20 hrs ago·edited 20 hrs agoLiked by Janice Fiamengo

Janice, you have an amazing skill to unearth the visible to all, but rarely acknowledged truth. Here's a great example: "Yet while the vast majority of men don’t have a problem with women in positions of leadership, men are noticing that at least some of those women (and a goodly number of feminist men) have a problem with them."

So totally true. Amen and thank you.

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wait until women start to wake up to their female managers and start having a problem with them. Seen that in a previous work place!

I've worked with two female colleagues who kind of wished our female manager would disappear into hell...

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One of the most amusing aspects of the advertisement is its stereotypical image of masculinity. I don’t drink Bourbon, or lift weights. I do believe in complementarity. That this is a perfectly sensible position didn’t occur to the makers of the ad.

More importantly, the assumption that “real men” are feminist is absolutely ridiculous.

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19 hrs ago·edited 19 hrs ago

quite hilarious actually.. these Feminists don't like being stereotyped but are happy to want men to fit into 'their stereotyping of men'..

Just a tad hypocritical I think..

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Thanks for writing this.

Anti-male sentiment is so pervasive in our culture that I have assumed it was a given for most of my life. It’s like the air we breathe. Maybe I’m slow on the uptake, but it’s only clear to me now because the tenor has become so hysterical in the last decade or so.

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Same here. I'm 65, and I suffered the worst of female domination through my divorce. Only after my divorce did I realise that I had suffered female domination through my marriage, and then earlier.

However, I only saw the "pervasive" anti-male sentiment in our culture ten years ago - which coincides with your timeline.

I can date it so precisely because in Australia the feminists went onto the attack with the exploitation of "domestic violence" taken to the next level, ie. of portraying it as an "epidemic" in which large numbers of women in consensual relationships were being routinely "beaten", and which was rooted in male power and privilege.

The heavily funded government dv campaign of 2015 had me wondering what-the-hell was going on. My own life experience, and my conversations with other men, was the exact opposite. I, and other men, had seen women in power in our own lives, the workplace, and society at large, and the results were questionable, at best, as so eloquently described by Janice here.

The Australian dv campaign of 2015 was eventually called out for its blatant lying about both the prevalence of dv and its root causes, yet MSM, government, "rights" NGOs and even Christian charities, have continued with it to this day.

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NGO = Non Government Organisation = getting tax relief for doing jobs that are not voted for by Citizens = Lobbyists = jobs for mates or outsourced jobs by governments to make them look good.

I have a good friend who works for an NGO and he is quite high up and what I realised was that: the NGO is basically the Catholic Church; the NGO goes into countries (and probably does some really good work) without citizens voting for them (that I'm aware of) and whilst they might not push Christian values; I wonder what all this has to do with the push for the so called 'Democracy', that without Democracy the world is going to end! There is a lot going on around us that has nothing to do with Citizens directly voting for things in their lives but rely on Others doing it: when companies do this it is called 'outsourcing' but this is People in Authority deciding what is best base on THEIR ideas which make their CV look rather cool. Also, what was it in the past? Missionaries..

The one good thing that came out of my friend working there was digitalising a lot of the office work, practices - but even then there was push back from employees that had been there for years.. basically it boiled down to: I'm not leaving and if you don't step up, then step out..

Being more efficient with their money was one goal... at least...

The shame of all this is that there are some good people and others that like to grift.. without Citizens voting for these NGO's...

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The ad was absurd but demonstrates what feminist women think of men. Frankly...men have woken up and are done with feminism...and frankly with women as well. When the day comes that men strike and women have to keep society running without our help...the big question will be whether total collapse happens before...or after lunch.

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and what the producers think of men too!!!

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Google MCM FIU pedestrian bridge in Florida collapse. You will find the censored fact check that the ALL wo-MAN'S construction company and the five wo-MAN engineering team who designed the bridge which collapsed after a WEEK, did 'not' cause the bridge to collapse. LOL. Guess what happened?

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One week of men going on strike and women would agree to scrapping the 19th Amendment.

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One month and they would embrace Sharia law!

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We should scrap the 19th amendment anyway. Or at least make wo-MEN'S vote not count by voting in masse against the left. Of course, the right is almost as bad.

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After having seen my share of female "leadership" in corporate America, I can assure you I am not "afraid" of female leadership.

I don't go to work to hear blathering about whiteness or to be forced to sassy clap for the gays every June. It's not fear. It's not hate. It is contempt. Deep contempt.

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The proverbial hills that some are willing to die on (and the people whom they’re willing to stand behind) are genuinely shocking, albeit completely unsurprising.

