Janice, I am sorry the comments on your excellent piece about our beloved queen have been hijacked by am embittered and incoherent member of the 'I hate everything about the monarchy and Britain' coterie. If he/she is actually a resident in Britain they might like to swap places with the many thousands of people longing to live here for the multiple benefits which living here gives them, one of them being a subject of a benign monarchy.

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The Queen has been a wonderful figurehead for Britain for seventy years providing stability and comfort to her people at troubled times. The vast majority of Brits are deeply saddened by her death, as are many millions of those in former colonies across the world. The vicious comments made by a certain section of social media and on this page are wholly unjustified but merely serve to demonstrate the deluded and muddled thinking of so called social justice warriors who will not be satisfied until society descends into anarchic chaos. They are despicable.

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Another brilliant article.

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Thank you, Janice. In these hypocritical, dissonant and confusing times that we live in, your clear, stable & courageous voice helps keep hope alive.

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Oct 23, 2022Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Janice: "Nigerians themselves, both during the civil war and generally in the more than 60 years since the country was granted independence, have done a good job of massacring, displacing, and reducing the life possibilities of Nigerians."

Janice is quite right here. This is true throughout the ex-colonies generally. In the Middle East, slaughter among inhabitants continued after colonialism just as it had for millennia before colonialism. Muslims have been enthusiastically killing Muslims as well as Christians and Jews, particularly during their thousand years of imperial expansion and colonial occupation. But when they address what is wrong with the Middle East, their answer is European imperialism. Everyone prefers to blame others rather than taking responsibility.

I did notice that Professor Anya did not mention the ongoing Muslim jihad in Nigeria that specializes in kidnapping children to convert and make into sex slaves.

Janice: "People like Anya and her many fellow travellers, schooled in little other than post-colonial resentment and lavishly rewarded for toxic ranting, evidently do not care about the civil order they threaten. Their glib, destructive posturing exposes the rot at the heart of academic social justice ideology."

This is critically important. "Social justice" warriors are doing an effective job of destroying Western civilization. What will they replace it with: Khmer Rouge? People's Republic of China? North Korea? We are part way there already. Professor Anya and others of her ilk are not only uncivil and unbalanced, but enemies of civilization.

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Thanks Janice, an outstanding response to these awful people.

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It is an oxymoron that people who live in societies that benefited from colonialism, also condemn the very thing that gives them the safety and advantages that they now enjoy.

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First off, thanks for the vocab word of the week: rebarbative. Another great article. I wonder if some of the rancor coming from people like Prof. Anya is actually actually self-hatred. They know that the civilization they are attacking is one that is handing them unearned opportunities through affirmative action. Whenever they encounter genuinely good products of Western Civ, like the late Queen, it only reminds them that they are selfish, nasty frauds.

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Sep 12, 2022·edited Sep 12, 2022

In Elizabeth, I found much to admire and respect. This woman came to her role from accidents of history (as monarchs do). She made her responsibility to her nation top priority, though personally happiest as wife and mother, before being crowned. As a teen, she worked as a mechanic, out of duty, not feminist grandstanding. She was an example of a woman of feminine strength, respect for duty to others and lifelong, devoted monogamy.

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Ya gotta love academics who, from the safety of their ivory towers, call for violence. Hey, they could never be the objects thereof, right? Marcuse of course knew nothing about Pol Pot, but he did know, or should have known, about the French Revolution, the Bolshevik revolution, Mao, etc. Who knows, he may have even known about the Stalinist terror and the starvation of 4 million people in Ukraine. Self-styled revolutionaries seem never to know the realities of revolution, which is strange. All they have to do is read a book or two.

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thank you for your work - always interesting to read your articles

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I love the last line. Jesus is always looking at the heart. Evil hearts.

FYI looking at the comments you have a SJW freaking out incoherently. What's the matter SJW your puppetmaster is being revealed and the whole one world government is on the edge of collapse? FBI didn't find the box that will take down YOUR whole house of cards. Watch the LORD work SJW.

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I hope that my current attitude to the Late Queen is principled.

of course the Left just want something to hate.

without hate they have nothing

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I am in an awkward position on this matter.

My monarchism was so deep and so passionate that i fantasized about being a royal servant of the Household, even though i was too old and totally unsuited as regard temperament to such,

but my respect for the British monarch, of 40 years standing, dissolved over two days last year.

She could have dissolved Parliament for its dragging its feet and obstruction over Brexit , ant the covid mandates were all criminal, being breaches of the Nuremberg Code, and this is so even is teh vaccines are safe and effective.

This would not , IMO have been political interference by the crown, but her acting as the embodiment of the Constitution.

But no. she did nothing. and my respect faded

it seems to me that the monarchy is determined to survive even as a useless hood ornament on the

bonnet of the vehicle of state.

to me such is a degrading farce. The Queen was not going to do anything that might offend the powers that truly be lest they get rid of her and the institution.

And I suspect that Charles III will have neither the intelligence nor fortitude to keep his crank opinions to himself and may bring the monarchy crashing down, as it came crashing down with the first of Charles' namesakes.

The only monarch i now regard as worthy of the name is God Almighty

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A perfect example is the recent message from James Corbett. (https://corbettreport.substack.com/p/the-dark-history-of-the-royals?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email). I have always appreciated his00 messages, but in this one Corbett has disgraced himself. Despite the truth of what he says about Royals in general, Queen Elizabeth was an exception to the rule despite perhaps knowing about some dark things behind the scenes. She always tried to set an example of service, dignity and grace.

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Removed (Banned)Sep 11, 2022
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