Brilliant article, Janice. I'd been thinking along similar lines, noticing the number of women in my local shopping centre who still persistent in wearing masks and are even imposing these dreadful things on their children. Naturally most of the health officials in Australia making the Covid pronouncements were also women who revelled in imposing ludicrous rules about protecting our "safety". One said people attending football games shouldn't touch the ball if it happened to be kicked into the stands! A female world is a very scary place, all too quickly becoming our norm. I hope many people read and circulate this important article.
I still see people walking around outside wearing masks. The saddest thing is seeing teens, with no parents or teachers in sight, walking around outdoors wearing masks. Where is their spirit of rebellion? At that age, I would flee school immediately after my last class, jump in the back seat of a friend's car, and be into my jeans/out of my uniform before we got to the traffic light. To have missed the daring, the fearlessness, and the fun of the teen years is just unbelievably sad.
And of course the truckers' convoy was nothing if not a masculine affront to the Nanny State Fiamengo so accurately describes. Look what happened to it.
I see them, they are out there, these 'feminized' men, but I noticed a while ago they are all younger than me, much younger. I don't mean transpeople or femboys, just men, young men. But I realized some time ago that a lot of it is just internal to me - it's not so much that men look or act like women as they look and act like kids. So I never see them as rivals, I don't have that element of fear and respect for them that I would if we were peers, I think they are kinda cute and if I feel anything at all I guess I feel protective of them.
"kids these days" - said every grey haired human since forever.
Yeah, I have a target on my forehead like all men do, and any accusation from any woman, even one I have never met, completely fabricated, obviously untrue, can land me in prison for the rest of my natural life or lead to my summery execution on the street, I wish it were not that way, I do what I can to change hearts and minds. For me, I have passed through fear and caution, having realized years ago that nearly all accusations are false and the prisons are full of innocent men, well I guess I view it as a kind of lottery. There is nothing I can do to protect myself so I don't, I speaks my mind and I takes my chances, and that is masculine.
Howard, I've long noticed the weird ongoing kid phenomenon. Adults dress like it's the first day mom let them pick their school clothes. Everybody just assumes they can use your first name.
I blame adults who don't do the important work of making adult life look mysterious, glamorous and exciting to kids. I remember watching my parents dress up for a night out -- the whole mystery of what they did all evening was enthralling. When mom and dad and kid all dress the same, eat the same foods and do all the same recreational activities, what's the motive to grow up?
Trans seems to have a strong undertone of resisting aging/passing of time. The FtMs dress like teen boy band heartthrobs, like the goal isn't to become a man, so much as it is to not be an adult, so avoid womanly things. The mostly middle aged MtFs dress like porn actresses far younger than the guys actually are, and put dress-up at top priority, leaving adrift the family that, as a man the should still cherish and support.
Regarding the target pinned on contemporary men. I think feminists are pushing onto men a construction parallel to the way feminist ideology requires women believe that terrible sex incidents are massively underreported, extremely frequent, and a constant worry. Feminists like to talk about how women live in constant fear, like in the first episode of the dreadful She Hulk show. I think they don't want to see men (or women) not experiencing as much fear as they do.
John Taylor Gatto explains that one of the primary functions of the school system from the beginning was to keep people childish and child like their whole lives, making them more governable.
Don't worry, be happy. The future can never be female because women refuse to enter the fields of the future -- IT, big data and AI, among others. But the worst of them will likely be empowered and weaponized to cover for those behind the scenes and calling the shots. As marketing props, these worthless women and their ostensibly male counterparts like Trudeau will be discarded when their usefulness ends with the success or the failure of the WEF communitarians. Still, a great article on how and why the pussification of North American straight males has come to be.
I know it won't literally be female, but my concern is that it will continue for decades in the direction it is going, whereby men do most of the real work of the world (keeping the electrical grid operational, fixing the toilets, programming computers) but always under feminist reign, unable to oppose nonsensical feminist policies and directives that are now firmly embedded in our culture under the name of health and safety. Ordinary men (excepting the Trudeaus of the world, of course) seem more and more forced to collude in a thousand ways in their own literal and psychological emasculation as government messaging and all of journalism, teaching, and public policy control us ever more absolutely. It is amazing and sick that this has been allowed to take place.