In much the same way that race grifters, social justice warriors and rabid leftists try to use the cases of individuals like Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, and George Floyd to allege that America and/or the institution of law enforcement is systemically racist, they’re now trying push the message that the resistance to voting for Kamala Harris is some sort of evidence of latent/blatant misogyny and/or racism.

They truly have a gift for picking the most…questionable (if not outright loathsome) specimens as evidence for their ridiculous claims, which are built upon a foundation of exaggerations, lies, and utter bullshit.

Of course, this would assume that their defense of these individuals was genuine, which is certainly not the case for all of them, and which is indicative of a separate and (arguably) larger underlying issue in modern society.

I’m not a very political person. I’ve never voted for anyone or anything and I’ve never been affiliated with any particular party or candidate, but when I see efforts like this being made to push a particular candidate (in this case, Kamala Harris), all I’m seeing and hearing is a coalition of morons collectively declaring:

“I hate Donald Trump more than I love anything else.”

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You are absolutely right - but for the scale of it... This model of using previously legit grievances like racism to basically grift in the modern egalitarian era is universal. Pretty much every movement that achieved their equality objectives in the 20thC has turned into this.

To keep receiving the funding and sinecures they need to keep the grievances flowing. So they generate them using the postmodern/"critical" word-salad formula.

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That's funny because when I see people wanting to vote for Trump that's what I have always seen. They hate the rest of us more than they love themselves.

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Excellent critique, as always!

Yeah, when I first watched that video I figured it was some kind of parody, a montage of ignorant and subtly derogatory stereotypes of men. Then...I caught on that the creator(s) actually held such a fundamentally contemptuous view of ordinary masculinity.

Whelp, if y'all will excuse me...guess I'll go rebuild a carburetor while I sip some Jim Beam. If my daughter's hair doesn't need braiding, of course. Sheesh!

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I wonder if all this will affect the sales of Jim Beam!!

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Just saw an interview with the guy who produced the video and he claimed it was a parody. Problem is Harris supporters think it’s real and approve of it. The other problem of course is it isn’t funny and doesn’t work as parody.

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I wonder if the claim it was intended as parody is just butt-covering, now that the vid has drawn so much mockery...

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The producer claims to be a conic.

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It obviously is a parody…of men. That’s the problem.

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I've raised this with Janice in the past: men are happy to recognize that women have a USP on top of all their other talents. That is, the ability to manufacture and fuel replacement human beings. However, women are no longer prepared to grant men any USP, asserting that women can do anything a man can do, certainly equally well, and often better. They might make an exception for opening jars and taking out the rubbish and a few other drone-like menial tasks, but beyond that, men are merely ancillary (strictly, 'ancillary' means 'as, or like, a hand-maiden'. What a reversal). They close their eyes to the thousands of jobs and skills that men perform and exhibit, but women simply choose to ignore.

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Great article, Janice. This reminds me a lot of that crazy, misandrist Gillette ad that came out in 2019, where they decided it was a good idea to attack their customer base and wound up taking an $8.5 billion hair cut (beard trim?) as a result. These people are so disconnected from reality that they truly think its possible to bring someone to their side by disrespecting and otherwise insulting them. Madness.

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Your comment reminded me of when I was recently at CVS with my son who's in college. We were picking up some supplies and he said he needed shaving cream. That was the perfect time to tell him why I abide by "Never Gillette."

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Yes, there are enough weak men and communists that will vote for Harris. But political commercials aren't for the base. They are for the undecided. Sadly, this commercial will not gain Harris any undecided votes.

Insulting 49.5% of your population doesn't get you votes. I noticed they used a chicken farmer instead of a rancher. What a weak and ineffective man that he boasts of raising chickens.

What has feminism got us? Men who are afraid to talk to women for fear of being labeled sexist. Boys who want nothing to do with women, and the degradation of the military in the form of queers and transexuals.

Every ill in society can be traced to women in power and academia.

Women are chasing men out of society and then inviting in men who don't respect them and who rape them.

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Mostly true. Except "It takes a tough MAN to create a tender chicken" Frank Purdue wants you to know.

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That takes me back a bit. 😉

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Your general point about feminism, Joseph, is well taken. But your point about weak men needs a tweak. Heinrich Himmler actually was a chicken farmer, a failed one at that, before becoming the powerful architect of Hitler's Final Solution. He has gone down in history for evil but not for weakness.

Also, I think that there's a typo in your first paragraph. You say, "Sadly, this commercial will not gain Harris any undecided votes." Surely, you mean "fortunately."

