boys and male students, who have no other voice in the face of the massive feminist tide. It is not easy and I will not pretend that it is; however, it is work desperately needed and will be rewarded in due time.

My apologies for hogging the comments section. I could go on at much greater length, is the sad truth of it.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Janice Fiamengo

Deeply disturbing, because it all rings so true and pervasive. Anti-male thinking and policies are so all-encompassing that it takes a brilliant discerning analyst, Dr. Fiamengo, to identify it.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Janice Fiamengo

The feminist propaganda mill will continue to worsen , targeting ever broader segments of the population, until the public takes steps to stop it.

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Interesting article. I have to say that for me...Alpha male always, if I wanted a woman, I would be a lesbian.

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More I learn about sex differences in biology the less supportive I become of gender equality and I was already not very supportive of gender equality in my naïve high school years because equality didn't build Western civilisation, patriarchy did that.

Furthermore, a bit of an impertinent topic, part of me don't really care about the gender disparity at universities, probably because I think universities in this day and age is an absolute joke: free speech is virtually non-existent, replete with political correctness/wokeism, everything is politicized because of the extreme left wing bias, degrees have become increasingly meaningless because too many people are going to universities, more jobs are increasingly dropping the requirement for degrees (about time), most people don't get the job the study for, degrees are overpriced, etc...

Universities are honestly overrated. In past, especially prior to the 1960s, far less people were going to universities, yet they were wealthier and happier and more innovative.

I wouldn't be surprise if at some point in the future, feminist will be complaining about women being deeply in debt .

What you wrote is similar to Critical Race Theory, that everything is white people's fault. There are educational grants for non-whites but none for whites. Whites in the UK are now least likely to go to universities, this include white women: https://www.theguardian.com/education/2015/nov/11/white-british-pupils-least-likely-to-go-to-university-report

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As always a magnificent piece of writing Janice. The school incident you refer to where male students had to stand and apologise to the girls is my home town - Brauer College in Warrnambool. I often hear people say thank goodness Australia isn’t as bad as other countries in wokeness and feminism and it amazes me. We are world leaders and have only accelerated down a slippery slope since Julia Gillards prime ministership in 2014. The same party is now back in power, dominated by angry feminists, changed family law to hugely disadvantage men and is now introducing misinformation/disinformation legislation that will make criticism of feminist and woke ideology illegal. I am somewhat encouraged by young males identifying toxicity of feminism and rejecting it but a pity Tate is a leader of that cause. The gender divide is the biggest of all societal divides in western society and I can’t see it ending well. Someone else here suggested feminism has created the monster it opposes and I couldn’t agree more. Scary times ahead.

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One of the more interesting things about the sudden discovery that boys prefer to be told how to be manly rather than to be ashamed of being male is how shocked these teachers feel when they realize their propaganda is being challenged. They double down on the definition of masculinity as inherently predatory.

There is a gigantic problem with this. That is that feminist orthodoxy contends that gender is a product of socialization not an inherent set of conditions resulting from the pressures of evolution on living organisms over the past (counting on fingers) half a billion years.

However, in the face of simple questioning the respondents in this study resort to arguing that maleness is •inherently• problematic and threatening. So is gender a matter of nurture or nature? All of a sudden it’s the latter not the former.

Or to put it another way, the response to boys questioning what they are taught, or expressing admiration for a man of mixed race who presents them with an image of resilient masculinity, is to condemn the boys for the original sin of being born male.

In essence, these teachers, having told boys that they should apologize for existing, are responding to being questioned, or to the astonishing discovery that boys possess minds of their own, by loudly declaring that little boys are made of frogs, and snails, and puppy dogs’ tails, and have shat on the world supply of sugar, spice, etc.

Now either there is inherent masculinity, or it’s a product of culture. If the teachers are attempting to force boys into the mold of girls (junior grade), and the boys are resisting then it might behoove them to rethink what they’re doing. Instead they jump to defining boys as possessing an inherent predatory masculinity.

