Jun 2, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Clearly the message to be taken from this is that more Canadian women need to get their skates on and take up competitive hockey, where they would be immeasurably safer than they would in the conjugal kitchen, where all manner of baked goods risk putting an end to their cognitive functions.

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That is the logic of the message, exactly.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo


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In which case the feminist message must be half baked!

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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Good article. Data manipulation is everywhere, and it is getting worse. There is very little (read: none) information today that is published in the MSM that one can take at face value. My professional sector is energy, and the MSM misinformation about the subject is literally out of control.

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Yes, I can well believe it.

The difference between the misinformation about energy on the MSM and the misinformation about domestic violence is that a majority of people don't have the science background to be able to tell truth from lies regarding the energy sector. But everybody must know--and could easily tell from looking into the source studies--that 92% of 'abused' women do not have traumatic brain injury.

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

And btw, the specific reason I wrote to the OCDSB to request that refrain from using words like 'hate' to describe disagreement, is that A) it normalizes the use of the word hate for disagreement (which would lead to future bad outcomes for society) and B) it lets the State, Establishment and activists frame the debate, which in this process of low level media brainwashing slowly convinces normie people over time that anyone who objects (usually in good faith) to gender ideology is a monster. Most casual observers will just fall for it, because they don't have the time to investigate, and then the ideologues (who are the genuine radicals) win. This cant stand.

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

I agree, and even defies common sense. I think the issue is most people are too busy with other things to dedicate the required bandwidth to to do much critical thinking on anything they see in the news, even if it defies common sense, and thus the propaganda just kind of sinks in, without anyone realizing, and before long their unstated assumptions about the world have been changed. I am not sure its even really propaganda, its more like a slow process of progressive low level brainwashing. Its is just terrible. And its everywhere now, in all media, all the time.

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023

The time crunch and lack of bandwidth is only getting worse in recent decades. Back when the normal state of an adult was to be married, the division of labor allowed both sexes a lot more free time. The man didn't have to keep up a household of his own in addition to a job, and the women didn't have to have a job in addition to housekeeping and child raising. And neither had to engage in all the time consuming activities of following (or dodging) child custody and visitation arrangements. As a long-married woman, I can't image how exhausting such a life might be.

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Spot on. And it was a deliberate policy of the powers that be to break up family life so that the masses, male and female, could be controlled.

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Good observation. My current family position is like the way you describe yours to be, so I am able to study what is going on out there, somewhat.

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Thank you. I'm glad you're putting your time toward studying what's going on, and I feel fortunate to have time for such endeavors as well. With an awareness of the difficulties other people have in making time for researching and cogitating, I think the best move for people in our position is to share what we've uncovered with as many willing recipients as we can find among our too-busy peers, relatives and friends, pass along particularly striking data, and question egregious misinformation when we can.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

The dishonest and self-serving tactics underpinning this campaign are precisely why the humanities have lost credibility since feminism became the prevailing lens through which all gender-related scholarship must be reported. Rather than advancing a conclusion based on an honest and rigorous assessment of methodologically sound and responsibly collected data, feminism always begins with the conclusion that women are disproportionately victimized and then backfills the data through idea laundering or other shameless misrepresentation of the facts. The academy should be ashamed that--with few exceptions such as Dr. Fiamengo's work--it has allowed this degradation of scholarly inquiry into gender to continue unabated.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

I suppose another downside to the false equivalence of this bizarre marketing campaign is that all the advocacy on behalf of concussed pro athletes goes up in smoke. It's as if Linden is saying all the football, rugby, soccer and hockey players suffering life-long brain injury are just a bunch of whining babbies. There's huge attention to concussion protocols in kids sports these days. That good progress will be undermined by the idea that all the moms watching their kids on the sidelines are setting a bad example by "recklessly allowing themselves to be concussed." Should moms be wearing helmets too?

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Good point. All medical resources will now be redirected towards women. It's almost as if the feminists couldn't bear the thought that hurting men were getting care and attention.

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In the Will Smith true-story film Concussion, all the drama is about pro football players killing themselves, with a heroic immigrant doctor bravely speaking up for the loss of these great men. How dare he!

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Excellent, thanks Janice. In my experience ALL feminist 'research' is fraudulent.

Mike Buchanan



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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

It's the dictionary definition of 'oxymoron', Mike.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Thanks DH, indeed!

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

It's extraordinary how feminists will use exaggerated numbers to make marriage sound dangerous, when the alternatives like living together or serial monogamy put women into situations where they - and their children - are more likely to be victims of violence, than wives living in stable marriages are. Of course, the increasing rates of female unhappiness are never examined in terms of the declining rates of marriage.

It's been a while since I looked at FBI statistics on domestic violence, but the last time I did, the percent of married couples that reported such incidents was about 5% of all marriages, the violence was almost always mutual combat, and women were more likely than men to use a weapon on their partners (this made me think of old tropes, such as in "Hagar the Horrible" cartoons, where the wife resorts to threats with a frying pan or rolling pin). In the past year, I learned that the FBI is no longer reporting domestic violence statistics with separate categories for married, living together and dating couples, mashing all these numbers together (probably because the older way of reporting made marriage look too good).