Yes men will continue to do the work if only because they are the only ones interested in doing it. Looking just at institutions in the US I might share your dismay, but their pronouncements on feminism and other nonsensical policies sound increasingly hollow to I'd say a majority of Americans and are increasingly under attack and especially ridicule. The world seems headed for cataclysm and it is impossible to predict the usefulness of the feminist narrative to whatever political structures emerge from it. But if men continue to insist on attaching their self-worth solely to a woman's approval, the abuse will continue.
I also see many signs that Americans of both sexes are waking up to the nonsensical policies of feminists. The kind of women my mom's generation called "career girls" spill their guts online about how miserable the working world is, and how willingly they'd chuck it for a chance to live the life of a housewife. Men are noticing and pointing out that women who are entrenched in feminism are such a headache to try to deal with. It might be a while before feminists and their beta enablers notice that nobody's listening to their blather anymore. I think men will continue doing hard work for which they won't get the thanks they very much deserve, because, for all of human history, that has been the lot of more men than not. We women who notice this, really love men for making such a nice civilization for us to enjoy.
I have been educated in Infection Control and it has always been part of my workplace culture as a nurse. Many infectious diseases are easily transmissible and the two weapons in place to restrict the transmission of disease is vaccination and infection control measures such as isolation, mask, gowns.
It is estimated that at least 40,000 to 100,000 health care workers caught the Covid virus which resulted in their deaths. I believe in the UK it was about 6,000 health care workers who died.
I am of two minds on this article. Whilst I do hope the future isn't female, I would not base that idea in relation to the Covid Virus response. A pandemic is much easier to prevent, then to recover once it gets out of control.
I do not have your expertise, and my point in this article is not whether any of the infection control measures were necessary or not, though there is a major conversation to be had about whether they were, with many reputable doctors, such as the thousands that signed the Great Barrington Declaration, asserting that lockdowns and related measures were worse than useless, failing to prevent the spread of the virus and contributing to many other preventable deaths and incalculable misery. In Canada, the government's own figures showed that 5X more people died from lockdown-related causes (suicides, drug overdoses, postponed surgeries, undetected cancers, etc) than from Covid. It's not as if the only possible way to die or have one's life ruined is from Covid, yet for two years our governments acted as if controlling the virus was the ONLY health issue that mattered, and that it was fine to destroy individual business owners, knee-cap the economy generally, and terrify the entire population, including children, to save one life. We will likely never fully calculate in full the effects on children, for example, of masking and fear-mongering, the delay in their education at a formative time, their speech problems and psychological problems from not being able to see people's facial features. And this for a population for whom the virus posed almost no threat whatsoever (more children die every year from flu than died from Covid). We will never know how many elderly people died in care homes from neglect and loneliness and all the related issues--and still they died in massive numbers from Covid despite lockdowns, masking, isolation, etc. If these measures were incontrovertibly helpful, why were they so utterly and dismally a failure? But that's not my point here. My point is that there was nothing rational about the way health measures were communicated to people, and the feminization of public health contributed to the problem. There was a deliberate, concerted attempt on the part of government and health authorities--colluded in by the media and Big Tech--to make people terrified of a virus that never posed an existential threat, especially to healthy people under 65. Everything that was done was done to demeonize those who asked questions, to control information, to silence doctors who proposed alternative responses, to prevent people from educating themselves and making their own decisions, and to perform risk-benefit analysis. To this day, I still see people driving in cars alone wearing their masks, or walking outside with their two-year-old masked; ridiculous measures that both telegraph and confirm a fear past all reason. What Covid demonstrated was the willingness of a huge portion of the population, under government orders, to stop living in order not to die, and to force others to stop living too--even those who wanted to live--and that is not a society I want to be a part of.
For a good analysis of the numbers--and deliberate government lying about them--you could take a look at the work of Julius Ruechel, who points out that the main deaths from Covid were in government-run institutions: care homes, hospitals, and prisons. Even just the very first anecdote he mentions is worth reading, if nothing else. It tells of how BC's Bonnie Henry, our chief health officer, misrepresented the first death of a baby from Covid, which she used to pretend that Covid was a vicious virus posing a serious threat to children. She neglected to mention that the child was already in BC's Sick Children's Hospital, seriously ill. This kind of fear-mongering was, in my opinion, utterly inexcusable and designed to prevent people from rationally understanding the threat posed by the virus.
