Compare this reaction to the grooming gangs in England, mass sex assault in Cologne, rape crisis in Sweden, Lola Daviet in France. Europeans only care about women when convenient for the narrative: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-speak-french-part-2

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Exactly. Feminism is never really about girls' and women's safety or dignity--quite the opposite. It's about destroying male leadership and disrupting the natural relations between men and women in favor of a punitive and paranoid mob mentality that will sacrifice anyone when the intersectional narrative demands.

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Feminists are equally intent on controlling women - and conflating feminist with women.

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That is true, women who don't support feminism are accused of being misogynistic, sleeping with the enemy, the Stockholm syndrome and Uncle Tom's Cabin, I wrote an article about it titled "Once We Were Feminists".

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Run all "feminist" scripts though a filter that reinserts "lesbian feminist" and it all makes sense; women dont need men etc. Only militant lesbians would demand reprogramming of a womans natural sexual drive for politics. It is actually called "political lesbianism" and even creeps like Julie Bidel claim they are one. the ultimate feint. Stone butch claims shes just doing it for the cause. Its actually kinda rapey. If by rapey one means, sleeping with someone then claiming you werent really into it afterwards.

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No Rob, feminism isn't all lesbians.

Feminism appeals to women in general. Stop trying to find ways to jot come to the simple conclusion that something about women's psychology is ruthlessly self centered.

No, feminism isn't for lesbians. It's not even mainly for lesbians.

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Agreed. If feminism were mainly for lesbians, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in. Feminism appeals to a deep selfishness and desire for protection--also a sense of in-group resentment, often irrational and easily provoked--amongst women in general, even women who do not define themselves as feminists but still want to see men controlled and made to serve women as their life's mission. Many non- and even anti-feminist men and women come together on the theme of men serving women. How many women will support the idea that women should serve men? A vanishing minority. So I'll say it: men should serve society; women should support men in that endeavor and serve them; both should in their different ways create a world that is good for children.

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Its definately not FOR lesbians, its for all women as this Alinskyite tactic is designed to derange up to half of the voting population. I would contend that it is largely BY lesbian feminists to be taken up by all women.

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Editorial note: Jay, youre heavy on reframing my comments, slightly changed, with a different meaning. I dont know if this is deliberate, but you do it quite plainly in each reply.

I never said feminism is all lesbians. Isaid: "Run all "feminist" scripts though a filter that reinserts "lesbian feminist" and it all makes sense; women dont need men etc."

I was refering to the SCRIPTS.

These have filtered through to all women (feminists and nonfemnists too, its so ubiquitous), which is where they becaome more deranging, because they are designed as directives for women who wont be with men in their relationships.

This explains the extreme takes, complete misunderstanding of men and many other issues.

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All women today are, in practice, feminists.

What women are out there that srsly disagree with feminism?

If you asked 100 women in the street if we need more women and girls in stem, how many would say no?

Women aren't your Allies Phillip. This whole attitude of women as partners is absolutely naive.

There are no women who don't support feminism in effect.

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023

An important point Trish Randall. In my life experience, so not scientific, generally most women are not feminist. Even those who take advantage of "positive action". Most are like men and support "equal treatment" in general but are clear in expecting to see men in mens roles and women similarly so. Which is not to say they don't fall prey to the "pay gap" woozles etc. The feminists I have come across are generally "posh" university educated and in office jobs.

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Single, overeducated, childless white women are not only the bane of human existence but the harbinger of the end of the Civilization and Culture of the West…prove me wrong!

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For me the realisation came from Melanie Phillips in her late 1990s book "Sex Change Society". Melanie was on the "left" and had in fact written about the Suffragettes. Her book was of course not about literal sex changes, this was before that had become modern magic, but about feminisms influence in the civic and political life of the UK. She characterised feminism as an ideology of the adolescent and perpetually adolescent as it fell apart as soon as one started to think seriously about partnering with a Male and even more so trying for, having, nursing and nurturing children, and became a part of an expanding set of relationships of family and kin. She pointed out how many prominent feminists were childless, single or lesbian with little knowledge of actual men and had "writing" jobs with plenty of time to campaign. So many in this country in the nineteenth and twentieth century were the spouse or partner of a well to do man (Mr. Pankhurst was for instance a prominent Barrister ) and had servants as well as no actual job. In their gilded boredom they has the time and freedom prove the adage that the devil makes work for idle hands.

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See Peggy McIntosh the originator of the concept of ‘Privilege’… https://thecritic.co.uk/issues/december-2019/no-need-to-plead-guilty/

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Thanks for the link. This reality needs to be spread far & wide.

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Thanks for the reference - I hadn't heard of that book. I'm going to have to put it on my to-read list.

The sad thing is, because of female biology, feminists only have to succeed in distorting the thinking of a female for about 10 years to completely destroy her normal life path. Look at all the women posting videos online -- in their mid-30s moaning about the difficulties of finding a good man or dating as a single mother 9hint: mothers should not be dating).

I would add to your point about feminists' well-to-do partners (or backers, like the Woodhull sisters of NYC), that feminist bigmouths don't really do a whole lot that they claim women want to do. Did Hilary Clinton engage in her career as an attorney while Bill was in the White House? Or Michelle, when Barack was president? Nope. They wallowed in their status as "First Lady" (a made-up title I loahe, that has, in the Biden era, extended to calling Hunter "First Son" argh).