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

The ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) is also resorting to de-gendering it's statistics where the data by gender, and /or age, doesn't support the feminist narrative.

Hägar the Horrible portrayal the “wife” being aggressive / threatening /violent and that it was acceptable for a woman to behave in such a manner, is no different from many cartoons (+ TV shows and movies) when I was growing up in the 60's & 70's and this has potentially helped to lay the foundations for the feminist narrative: “she wouldn’t have done what she did unless he’d done something wrong. Therefore, it’s his fault.

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

I'm sad Australia is messing with their data, too. It's so sad and weird that women who are as strong and powerful as men also need men to do pretty much everything possible to make the way easier for women, and get the blame when women misbehave.

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo


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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Cell Block Tango from Chicago…He Had It Comin’!

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As feminists have been known to say: "There’s three types of people in the world ... those who know maths, and those who don't ".

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo


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Thanks. I needed a chuckle!

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Yes, it was a joke - there's really only two types of people: those who like to classify others ... and those who don't!

(said by someone famous, but I don't remember who)

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Reminds me of this off-topic observation:

There's 10 kinds of people in this world

Those who understand binary

and those who don't

(I'll show myself out, now)

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No please don't go - I think you might be on to something there. It might just explain the various types people around lately calling themselves 'non-binary'. What is that anyway? Something like an 'imaginary number'? A unicorn?

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Sadly, imaginary numbers have a functional use in mathematics, and a unicorn has value as a symbol for youth and virtue in a story - but a nonbinary human is nothing but an attention-seeking person with nothing useful to offer society.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

In their clarity and intelligence, JF’s essays are a marvel to behold. And in their keen grasp of facts, they are always enlightening and rewarding. George P.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Do you think the author of this nonsense really believed it?

My last GF was a PhD candidate in gender studies and I literally never had any idea whether she really believed nonsense like this. It was like the belief, itself, had moral value to her whether it was true or not. It was very, very similar to fundamentalist Christians who will tell you they believe in Noah's Ark when you know, because they're reasonable and intelligent otherwise, that they couldn't possibly believe in it literally.

I can't remember who said this, perhaps George Carlin, but the definition of faith, as opposed to knowledge, is the ability to believe something even though you know it isn't true. This perfectly describes academic feminism.

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I think you've hit the nail on the head. It's not a matter of believing in specific studies, statistics, or 'facts' (even, for example, much-touted credos such as the gender pay gap or the 1 in 4 women raped in her lifetime). It's a matter of believing that men have done atrociously horrific things to women throughout history, and that in the grand scheme of things, women are FAR MORE sinned against than sinning, men privileged, uncaring, and oppressive. The vast majority of women, and a lot of men, believe this absolutely. Therefore, the details, as here, simply don't matter.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

The feminist practice of "idea laundering" was cultivated for this very reason. It intentionally blurs distinctions between valid data collected through methodologically sound research and "knowledge" about gender that feminism wants readers to accept without raising questions as to its provenance. It's appalling that supposedly legitimate academic journals and publishing houses have allowed this practice to flourish to a point where the entire field of gender studies is overwhelmingly corrupted.

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

"laundering" has been applied to "feeling afraid” and “actual grounds for fear” so that now self-professed “I feel afraid” is given the same creditability in society, and in the Feminist Industrial Complexes; Family Law and Domestic Violence

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This is a very disturbing development. Fear, like any emotion is transitory, but the Feminism Industrial Complexes, Family Law & Domestic Violence Industrial Complexes (as well as social services, child protective services, and other feminist fiefdoms) treat it as if it were an adjudicated fact. The "rational individual" standard has also been pushed to the wayside.

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I've been refering to them as "Industrial Complexes" for some years now; they are all interlinked and mutually supportive

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I like the use of the term 'industrial complex." I think of all these entities as one gigantic, inter-connected institution, or industrial complex - perhaps the family destruction industrial complex.

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"idea laundering" leading to "money laundering" often at taxpayers' expense but society's expense in the end.

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Far too many academic journals and publishing houses have gone the way of the woke.

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I believe in Noah's Ark literally! I'm also an inventor and I hold a 'PATENT' on the worlds first #HEXAPHONIC Guitar Amplfier. You can look up my patent on line. Naval Architects rediscovered that Noah's Arks dimensions were the optimum for riding stormwaves with maximum stability, making it completely uncapsizable. In 1935 the USS Oregon was constructed to exactly the Arks ratios and is considered to have been the most sea worthy warship ever built. Carlin was a great comedian but dead wrong. Faith is believing in things that are unseen but you know are TRUE anyway. In fact I believe the origin of fEMINISM was in the garden when Satan promised Eve equality.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." - Mark Twain (and/or Disraeli).