When you’ve defined a part of reality as either/or you really can’t say “one sometimes, the other at other times.” You have to deal with it as its own phenomenon. If that’s causing you to adopt a paradigm that you insist you are rejecting, then you have a problem.

The problem is that you are being forced to acknowledge your misandry, and the failure of your efforts to cow boys into submission. If boys are responding to a vision of manhood as strong, resilient, and self-determined rather than bowing their heads to an understanding of masculinity as the most evil thing that has ever existed you might want to rethink what you’re doing and help the boys to head towards the blend of responsibility, self-esteem, and resilience that are the foundational characteristics of solid masculine adulthood.

None of these teachers seem to understand that you don’t help boys to become men by telling them that possessing a penis and testicles is shameful, and that any sign of independence of mind is as evil as setting fire to the Mona Lisa.

Boys are naturally drawn to strength and determination, since those are qualities inherent to adult masculinity. Female teachers who do not understand this should stop teaching boys, and let men do the job of guiding them to responsible adulthood.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

I come from a male line that generates male children at the rate of approximately 4 males:1 female. I can tell you that if these kids are being abused our guys either aren’t buying it or see it for what it is… bullshit.

We aren’t the only ones. In the States young males are rallying around the flag, gravitating to the right and if the article I read this morning is correct, showing up in increasing numbers at churches and synagogues.

To escape the crap they teach at public schools instead of the Math,

English and History as they’re supposed to my Daughters in law now send their children to religious affiliated daycare and so far K-8 middle schools. At the very least they’re going to know what bathroom to use.

I feel badly for the young boys who are being brow beaten and indoctrinated in this anti-male milieu, but I must say that in general, allowing themselves to be affected by this is something that kinda bounces off most guys backs even the little ones. It’s especially ineffective if there is a strong balanced and loving male presence at home.

This current crop of feminist BS indoctrinated females are running out of fuel and will die alone in their cat infested abodes surrounded by the yellowing remains of their propaganda rags explaining how Kamala the Wise dropped the ball. The pendulum’s movement to the right is starting to pick up speed and will take this generation of young girls with it! You can see that as well

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Let's not be coy.

It is a sad fact of human nature that hatred, as in the feminist kind, will all too often be responded to by hatred.

"Misogynist" is not an accusation that by logic can or must silence anything at all .

What is said in hatred is not necessarily false. It may be a truth with the hatred being an ungodly response to an evil correctly discerned.

This is why hate speech laws are worse than useless

The misogyny that feminists scream about may in fact be created by their own misandry

This is NOT an endorsement of said hatred, just an observation. Of course feminists are too far gone to realize this and will continue spewing forth their own hatred of males yet will act shocked if and when hatred in kind is returned to them

As for the feminist hatred being peddled in schools, I was too overly sensitive for my own good and feminism wrecked me in my High School years of the early 1970's.

I shudder to think how sensitive young boys like I was are faring under today's institutionalized viciousness

and that is my key point here.

this is collective punishment , which is a crime against humanity. If collective punishment is never justified then collective responsibility ( "all males are toxic and all males are guilty of it") is the theory behind collective punishment and if it is indistinguishable from this may be a crime against humanity also .

Feminism as a species of cultural (ie gendered) genocide? feminism as a crime against humanity for being collectivist in its doling out of punishment?.

My thinking so even to consider let alone agree to this is a far cry from the self castrated cuck I was for 40 years in believing this poison which is feminism

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Years ago I took over a remedial English class, all boys but for one female. They had destroyed their previous female teacher who had force-fed them a diet of endless exercises. Supposedly this material, all right and wrong answers, "appealed" to boys. So when I got the class we wrote poetry, and much of it was sensitive, thoughtful and articulate. But I thought those were "female" characteristics!

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Good stuff. One comment: the article that is linked to (2nd paragraph) where it says that boys are taught that their experiences aren’t as important as girls, does not in my opinion demonstrate that. The linked article does focus exclusively on girls’ interests, but that in and of itself is not evidence that it teaches boys anything about the relative importance of boys’ and girls’ experiences.

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