Betty Friedan also had a rich husband and servants (and an apartment in NYC to escape the domestic scene)

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Ive noticed that many "Conservative" women seem to have career and motherhood better under control, often engage in fitness and have more practical "male skills" - fixing things, handling firearms etc. than their feminist detractors.

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Putting a finer point on my comments above: lesbians AND childless (sraight) women. Both see no value in the next generation

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Very true.

P.S. 'had led sin' is an anagram of 'idle hands'.

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You're not wrong. Both Greece and Rome had proto-feminists in their decline. Eventually, their civilisation returned to the rule of the patriarchy.

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Yes! "Defund the police" could be construed as matriarchal madness. So streets that had been cleaned up and rendered fairly safe are now sliding into mayhem that can only be reigned in by a confident patriarchal figure. Women will need male protection once again, now that they've naively shilled for criminals to run around loose, wreaking havoc on everyone and everything...

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Endangering ones own working calss sisters for street cred....... from some well to do sisters.

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Chuck, your description reminds me of an old-timey term - spinster. I've been thinking lately that unmarried older ladies were often seen as unattractive not only because of the fading of beauty & fertility, but also because of cranky and disruptive behavior. Perhaps women being targeted as witches in Medieval times wasn't always about supernatural fears - maybe just a disruptive influence on society, especially younger girls and women.

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"Perhaps women being targeted as witches in Medieval times wasn't always about supernatural fears - maybe just a disruptive influence on society, especially younger girls and women."

A significant majority of accusers were women.

"J.A. Sharpe also notes the prevalence of women as accusers in seventeenth-century Yorkshire cases, concluding that "on a village level witchcraft seems to have been something peculiarly enmeshed in women's quarrels." To a considerable extent, then, village-level witch-hunting was women's work. (Willis, Malevolent Nurture, pp. 35-36.)"


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Yes. It wasnt the patriarchy, it was, as ususal, intrasexual competition.

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Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023

Elmira Gulch, Flying Monkeys and the cucked-out soldiers of the Witches castle

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Excellent example. I've always loved The Wizard of Oz, and as I get older, I continue to see the wisdom embedded in the story and characters.

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That's a very good point. People forget that spells are merely words used for good or evil so witchcraft is really about language.

Although potions can be part of it as chemicals change people such as we see with the witchcraft of big pharma today.

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In my experience, the most ardent "feminists" aren't walking the walk. They exploit the men they live with, and identify as "moms" to exploit doing nothing all day while their kids are in school. They live off their husbands.

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They never do. I mentioned above the First Ladies Hillary & Michelle - who could have maintained careers as attorneys (or academics, or whatever), but wallowed in the status of First Ladies of their respective husbands. Between them, their only accomplishments were destroying the careers of a could of White House Staffers and ruining school lunches for a couple of years.

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I thought Mike lost his licence to practice?

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Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023

"Gave it up" is what I heard. SupposedIy, not to prevent it being yanked. Of course, ex-attorneys can write, teach, etc.

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Closeted lesbian Hil, sticking with her man to advance her career. In a time when many, like Carol Swain, Sandra Day OConnor and and even the likes of Judge Judy made it on their own, without a prize hubby to bouy them up. Im starting to think the hallmark of leftism isnt just the pathological narcissim but a big dose of laziness. (See also "pay gap").

This pattern will get harder and harder to maintain as women take all the seats in law school etc. and the derangement and vilification of men will continue.

Honestly, the feminist ranting about men is starting to sound more and more like Herr Shickelgruber ranting about the children of Abraham.

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"In a time when many did it without a husband".

You mean everytime since the lat 19th century?

Noone has ever stopped any woman from becoming a lawyer in the past 100 yrs.

Although people have definitely given handouts to women to help then become lawyers. Even "strong" women like judge Judy.

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They are walking the walk.

Feminism is all about exploiting men.

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No one supports equal treatment. If people supported equal treatment they'd either treat men more softly, or treat women far more harshly.

The fact that they fall for the "pay gap" woolley means their feminists.

The fucking lengths men will go to avoid simply admitting that women are self centered if fucking amazing.

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Well it definitely isn't scientific because most women are definitely feminist.

You live in absolute La LA land.

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"Nazis are equally intent on controlling Germans. And conflating nazi with german".

"Southern slave owners were equally intent on controlling Southern whites. And conflating South with slavery."

See how fucking stupid this sounds?

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Just as black lives only matter when white lives are to be spoiled or destroyed in the interests of the New World Order and not when cobalt is being mined for profit.

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Quite. It is a remarkable thing that British feminists (and I'm sure elsewhere) seem to take a keen interest in Afghanistan yet are and have been silent about such things as the grooming gangs, "honour" punishments and so on in their own country. You'd think it would be an open goal for them. After all these are all associated with just the same proudly and literally "patriarchal" cultures in Afghanistan. Very strange indeed.

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Maybe they take an interest for the same reason they made 50 Shades of Grey a bestseller - what they say they want and what makes them excited are two different things.

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I get your point, but its not strange. Feminism was always intradsexual competition and virtue signaling.

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023

This is precisely where I have some disagreement with MRA. I've seen Muslim men given protection status over women even after committing heinous crime such as rape and murder. I've seen some parallels in US where black men are given same privileges, thanks to BLM.

The entire justice system in the west is an absolute joke. Lots of inconsistencies.