Social justice activist groups have a political agenda, which they then use (or rather misuse) statistics and social studies to promote, often disingenuously. This is not only a failing of feminism but all such groups and movements. They exaggerate, amplify, or manufacture a claim to blame a particular group and create a moral panic over the alleged wrongdoing, in order to gain power and funding for themselves. And to a great degree, they're successful because the media goes along with it.

This is not to say there's not a kernel of truth that they're trading on (e.g., some men abuse women) but by exaggerating the claim in their press releases they're able to get the mainstream media to give credibility to their agonistic worldview -- in this case, men as a group are oppressors and women as a group are the oppressed. I have seen the same tactic used in other social justice and environmental causes. These causes are not wrong in themselves but the NGOs and activists that represent them are frequently less interested in justice than funding and the feeling of power they get from activism.

The problem lies with the media who uncritically accept at face value the claims of the activists without double-checking them. You've essentially done their job for them here. The standard of journalism is at an all-time low, subverted by ideology, and corrupted by powerful interests (e.g., Big Pharma, the CCP).

Men, in this case, are a convenient scapegoat for the dominant narrative. You see the same thing with claims that "white supremacy" is the greatest peril facing the West. In fact, it's Leftist ideology, which is incrementally destroying the West. I appreciate your articles for getting at the truth in the midst of a society too easily swayed into accepting false narratives.

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I'm grateful Janice did the research to expose the lies behind these numbers. But in the absence of research we all have common sense. When faced with remarkable 'facts' surely everyone should first ask the question: 'If this were true what's the least I would expect to see?'

In this case we would expect to see emergency wards filled with women with concussion. Judging by the numbers they would be filled to overflowing. I'm going to guess, not being canadian, that the CBC isn't reporting on such an apocalypse.

Same thing with the 25% of female students raped on campus.

And women being afraid that men on dates will murder them.

I'm sure the list could be longer. Any additions welcome.

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Exactly. How could any sane person believe it?

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Since the covid 'thing' I have been saying: it is like the world is under some sort of Spell!!

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More well argued proof that feminism is a hate movement?

why am i not surprised.

But many thanks, Ms Fiamengo

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Think Woke Leftists Are Psychopaths? Recent Study Agrees


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I'd like to see an analog to this on female reputation destruction. Passive aggressive coercive control. Manipulation. The death by a thousand cuts that women wield on men, and other women, and get by with. I've actually just come out the other side of this sort of thing with a female writing "partner." The toll this sociopath narcissist took on my psyche claimed two years of my life.

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023

Unfortunately, since most of these types of wicked things girls and women do to other people are not actually crimes, it's much less likely that statistics will have ben gathered about these activities.

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

"𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘢 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙚"; when I hear this in feminist research or articles, I immediately think “were the question of the “dependent variable””. That is, the questions were written specifically to elicit a desired response to support the “findings” that the researchers predetermined. All too often, these researchers will combine the question responses in such a way as to “support” predetermined findings, such as combining the responses to 9 questions to get the stats they want and comparing it to the response to the 10th question or even conflate unrelated data.


Occasionally I’ve delved into the ABS (AU Bureau of Statistics) data sets to understand how ABS arrived a series of statistics. I’ve often found that data isn’t included (because a state does not provide their data in the required format), that results are “cleansed” if they don’t reflect the feminist narrative with either the wording of the “Results /Key results” and /or the data being excluded from the data set. An example of this that is now happening with ABS statistics, is when the rates for XYZ similar between males and females, or where the “victim” is predominately male, the datasets and the “results” are de-gendered.


On occasion I have participated in online research, including in the domestic violence space, and mostly they were of the “dependent variable” type questions, if not outright misandristicly biased which has prompted me to trye to make complaints to the Universities “ethics committee” which is even less success that complaining to Twitter or Facebook.

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Shhh!!! Many academics--including myself--have been driven out of the academy for making the kind of observation you've made. Who cares if it's entirely accurate, and one might think that any responsible academician has a duty to call it out? Maintaining the feminist orthodoxy matters much more than obtaining accurate and reliable data.

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A recent survey shows that 100% of men admit to have beaten their romantic partners by answering the question:

How long has it been since you last physically assaulted a female romantic partner?

A) less than a week

B) less than a month

C) less than a year

D) more than a year

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I grew up playing hockey and still have the names of hockey heroes proudly in my head decades later. I'll keep my memories buffed up and pristine. Here's to boys playing flat out and fearlessly loving the rough and tumble in the cold air!

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Boys always played hockey at the end of our street. I also have a soft spot for NHL hockey and NFL football because I associate it with my dad in his den, and often the TV on in the background while we were eating supper, particularly during the playoffs or for important NFL games. Sport for me was an oasis of sanity as the world got stranger and stranger; alas, now 'woke' has even taken over sport.

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Here's to Boom-Boom Geoffrions and Rocket Richards of resistance, playing to win. This is a good game too! We need a Tonic Masculinity Cup!

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023Author

These are storied names that my husband often evokes--his earliest childhood memories!

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