I agree that the main deaths were in institutions like aged care homes etc where our most vulnerable are cared for or people who already had an underlying disease such as diabetes.
Any new virus is going to hit the most vulnerable first, up until modern infection control and immunisations, this was one way that population growth was regulated and when history is examined the fall of civilisations could be attributed to disease and famine.
When H1N1 first presented, it was people who lacked a certain protein who would become seriously ill and pregnant women were in a high risk group.
Looking back, Yes mistakes were made, in part I believe because of lack of preparedness and in the mistaken belief that modern medicine has conquered diseases (most).
Looks like either Phillip hasn't kept up on the verified ineffectiveness of cloth masks and the worthlessness of the jabs, which are NOT vaccinations since they neither prevent one getting covid nor the spreading of it. Just imagine if you got the polio or smallpox vaccine and then get polio or smallpox anyway and were actually found to be infecting others. Be reasonable! The average age of the people who supposedly died FROM covid (vs. died WITH covid) in the US is 82. I don't believe many of these were "TIic-toking front-line workers." Unsurprisingly, these very old folks were already seriously ill or obese or both, and it's now looking like the treatment they received is what did them in as much as the flu-like virus labeled corona-19. As someone who participated in this fraud, Mr. Hickox, perhaps unwittingly, I understand your reluctance to see the facts as they are. Still, as long as you're not one of the hospital admins who were actually paid to label deaths caused by covid (as happened in US hospitals), your naïveté can be forgiven. But you have to come clean first.
Wow you Canadians got the full treatment. If this isn't the great reset they are wanting to complete then heaven help us. I believe this feminist takeover has more to do with making the west a socialist state. In other words steal our POWER to govern ourselves. They are stealing our individual power to subservient and a controlled society. The side theft is all our possessions.
Yes, agreed, that's the goal, and feminist policies are the way to it because dissident men are by far the greatest threat to government power. Women are far more consensus-oriented generally, naturally more dependent on government services (especially if they are without a man), and far more easily controlled through ginned-up fear-mongering campaigns, as Covid demonstrated. Of course many men partcipated in the Covid regime, too, but the primary Covid 'subject' was a woman who eagerly followed the signs in grocery stores, posted Covid-related signage in her window ("We're all in this together!") and wrote whiny articles to the newspaper complaining about people who wouldn't wear their masks properly.
Bravo, Janice. "even [psychiatrist Mark McDonald] does not fully understand the depth of the anti-male attack that prepared the ground for Covid-enforced male passivity." That's what three generations of propaganda can do. Each successive generation starts off with a degraded starting point learned from their parents. The way back is steep!
I just found your substack and I really appreciate a lot of what you have to say. I was souring on feminism prior to 2020 (for a variety of reasons, many which resonate with the handful of articles I've been reading as I go through your catalogue), but watching the Covid insanity was very eye-opening, and I'm glad I was aware enough to push back against it early on. Thanks for this, from a fellow British Columbian.
Maybe off topic, but has anyone noticed a trend in young women to have their mother's date of birth tattooed on them? Is this a new trend? Is it a feminist thing? I've met four girls who all had their mother's date of birth tattooed on their arm. In 3 of the four cases it was on the only tattoo the women had.
It seems really creepy to me. Kind of like some sort of slave branding/prisoner designation number
Brilliant article, Janice. I'd been thinking along similar lines, noticing the number of women in my local shopping centre who still persistent in wearing masks and are even imposing these dreadful things on their children. Naturally most of the health officials in Australia making the Covid pronouncements were also women who revelled in imposing ludicrous rules about protecting our "safety". One said people attending football games shouldn't touch the ball if it happened to be kicked into the stands! A female world is a very scary place, all too quickly becoming our norm. I hope many people read and circulate this important article.