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I think the justice system has been twisted into a joke by complying with feminist activism. It wasn't designed to have executions decades after a conviction - so that there will be legal adults too young to remember the awfulness of the crime, and easier to be persuaded to believe the convict didn't do it, or has "reformed."

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I don't like the counter to female supremacist bring

"See, you don't really care about women!"

Europe is is a female supremacist continent. There's no getting around that.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Seriously though, after reading this the question still remains, why shouldn’t males consider MGTOW and stay as far away from this shit show as possible.

My guess is that if men didn’t pay attention to women’s sports (and pay for women’s sports) it’s a pass time that would shrivel on the vine anyway.

Rubiales not apologizing is perfect. Apologize for nothing is a time honored male tradition. St John Wayne is vindicated again!

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Agreed. Keep men's sport safe from damseling women.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

I agree, and feminism’s response to MGTOW has only underscored how reasonable a reaction it is to the heinous campaign that feminism is leading against men and against gender equality.

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The feminist movement's vitriol to MGTOW just doesn't make sense to me. People who renounce dating due to abusive experience with the opposite gender should not be judged as hateful; they would not judge a girl's decision to remain single. It seems to be a sense of entitlement to the opposite sex that drives this ironically

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Makes sense when you see that people in the women's movement want to impose their views on everyone, like otherl religious fundamentalists.

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023

Well of course it reduces the pool of men available to make women feel safe and secure. Hence our media seems to have a never ending interest in pieces on the "where have all the good men gone" type. The good men it turns out are high earners willing to "make a commitment" to women who are all apparently "wonderful". Of course these pieces are of a set with "I shouldn't have to settle" by which is meant partnering with an ordinary human being. It really never occurs to the writers or interviewees to consider the difficulties they find in finding "good men" may mean they have to change something in themselves or their approach. Common sense suggests that any man meeting someone so shallow and self absorbed is wise to run away as fast as possible.

In one of the greek legends one of the gods, dionysus I think, is torn apart by the women of a city; because he introduced homosexual practices amongst the men and so distracted them from their "duty" to the women of the city.

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Hold up a mirror and they freak out.

men should not be required to marry women. Watch out, its coming, Even the conservative anti-woke are joining in on the misandry now.

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As I indicated in another comment, some rational MGTOWing is done with great reluctance and sadness, knowing that plenty of women don't want this kind of environment and that none of them benefit (even if a few activists might think that they do).

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I do agree Art but if they want change they need to start opening up their mouths… they just can’t leave it to Janice , Camille and Hoff-Summers

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I agree. But I think that women by nature are less inclined to stick our necks out over such issues, and especially in young years, more likely to be persuaded that they're the only ones not going along with the program.

I have noticed women are starting to open their mouths online. There are videos posted every day of women in their mid-30s and older warning young women to not buy into feminist nonsense, and explaining how empty life is if you wait too long to start a family or how hard it is to find a man at a later age or with kids in tow. As a counter example, the women who are in similar situations (older, childless and/or husbandless) who try to proclaim the greatness of feminism just make it look awful.

Happy related news: Feminist Frequency has closed its You Tube Channel. Turns out there wasn't enough sexism in gaming to justify 24 videos promised in the Go Fund Me campaign.

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Those videos are all super corny Trish.

None of those women actually give 2 shits about men. They aren't, "speaking up for men". They are Phyllis shclaffly style anti feminists. Anti feminists for women.

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Maybe men should start speaking up instead of letting fucking women start their movement for them.

Grow some testicle and stop looking to women for support.

Only a weak man needs women.

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They are. they have been. And they are demonized and cancelled.

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No they arent. No they haven't.

Women are not sticking up for men. What world are you living in?

I also don't want then too. I want men to stick up for themselves.

I want men to tell women to fuck off and stop groveling for their approval like a whipped sone grovels for the approval of his mother.

Men need to learn to not need women. Women are not equal partners. They are helpmates at best, something extra for a man who has achieved much in his life.

Men should never look to women for support. How ruthlessly beta.

Women supporting men isn't necessarily bad, but this idea that men need it from women is so pathetic.

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You misinterpreted my comment when I said "they have been standing up" I was referring to men. And they are demonized for standing up for themselves. Carry on

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

I’ve also wondered the same thing. I stay away. How do you celebrate properly? How do you call their name and cheer properly, how do you look at female athlete with jubilation without fear of retribution that you may have looked the wrong way?

So I just say no, and read the headlines. And then this is what you get when you read the headlines too 🤷🏾‍♂️

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Just realize how few women actually pursue traditionally male sports. Women ignore the WNBA in droves.

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PERFECTLY SAID! I can't fathom why MEN would want to coach wo-MEN'S sports! I see little difference between wo-MEN'S sports and homosexuality. In fact, I believe MOST fe-MALE athletes are GAY anyways, and not so different from the transgenders they're afraid of.

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Whenever I used to see Megan Rapinoe mouthing off about sexism in soccer, I always used to think, 'Hey Megan, a transgender athlete is coming for your job one day soon!' However, I think it's too late for that--she has already retired. But she's done her bit to ruin the sport for the next generation of women.

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023

Wait til a trans takes Megan's place as a mouthpiece for obnoxious feminists.

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Are there feminists who aren’t obnoxious?

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Nope. Although in the late 1960s, there were what was called Women's Libbers, who were mostly about the sexual liberation and had a giggly, jiggly kind of presence. But real feminists got rid of anything that resembles fun or fraternizing since then.