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This form of female behavior , rabid anti-male propaganda, is uniquely associated with the Democrat party. It is also associated with the pro-abortion (I.e. non-reproductive rights) movement. It is not nearly as radical in other developed countries. As for the other majority part of the global community, it is totally absent. If women acknowledged their bodily reproductive function, it would not be necessary to import migrants to replace the aborted fetuses. How long before Democrat women start calling as a group for protection from imported migrant criminals and racists?

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In Australia we do not have a Democrat or a Democratic Party but rabid anti-male propaganda is pervasive. What I'm saying is that rabid anti-male propaganda is pervasive and dominant in at least the whole Anglosphere and as far as I can see, all of Western culture. It is far bigger and far more pernicious than one party in one country.

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Just FYI, for people who are unfamiliar with American politics: we don't have a "Democrat party". Our two major parties are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Maybe other countries are different, I don't know! But I do know about this country.

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I will call it that when its members behave in a democratic way. Until then the capital D is just a name.

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Google “Robert Michels” and “iron law of oligarchy” to understand why even the most internally democratic political parties are not as democratic as they claim to be.

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Yea 2 peas in a pod

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Here’s a great rule of thumb, especially for young men. Recognize any input that utilizes the “man enough” or “real man” concepts as cheap manipulation by someone who is not in his or her right mind. Shut down their videos and online articles. Heave their printed books in the shitcan. Physically turn your back on them if they trot it out in person.

You’re not responsible for wading into every skirmish in this culture’s grudge match against reality. You are responsible for not letting maladjusted weirdos pour any of their poison into your brain housing group.

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A lifetime ago, a young man that I knew very well got into a high school fist fight with the school bully, thrashing hell out of the bully but breaking his fist in the process.

As he sat with his father in the local doctor's office awaiting the cast that would be his closest acquaintance for the next six weeks, a local sheriff's deputy dropped in to ask the young man about the fight. The deputy was young himself, a little arrogant and cocky, trying to intimidate the youngster.

Across the way sat an ordinary-looking sixty-ish man - the only other patient in the room - his old-timey hat pulled just above his brow line.

"Don't you let that man scare you, Son," was all he said.

The deputy turned to the man, looked him over carefully, and turned on his heel to quickly exit the premises.

On the ride home, Dad turned to the boy and said, "Do you know who that was?"


"That was Albert Webb. He's old now, but over his lifetime, he's killed two men and nearly killed another one. The last one was with a knife."

Eating carburetors? Please. Real men - especially dangerous men - don't say much. They don't have to.

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The Bud-Light moment for the Democrats...

Are the people producing these things that blind? Or are they actually revelling in rubbing people's noses in it as a kind of demonstration of dominance?

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what's clear to me is that today's woman has no concept nor understanding of a man. But in the opposite direction, well...

there's quite an education happening.

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What's the fuss? They were all "trans-men" --- except maybe for the guy who braids his daughter's hair. He is arguably gay (er, "bi"). Carburetors???!!!! Everything is fuel injection or battery now.

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Haha, I missed that about the carburetors! Oh man.

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While all the newer vehicles are generally fuel-injected, many older models still get around with carburettors.

I have pulled apart and cleaned a small number of "Carbies", small motors are still used in garden maintenance equipment such as chainsaws/lawnmowers/whipper snippers/blowers, and still use them.

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Well done on "old school" carburetors. But you are a real man. I thought those guys were just "trans-actors" doing a commercial transaction. Then I heard from Esposito below who says that one of those guys is actually real. The guy who was braiding the "doo doo" out of his daughter's hair. I loved the guy who said, in effect, "Why Braid 'doo doo' out of her hair instead of washing it out of her hair? And how did 'doo-doo' get into her hair???😜

I take it that you are NOT related to the real gunslinger, Hickok, of Wild Bill fame. He was manly but unlucky with aces and eights poker hands. I'm rambling, as usual. Nice to hear from you.

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"And how did 'doo-doo' get into her hair???"

I had the same thought when I heard that strange line. I guess she must have slipped in horse manure and got some in her hair. But I can't figure how braiding would get it out.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

I do most the maintance on my car, but then it is not a modern vehicle. Mechanically I have fixed a few things, as well wrecked a few things.

I have been told that I am related to him by my Great Uncle and Grand mother.

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Very perceptive of you. I have long held that MOST cross fit athletes are bisexual. In fact, that dude is a cross fit athlete and former navy seal. He was also brought up by a single mother and claims his father was abusive. He is an obsessive athlete and runs 12-hour marathons in the wee hours of the morning. His drive to be a freak athlete is the result of a complex which he acknowledges. Shows how low the military has become that it attracts those types who are obsessed with physical strength but are hopeless SIMPS anyway

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Woh! I can't believe that he is a real person and not just an actor. Thanks for the heads up. I'm more "goofy" than perceptive. But thanks anyway.

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