I still see people walking around outside wearing masks. The saddest thing is seeing teens, with no parents or teachers in sight, walking around outdoors wearing masks. Where is their spirit of rebellion? At that age, I would flee school immediately after my last class, jump in the back seat of a friend's car, and be into my jeans/out of my uniform before we got to the traffic light. To have missed the daring, the fearlessness, and the fun of the teen years is just unbelievably sad.
And of course the truckers' convoy was nothing if not a masculine affront to the Nanny State Fiamengo so accurately describes. Look what happened to it.
The protest in Australia that broke out into low level riot as well
I see them, they are out there, these 'feminized' men, but I noticed a while ago they are all younger than me, much younger. I don't mean transpeople or femboys, just men, young men. But I realized some time ago that a lot of it is just internal to me - it's not so much that men look or act like women as they look and act like kids. So I never see them as rivals, I don't have that element of fear and respect for them that I would if we were peers, I think they are kinda cute and if I feel anything at all I guess I feel protective of them.
"kids these days" - said every grey haired human since forever.
Yeah, I have a target on my forehead like all men do, and any accusation from any woman, even one I have never met, completely fabricated, obviously untrue, can land me in prison for the rest of my natural life or lead to my summery execution on the street, I wish it were not that way, I do what I can to change hearts and minds. For me, I have passed through fear and caution, having realized years ago that nearly all accusations are false and the prisons are full of innocent men, well I guess I view it as a kind of lottery. There is nothing I can do to protect myself so I don't, I speaks my mind and I takes my chances, and that is masculine.
Howard, I've long noticed the weird ongoing kid phenomenon. Adults dress like it's the first day mom let them pick their school clothes. Everybody just assumes they can use your first name.
I blame adults who don't do the important work of making adult life look mysterious, glamorous and exciting to kids. I remember watching my parents dress up for a night out -- the whole mystery of what they did all evening was enthralling. When mom and dad and kid all dress the same, eat the same foods and do all the same recreational activities, what's the motive to grow up?
Trans seems to have a strong undertone of resisting aging/passing of time. The FtMs dress like teen boy band heartthrobs, like the goal isn't to become a man, so much as it is to not be an adult, so avoid womanly things. The mostly middle aged MtFs dress like porn actresses far younger than the guys actually are, and put dress-up at top priority, leaving adrift the family that, as a man the should still cherish and support.
Regarding the target pinned on contemporary men. I think feminists are pushing onto men a construction parallel to the way feminist ideology requires women believe that terrible sex incidents are massively underreported, extremely frequent, and a constant worry. Feminists like to talk about how women live in constant fear, like in the first episode of the dreadful She Hulk show. I think they don't want to see men (or women) not experiencing as much fear as they do.
John Taylor Gatto explains that one of the primary functions of the school system from the beginning was to keep people childish and child like their whole lives, making them more governable.
Don't worry, be happy. The future can never be female because women refuse to enter the fields of the future -- IT, big data and AI, among others. But the worst of them will likely be empowered and weaponized to cover for those behind the scenes and calling the shots. As marketing props, these worthless women and their ostensibly male counterparts like Trudeau will be discarded when their usefulness ends with the success or the failure of the WEF communitarians. Still, a great article on how and why the pussification of North American straight males has come to be.
I know it won't literally be female, but my concern is that it will continue for decades in the direction it is going, whereby men do most of the real work of the world (keeping the electrical grid operational, fixing the toilets, programming computers) but always under feminist reign, unable to oppose nonsensical feminist policies and directives that are now firmly embedded in our culture under the name of health and safety. Ordinary men (excepting the Trudeaus of the world, of course) seem more and more forced to collude in a thousand ways in their own literal and psychological emasculation as government messaging and all of journalism, teaching, and public policy control us ever more absolutely. It is amazing and sick that this has been allowed to take place.
Yes men will continue to do the work if only because they are the only ones interested in doing it. Looking just at institutions in the US I might share your dismay, but their pronouncements on feminism and other nonsensical policies sound increasingly hollow to I'd say a majority of Americans and are increasingly under attack and especially ridicule. The world seems headed for cataclysm and it is impossible to predict the usefulness of the feminist narrative to whatever political structures emerge from it. But if men continue to insist on attaching their self-worth solely to a woman's approval, the abuse will continue.