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I’ll take the 30 litre bag of Popcorn please!

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She is protrans.

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I can confirm having coached women's football (soccer) that the majority of players are lesbians. In the UK there is a league for - but not exclusively for - gay men which began at a time when it could be difficult to be of that persuasion in the environment of the men's game. Most of the participants were football lovers first (the league began as a supporter's association) and gay second. Such a league for women would be like a vegetarian greengrocer - a touch superfluous.

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I think this has always been the case. In my all-girls' high school, the biggest game in phys ed was trying to not do the things that made us get all sweaty.

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023

Here in the UK, for over 20 years, there have been endless campaigns to get girls more "active" through participation in sports, not girls sports of course but those traditionally done by boys. If one looks at the Gyms I've attended over the years, where one chooses and pays, its pretty obvious that women choose to do different activities in general than men. For many years I did Taekwondo. Here it tends to attract something like equal numbers of males and females and within its discipline when it comes to competitions women are the vast majority in "patterns" which are a wide range of often complex patterns of movements. While men, myself included, are the vast majority in sparring and fighting bouts.

The logic for girls would be to find those things they most enjoy to do, and rather than spend literally 100s of millions on largely abortive programmes to get a few girls playing "soccer" or Rugby. When they could have spent far less spend far less on the things females generally show they enjoy, once they have their own money and are free to choose.

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This is another example of how feminism is anti-female. Instead of promoting activities girls and women enjoy that would improve fitness (e.g., ballet, gymnastics) they push male sports to "support" women by things like the NBA completely financially supporting the WNBA (the latter's attendance numbers are so low the ticket sales don't even cover the cost of lighting the arena for the duration of a game)

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Literally just saw a docu video about this. Said in the last 10 years the wnba has not made ANY profit. Like, it’s been being in the red for as long as the past 10 years. (Whereas the NBA has an average annual profit of around US$ 10 billion [source: Forbes]).

It’s like you working at a company that is always in the red, and keeping asking your boss for a pay rise! While at the same time forcing your boss to ask another same-type company for a contribution! What levels of self-victimizing, self-entitlement do you have to have to do that!?

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Interesting. I was first alerted to this when our tabloids (UK) were full of the on/off relationships between members of the England team, "Lionesses", and other members of national teams. Two things struck me about this, the world of professional women's football is very small and that I don't think I've read of a similar same sex relationship/dating web in international men's football. As one looks a little further it is interesting the concentration. All the more so as for decades since Justin Fashanu our relentlessly gossipy tabloid press has been desperate in its hunt for "openly gay" football players.

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Sounds like an international lesbian meat market.

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It could be, or it could be that the numbers of lesbians is quite small. I live a short distance from Portland, OR, which is an exceptionally woke city, and have a long-term neighbor who is a lesbian. Over the years, I've noticed that the Portland lesbian community is quite small. One wold think, with so few options, they wouldn't treat each other so badly (my neighbor is quite a kind person, I've mostly watched as each new girlfriend treats her terribly).

US crime stats show that the couple type with the highest rates of domestic violence is lesbians.

They also tend to pair up quickly. There's a joke in the Portland lesbian community that the second date is the rental of the U-Haul truck (to move in together).

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Yes it was actually quite a shock at both the number and rapidity of prtner change. It was so suited to our Tabliod's prurience at first i though they must be making it up. but then it got into the "quality" press.

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Unstable relationships result in those kinds of numbers. I've had the opportunity to observe this for some years, having a lesbian neighbor (see my above comment to Greg Taylor for details).

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Most lesbians, being culturally woke, are also lazy. they prey upon their friends circle. its notorious.

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Certainly womens sports attract a lot of gays, I suspect it will be a fertile plain for grooming young impressionable teenage girls

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Or it could make sports even less popular among straight girls. I'd be interested in seeing statistics - if any exist.

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See my link above about antistraight harrassment

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Dec 14, 2023·edited Dec 14, 2023


bullied for being straight. Color me unsurprised.

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If he had apologized, that still wouldn't have been enough. Next grovel, then prostrate yourself, then the feminazis would go in for the kill. He maintained his dignity throughout.

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In fact he did apologise for his rather un presidential behaviour the following day. The sticking point was the specific accusation in his general rather expansive joyous behavior the "kiss" was somehow a "sexual assault. In any sane world there would be some censure , his apology for being a bit OTT and everyone in Spain could have got on with celebrating a rather unexpected triumph. In the event the very recent passing of a "positive consent" law and some other controversial feminist inspired laws which are controversial in Spain, turned this into a supposedly Spanish "me too" moment.

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The feminists just never cease to amaze. Good on Rubiales for refusing to admit guilt over such an innocuous transgression.

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Well argued. Thank you.

I didn't see the video of the kiss for some time after this had been news. Judging from the photo that went all over the world I had assumed it was some Alien face-hugger affair that went on that bit too long. I was shocked when I saw the actual footage and it was a millisecond peck on the lips. This is ridiculous beyond the normal crap.

Rumour has it that Rubiales was not a popular person in his job and this was escalated as an excuse to oust him. I'm guessing his replacement will be another man; one who used feminist outrage to his advantage.

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I suspect that there will now be a concerted attempt to destroy him permanently. Many people will now join his repugnant uncle in telling tales of sexual indiscretion on Rubiales's part and complaints of abuse against him. They know the kiss isn't bad enough on its own to cause lasting damage, so they will drum up what more is needed.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

I'm sure you are right as both the actual fleeting incident and the videos of Hermoso and the team making light and joking with Rubiales will not be sufficient to really condemn him.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

I’m just wondering what to look for on Rubiales side. Does anyone on here know how to say GFY in Spanish

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"Bueno para ti" although feminists would rather it be "buena para ti" lol

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Would the uncle be looking for some media company to pay him for some juicy stories? Surely not!

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I did some "googling" and from the Spanish media it seems Rubiales' uncle has been a vociferous opponent of his nephew for some years. My Spanish is not good enough to know exactly the accusations but he's definitely not a fan.

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So the knives have been out for a while for the Caesar of Spanish soccer.

Though not only a backstabbing, but a crucifixion, initiated by a reverse retroactive Judas kiss.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

I think its highly instructive that initially Hermoso had made a couple of comments to effect that it wasn't a big thing and of the moment. But as the "pile on" grew effectively handed over to her Union who then made statements that read more like quotes from feminist text books than things any person may have said. Prior to this I read a piece about the Spanish team which included comments about the long time football relationship with Hermoso and Rubiales (she being quite old for a footballer and on the scene for many years). It looked very much that she quickly threw Rubiales to the lions (or Lionesses) once it seemed she may get caught in the crossfire of what is now a political campaign. So I think cowardice was at the core of her actions. I'm sure this was at the core of Rubiales' mothers action for her to "tell the truth" and this betrayal no doubt affected Rubiales' reaction'. It really does show the political nature of women's football, as both Rubiales and the team manager who trained them to victory are out in the cold. Just as the USA's teams carping and posturing no doubt played a role in their dismal performance feminism itself will destroy women's football. The irony here is of course constantly feminists demand men watch and applaud women's football, and here we have the head of Spanish football very publicly overjoyed at the performance and triumph of his national team. And is punished harshly for expressing that joy! Perhaps men who go to watch women's football need to take note and merely politely applaud, rather than go overboard with excitement as they are allowed at any men's match. Even the dutch female manager of the English Lionesses has been accused by women in previous teams of "abuse" (of the fat shaming/bullying variety) no doubt because her record of successes is built on pushing her teams to do "110%". The victim/complain culture will lead to mediocrity and turn men (and probably many women) away from something so toxic.

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Many excellent points here, Nigel, thank you. It is interesting that it took a few days for Hermoso to realize how badly she had been treated--and only after feminists had already articulated all the standard talking points. Perhaps it was in large part simple cowardice, with a dollop of self-serving opportunism.

And you're so right about the irony that Rubiales was genuinely overjoyed at the win. If he hadn't been overjoyed, it would have shown his misogyny--which feminists in sport are always harping on about. Typical pincer movement of the feminist harridans.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

That's the thing about accusations from the feminist perspective - no amount of time passing or previous lack of discomfort is any obstacle to lobbing accusations.

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And that’s the double edge sword. Had he suppressed is joy and happiness for the team’s achievement it would have been branded as an example of misogyny.

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Kobayashi Maru, as the trekkies would say.

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Jefa, first time seeing it written or spoken. All those Jefes are on the run, now. We should make a video with a clot of Jefas in hot pursuit of Rubiales wearing a red sash around his waste, sprinting down a narrow street in Pamplona, with Rod Stewart singing, "I don't want to talk about it," softly, in the background.

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Oblique but IMO relevant to your analysis is the wildly skewed trade-off landscape this furthers for honest males with coaching skills who also have other options. Five years ago, after nearly a decade coaching hundreds of females--celebrating victories and consoling defeats, diligent to maintain high standards and strict boundaries without becoming an aloof robot--I saw how the culture was filling a minefield with shifting perceptions of propriety and, most importantly, grievance.

Reluctantly, I chose to exit. I now I deploy four decades of athletic experience (and other skills) in other realms. The upshot is that women's (and girls') sports can only lose as other male coaches make similarly rational (if reluctant) calculations.

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Yes, indeed. If I were a man with coaching experience and skills, I would definitely stay away from women's sports. It is far too dangerous to be involved. Women should not be coaching or officiating or doing locker-room interviews with male athletes for the same reason. Sooner or later, one of those women will have a victim moment too--a too-tight hug, an "inappropriate" comment, something that seemed off and can be used to bring disrepute to individual athletes or a whole team. I'd like to say that most women wouldn't ever deploy this damaging power, but I'm not sure anymore. Men deserve to be able to enjoy their sports safe from charges of harassment and assault.

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‘A Victim Moment’… otherwise known as a ‘Bonus’in the corporate world.

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or "jackpot"

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It is the message. However women coaches are not immune.All this has a theme that links with other “scandals” such as in British female gymnastics (women coaches who had steered UK female Gymnastics to unprecedented highs internationally), even in the past of the Dutch woman now managing the English Lionesses. And again illustrated in this field, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66720433. In common is the coached complaining about the things that are necessary to compete. Either females are as tough and focused as males in competitive fields or they are too fragile to deal with the demands made to achieve. Sacking the team manager that coached the Spanish national team to an unexpected victory? In all this one rarely hears a peep from the males in the sport or endeavor, though they too will have to be in the peak of fitness. Anyone would think that females need a softer and more gentle treatment, and maybe do away with competition altogether?