I also see many signs that Americans of both sexes are waking up to the nonsensical policies of feminists. The kind of women my mom's generation called "career girls" spill their guts online about how miserable the working world is, and how willingly they'd chuck it for a chance to live the life of a housewife. Men are noticing and pointing out that women who are entrenched in feminism are such a headache to try to deal with. It might be a while before feminists and their beta enablers notice that nobody's listening to their blather anymore. I think men will continue doing hard work for which they won't get the thanks they very much deserve, because, for all of human history, that has been the lot of more men than not. We women who notice this, really love men for making such a nice civilization for us to enjoy.
Fantastic writing as always, Janice. How few people state these truths so clearly! 🙏
I have been educated in Infection Control and it has always been part of my workplace culture as a nurse. Many infectious diseases are easily transmissible and the two weapons in place to restrict the transmission of disease is vaccination and infection control measures such as isolation, mask, gowns.
It is estimated that at least 40,000 to 100,000 health care workers caught the Covid virus which resulted in their deaths. I believe in the UK it was about 6,000 health care workers who died.
I am of two minds on this article. Whilst I do hope the future isn't female, I would not base that idea in relation to the Covid Virus response. A pandemic is much easier to prevent, then to recover once it gets out of control.
I do not have your expertise, and my point in this article is not whether any of the infection control measures were necessary or not, though there is a major conversation to be had about whether they were, with many reputable doctors, such as the thousands that signed the Great Barrington Declaration, asserting that lockdowns and related measures were worse than useless, failing to prevent the spread of the virus and contributing to many other preventable deaths and incalculable misery. In Canada, the government's own figures showed that 5X more people died from lockdown-related causes (suicides, drug overdoses, postponed surgeries, undetected cancers, etc) than from Covid. It's not as if the only possible way to die or have one's life ruined is from Covid, yet for two years our governments acted as if controlling the virus was the ONLY health issue that mattered, and that it was fine to destroy individual business owners, knee-cap the economy generally, and terrify the entire population, including children, to save one life. We will likely never fully calculate in full the effects on children, for example, of masking and fear-mongering, the delay in their education at a formative time, their speech problems and psychological problems from not being able to see people's facial features. And this for a population for whom the virus posed almost no threat whatsoever (more children die every year from flu than died from Covid). We will never know how many elderly people died in care homes from neglect and loneliness and all the related issues--and still they died in massive numbers from Covid despite lockdowns, masking, isolation, etc. If these measures were incontrovertibly helpful, why were they so utterly and dismally a failure? But that's not my point here. My point is that there was nothing rational about the way health measures were communicated to people, and the feminization of public health contributed to the problem. There was a deliberate, concerted attempt on the part of government and health authorities--colluded in by the media and Big Tech--to make people terrified of a virus that never posed an existential threat, especially to healthy people under 65. Everything that was done was done to demeonize those who asked questions, to control information, to silence doctors who proposed alternative responses, to prevent people from educating themselves and making their own decisions, and to perform risk-benefit analysis. To this day, I still see people driving in cars alone wearing their masks, or walking outside with their two-year-old masked; ridiculous measures that both telegraph and confirm a fear past all reason. What Covid demonstrated was the willingness of a huge portion of the population, under government orders, to stop living in order not to die, and to force others to stop living too--even those who wanted to live--and that is not a society I want to be a part of.
For a good analysis of the numbers--and deliberate government lying about them--you could take a look at the work of Julius Ruechel, who points out that the main deaths from Covid were in government-run institutions: care homes, hospitals, and prisons. Even just the very first anecdote he mentions is worth reading, if nothing else. It tells of how BC's Bonnie Henry, our chief health officer, misrepresented the first death of a baby from Covid, which she used to pretend that Covid was a vicious virus posing a serious threat to children. She neglected to mention that the child was already in BC's Sick Children's Hospital, seriously ill. This kind of fear-mongering was, in my opinion, utterly inexcusable and designed to prevent people from rationally understanding the threat posed by the virus.
I agree that the main deaths were in institutions like aged care homes etc where our most vulnerable are cared for or people who already had an underlying disease such as diabetes.