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Absolutely. Years ago, the most successful ever volleyball coach in Italy, Julio velasco, after having won absolutely everything and more at club and national team level, decided to try it out in women volleyball, out of curiosity. After a few frustrating (mis)adventures there, but not before showing his usual commitment and long time dedication, he gave up, took time off, travelled, then incredibly became successful in another men’s sport (can’t remember whether it was basketball of football), then wrote a book (as well as of course giving many talks and interviews essentially on “how to win”); and he wrote and spoke at length about the differences he found between male and female volleyball players, saying women volleyballers ultimately (let me simplify here for the sake of brevity) lacked the deeper levels of resilience, self sacrifice, competitiveness, mental ferociousness that male players have (more of). He told stories of how his female players complained more, used victimhood dinamics more, had less patience with “staying with the pain”, BELIEVED less in the need to win, displayed more of an appreciation of the social and communicative element of the sport rather than seeing it also as a “matter of life and death”, etc etc.

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As the women's soccer players in Spain seem to be going on the rampage, of self destruction it seems, I still can't get over the fact that Rubiales was indeed very clearly literally bouncing with joy at the unexpected victory (as everyone was expecting the USA to win yet again). As in the videos of immediately after behind the scenes the team too seemed really happy he was so clearly delighted. Going into the competition the fuss was about the USA and here it was with some surprise we saw their self destruction as I suppose we hadn't really clocked their "campaigning". An english novelist, was once asked what made women happy, she replied "nothing for more than 15 minutes".

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023

This reminds me of a couple of things. The first is the iconic Life magazine kiss of a nurse by a sailor at the end of WWII, a spontaneous act of jubilance that the war was over. It was a photo that became famous in a good way, until in the 2020s when it was re-interpreted by radical feminists in the midst of the MeToo madness. They saw it as an act of sexual assault. They even spray-painted #MeToo on a statue commemorating the famous kiss.

The woman in the photo, being kissed in 1946, did not see it that way: "In 2016, after her death at 92, her son told The New York Times that in her view "It was just somebody really celebrating. But it wasn't a romantic event. It was just an event of 'thank God the war is over' kind of thing. And the reason the sailor grabbed someone dressed like a nurse was that he just felt very grateful to nurses who took care of the wounded." Three months earlier, [the sailor, then 21 had been at the Battle of Okinawa and dragged survivors and the dead from the water. Nurses helped save many lives. In an interview for the same project, he said he’d grabbed her because he thought she was a war nurse. “It was all done in good clean honest fun,” he said. She remembered that day as happy, the kiss only a part of it. "It was a day that everyone celebrated because everyone had somebody in the war, and they were coming home," she said in an 2005 interview. "So it was a wonderful gift finally to end this war. It was a long war, and it cost a lot." Source: https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/karinabland/2019/02/20/post-war-kiss-iconic-picture-unwanted-sexual-advance/2928622002/

That is the healthy, sane way to interpret such a kiss. After all, kissing each other in greeting has been a part of Mediterranean culture for ages. Alcohol and exuberance have at times taken it a bit further than a peck on the cheek as in the 1946 photo. But it was not romantic; it was just a celebratory kiss. The feminists made it into something ugly.

Hermosa, as your article implies, is doing this for publicity, to virtue-signal. She is scapegoating an innocent man for attention and the mob is going along with it. I have seen this before, in social justice movements I was part of. That brings me to the second thing this story reminds me of.

An animal rights activist of Portuguese origin always kissed and hugged everyone he met, purely out of affection and friendship, not in any sexual way. He hugged men too in this way, as is part of his cultural heritage. It was also just his personality, to be demonstrative. He was an extreme extrovert. And he had made the mistake of sleeping with some women in this activist movement, then moving on. Women talk and he got a reputation as a womanizer. This is itself is not a crime, so the feminists in the group decided to accuse him of a real crime, to get rid of him. To do this, one of them posted a false and anonymous allegation of rape against him online. The allegation was not only never proven; there wasn't even an accuser -- but as a result, he was shunned and reviled and left the movement he'd given much of his life to -- even though he denied the allegation strongly. He was advised to charge those responsible with defamation -- a case he would have won -- but he decided to just leave the movement instead. The result was a divided movement, hurt feelings, and a feeling of triumph among the feminists. They succeeded in flexing their muscles and asserting their power. That cause was now a "safe space" for women, or so they alleged. The biggest losers in this whole thing were the animals, who lost a good advocate for their rights and welfare because of human power struggles.

Perhaps little known among conservatives is that for decades men in Left-leaning social justice and environmental and animal rights movements were routinely subjected to abuse. It's a form of control, an exercise in power for its own sake. It has nothing to do with justice. The same thing also happened viz. race in these movements: white people were routinely called racist and made to confess their "white privilege." Then as the people who were in these social justice movements in college joined the workforce and gained institutional power they transformed all Western institutions into Marxist struggle sessions: education, business, the church, the courts, the media, sports and entertainment, government -- all were transformed in this way. This is how the West was weakened from within and by cultural Marxism.

Young women in the West are taught to be "heroes" by publicly shaming men in this way. The ethos of "girl power" and the "girl boss" promoted by Disney is a cultural Marxist expression of this. As a result, there were a lot of false allegations of wronging during the height of MeToo. And even in the case where men went too far (which of course does happen sometimes), the punishment -- public shaming and loss of one's career -- was not proportionate to the "crime." For example, Garrison Keillor the radio storyteller put his hand on a woman's shoulder in an elevator -- in his account, innocently -- and as a result of being "called out" syndication of his radio show was cancelled.

Now men in the West are afraid of the slightest misstep. They are avoiding women, out of fear for their lives and careers. The MGTOW and Passport Bros movements are a result. Many women are deeply unhappy about this but it's the fault of a culture of misandry. It almost makes me think the Muslims and Orthodox Jews are right to keep men and women separate most of the time -- not only for the protection of women but also for the protection of men.

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Wow, AMAZING contribution ! Truly Fantastic! Thank you very much!!

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Feminists make everything ugly, including their own selves.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

"to disguise viciousness as vulnerability" is a wonderful insight. Thanks, Janice!

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

One of the most disturbing aspects of incidents such as this is the leap to self-hatred from men who rush to acknowledge their “toxicity” in order to fend off any potential attacks to which they themselves may be subjected. In a culture where boys at age ten are already twice as likely as girls of the same age to commit suicide and four times as likely by age twenty, it’s appalling to see feminism making progress in their campaign of self-hatred for men. If feminists actually believe in this pernicious ideology, they should be encouraging any man who has had a scantily clad woman brush by him to charge her with sexual assault.

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

This is a feature, not a bug. A culture cannot survive without leaders, and leaders are almost inevitably male. Even in games of strategy, like chess and e-sports, where physical strength is irrelevant, women vastly underperform - with only 5% of chess grand masters and ZERO of the top 500 e-sports players being women.

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There does indeed seem to have been a "settling of scores" with Rubiales and Vildas within the politics of Spanish football. Though probably more powerful is the current "left" coalition Government which has put in some controversial new laws as part of the deal to coalition partners. The latter desperate from some "success" because one of their laws actually had the unintended effect of of reducing the sentences of 100s of convicted rapists and a "yes means yes" law has resulted in some very unexpected cases. Rubiales is probably the victim of unwittingly giving the politicians an "example". After all no one can deny the kiss happened as it was beamed across the globe.

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Feminists' and leftists' complete lack of consistence (or any form of logic) is very convenient as it allows for their unintended consequences to shortly be reframed as even more misogyny dealt out by the patriarchy.

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Sep 14, 2023·edited Sep 14, 2023

I'm sure this will be the case in Spain, having holidayed there for decades any law about consenting to kissing is bound to generate a huge number of cases of dispute in such a kissing culture. Here in England we manage generate scandals if a man touches the knee of a woman. Kissing being so rare here.

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Totally. Which is why I keep using wherever and whenever I write the term “toxic feminazism”. To counter them in the language, or at least, do my bit.

Anyway, speaking of potential risks of auto-induced self-hatred etc etc, have you seen what they did in Australia? Check this out. Really happened. The west Australia newspaper, few days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/perth/comments/169mucb/how_we_stop_this_kid_from_becoming_a_monster/?rdt=50854

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I live in Australia. It's bad here.The Australian women's soccer team is having public murals and statues made in their honour. They came fourth. The bar for female greatness is becoming subterraneanly low.

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023

Wow. Jesus help me. Yeah I read about it actually. The matildas, right? Thank god they didn’t win. And thank god for Bettina Arndt, she’s is incredible and doing some amazing work, although for now she’s obvsiously like a David vs Goliath. She’s here on substack too, and her blog is excellent.

And about the “boy becoming a monster” article:

I was so hurt and shocked about it that I started contacting international pro-men associations asking to look into it, reach out, franchise in aus, etc etc…

I’ll check out rebel news. Thank you

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023

I follow Bettina's substack and have bought her book, Men Too.

Quadrant Online is my favourite place for political comment in Australia. It's particularly good at exposing the lies of the Aboriginal industry.

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Thanks so much Greg. Great tips. Greg tips, even. 😄

I look fwd to checking out Bettina’s book (my bad, didn’t know she had a book) and quadrant.


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Best wishes to you, Luca. 😊

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Next I suppose the last-place team will get special murals and monuments because without losers there would be no games, or some such rot.

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Participation awards, cos they're all stunning and brave for getting so far despite the patriarchy doing its level best to hold them back

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In the Matildas' last three matches, the scores were 0-0, 1-3, and 0-2. A draw and two losses. They scored one goal in 300 minutes of play (including the extra time). Are you saying that's not mural-worthy?

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They were even more dire than I realised. So they'd better have several murals to maintain their self esteem and to not traumatise up and coming little Matildas. Baby boss girls must be mollycoddled.

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Here's something I try to do to undermine feminism through language - I remind people that feminism does not equal women, and it's the feminist movement, not the women's movement. I also try to remind people that when feminists say "women need x, y & z" the reality is feminists WANT x, y & z. It's completely ingenuous.

US feminists in the late 1960s hit on an evil genius move when they rebranded themselves "the women's movement" and/or "women's liberation." I was alive at the time and recall that women never voted for feminists to be our political representation.

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Excellent. I’ll keep the implied tip from this and make it mine if you don’t mind. Language is everything. Well, it’s a start anyway.

Thank you!

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I'd be honored it you did make this your own! Thank you.

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Or here if you cannot access that link:


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I've donated to Rebel in the past. I know them well.

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Communist purges and New England witch trials come to mind.

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I saw the video clip once and saw no revulsion or rejection, but of course that is all explained away in the normal manner. The only take away for men is to avoid as much contact as possible with women in the workplace. It’s another case of she said, period. She has complete control of what actions are offensive and now, criminal. There is no community standard per se in any definition.