Any new virus is going to hit the most vulnerable first, up until modern infection control and immunisations, this was one way that population growth was regulated and when history is examined the fall of civilisations could be attributed to disease and famine.
When H1N1 first presented, it was people who lacked a certain protein who would become seriously ill and pregnant women were in a high risk group.
Looking back, Yes mistakes were made, in part I believe because of lack of preparedness and in the mistaken belief that modern medicine has conquered diseases (most).
Looks like either Phillip hasn't kept up on the verified ineffectiveness of cloth masks and the worthlessness of the jabs, which are NOT vaccinations since they neither prevent one getting covid nor the spreading of it. Just imagine if you got the polio or smallpox vaccine and then get polio or smallpox anyway and were actually found to be infecting others. Be reasonable! The average age of the people who supposedly died FROM covid (vs. died WITH covid) in the US is 82. I don't believe many of these were "TIic-toking front-line workers." Unsurprisingly, these very old folks were already seriously ill or obese or both, and it's now looking like the treatment they received is what did them in as much as the flu-like virus labeled corona-19. As someone who participated in this fraud, Mr. Hickox, perhaps unwittingly, I understand your reluctance to see the facts as they are. Still, as long as you're not one of the hospital admins who were actually paid to label deaths caused by covid (as happened in US hospitals), your naïveté can be forgiven. But you have to come clean first.
So you chose to answer none of the points from scientists and doctors around the world. You are, sir, a complete and utter fraud.
You are a troll
Have you done a course in Infection Control?
Thanks for proving my point. My guess is you are quite likely a criminal at this point as well.
He's not a criminal, he's just frightened and thinks when Covid knocks on the door his certification will save him.
The demonization of male strengths and virtues has been going on for much more than the last 20 years!. Otherwise all true.
Very true. Please see my YouTube channel for the history of such demonization, which dates at least to 1848:
Yeah, no kidding:
Wow you Canadians got the full treatment. If this isn't the great reset they are wanting to complete then heaven help us. I believe this feminist takeover has more to do with making the west a socialist state. In other words steal our POWER to govern ourselves. They are stealing our individual power to subservient and a controlled society. The side theft is all our possessions.
Yes, agreed, that's the goal, and feminist policies are the way to it because dissident men are by far the greatest threat to government power. Women are far more consensus-oriented generally, naturally more dependent on government services (especially if they are without a man), and far more easily controlled through ginned-up fear-mongering campaigns, as Covid demonstrated. Of course many men partcipated in the Covid regime, too, but the primary Covid 'subject' was a woman who eagerly followed the signs in grocery stores, posted Covid-related signage in her window ("We're all in this together!") and wrote whiny articles to the newspaper complaining about people who wouldn't wear their masks properly.
Bravo, Janice. "even [psychiatrist Mark McDonald] does not fully understand the depth of the anti-male attack that prepared the ground for Covid-enforced male passivity." That's what three generations of propaganda can do. Each successive generation starts off with a degraded starting point learned from their parents. The way back is steep!
I just found your substack and I really appreciate a lot of what you have to say. I was souring on feminism prior to 2020 (for a variety of reasons, many which resonate with the handful of articles I've been reading as I go through your catalogue), but watching the Covid insanity was very eye-opening, and I'm glad I was aware enough to push back against it early on. Thanks for this, from a fellow British Columbian.
BRILLIANT article Janice. If more wo-MEN were like you our problems would be in the past.
Maybe off topic, but has anyone noticed a trend in young women to have their mother's date of birth tattooed on them? Is this a new trend? Is it a feminist thing? I've met four girls who all had their mother's date of birth tattooed on their arm. In 3 of the four cases it was on the only tattoo the women had.
It seems really creepy to me. Kind of like some sort of slave branding/prisoner designation number
"If this is our female future, it is grotesque and terrifying to behold. "
If you sexually violate a 20 something woman in Australia, get a lawyer son.
An awareness of sexual violence is helping victims report it, but where’s the justice?
Sarah Ison
What is terrifying is the erosion of our court of laws where the rules of evidence are constantly being changed in order to gain more convictions.
Justice is being portrayed of not being done, unless the accused is convicted.