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Was Europe really a less safe "space" for women when the typical greeting was a kiss on each cheek?

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I saw a clip where someone had read his lips.

Apparently he asked gur consent to give her a peck.

She agreed with "vail" or something similar and he kissed her.

The footballer was as happy as can be on the coach or plane talking about the kiss.

This is entirely political.

I weep for the future generations!

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That’s right! She said “Vale”, which means “all right, ok, fine, agreed”.

I find that the real core of the idiocy of it all resides in the fact that - given there was no shortage of attention from all over the world right at this moment of “World Cup glory” - she stated clearly , for everyone to see and hear, that what had happened was ok, was nothing to be thought badly of, indeed it was something lighthearted, perhaps a little eccentric but ultimately definitely just joyous, just as she was joyous and lighthearted on the plane back home when she was laughing about it with her teammates…

And then she changes her mind and states she was actually traumatized? Are the police stupid or something? Has it come down to this, one can even change her mind about it and go to the police and accuse someone afresh? Jesus Christ man.

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Sadly, the feminists have made retroactive withdrawal of consent a thing. It's horriffic.

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Omf goodness, wow! Wow wow wow! I did not know that. Wow.

Thanks Trish

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You're welcome, Luca. The most horrifying example I can think of was a comedian, Aziz Ansari. A woman went to his apartment, spent the weekend (mostly naked) and various sex acts occurred. She said later that she felt too intimidated to tell him there were certain things she didn't want to do.

Here's a link to some feminist verbiage trying to justify retroactive withdrawal of consent:


I think this is why the want to make consent be all verbal, when actual human sexuality involves a lot of nonverbal interaction - then they can play a game of 'I never *said* yes."

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Blasted eyes.


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I think all sex acts should have a film crew watching and revirdjng consent

The woman should have her parents sign documents stating they're happy to have her banging whoever.

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Or we could just harvest germ cells and cook up new humans in petri dishes.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Great write up of this case that is in the international spotlight. So sad that what at first appeared be a simple exuberant, celebratory faux pas has been upgraded to career-ending and criminal sexual assault? One can say it was wrong and a transgression, but as you outlined so well, the reaction going so over the top says more about the feminist industrial complex than the incident itself.

Also, I would say watch it in real time vs. slo-mo or still photos. In real time, it just seems like a quick peck on the lips, not a full on smooch. I'm curious where this goes legally, but in terms of culture the moment is embedded.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

It's sad that it could even be characterized as a faux pas - considering how Europeans used to regularly greet each other with a peck on both cheeks.

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the madness is of course they still do!

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Haven't been to Europe in a long while, so I didn't want to make an assumption.

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Well certainly in holiday areas of Spain, France and Italy the "latins" don't seemed to have become british yet

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I'm American, so I observe Europe from a rather far distance.

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The only transgression Rubiale's committed is having GAY attractions. Considering these hermaphrodites slap each others buts and kiss each other anyway, I don't see what he did as even a minor transgression. (In the context) I DO think it's stupid for MEN to coach wo-MEN'S sports in the 1rst place.

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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Bart Connor kissed Nadia Comenici when asked to do so by a photographer. They eventually got married, had a son, and are running a very successful business training gymnasts. Maybe it'll work out for these two as well. 😉

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LOL, wonderful, thanks Lee.

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Women seem to have succeeded at having their cake and eating it too. They claim equal status on sports teams with men, but are also able to dissolve into victimhood and demand extreme protection at the slightest thing they deem inappropriate. This isn't equality, since men never had this power. This is enjoying the benefits of both the traditional male and the traditional female world. For the moment, female power appears able to overpower dissent against the double standards and inconsistencies by exploiting the male instinct to protect women. But the double standard is glaringly obvious, and I suspect that eventually it will prove unsustainable.

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Please consider replacing the word women with feminists. Most of the women I've known in my life don't buy into feminism, although feminists portray their demands as "women want x, y & z" when in reality, feminists want those things and don't care if the rest of us do not.

Every time that women and feminists are conflated, it's a win for feminists.

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Trish, I appreciate your thoughts about this. While you are right that it is feminists who want these things for women, they are indeed available to all women, and so it is not inaccurate to say women rather than feminists. I understand that you personally would not take advantage of these powers, but it is also true that you could if you wished to. They are female rights rather than feminist rights, and this should not be obscured or confused by inaccurate language.

Keep standing up for the fact that you don't feel represented by feminists, and we will oppose them together.

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David, I thank you for this comment. I'm really glad you see my point about how feminists misrepresent themselves as the voice of all women to achieve more power for themselves. I'm happy to stand with you opposing feminists.

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Excellent article. I’ve fumed, here in the uk, over the sycophantic media reports regarding this. It seems they all have the snapping head of a feminist organisation on speed dial ready to support, condemn and vilify what was essentially high spirits. I’m disgusted about how women have forced moaned and whined their way into football, whilst financing their inferior efforts with money siphoned from the men’s game. We’re constantly told by the feminist media that it’s massively successful, but this is a lie. The women’s World Cup struggled to get televised. It couldn’t find willing sponsors or advertising. In early stages tickets were given away, such was the lack of interest. And

we’re always told that the stadia are crammed full, but no one says the tickets are £1…..!

Look at the photos in the article. Why during the award ceremony after the match final, are the seats behind, empty?

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