Hello all, and good evening from New York.

My personal favorite English professor has asked me to explain how the concept for the Don't Think About My Vagina pin came about. I am thrilled she based a satire on it, and got it to many people and I love the comments below that brought out many layers of the issue I was commenting on.

My original concept was for a DTAMV teeshirt -- the cute little babydoll style. In 2018, I was assaulted by a local group of claimed "feminists" for my common sense coverage of the MeToo movement. You can find that whole scenario here, with all the supporting documents. I have a feeling many who frequent this Substack will find it interesting and even see plenty that I have not seen. That was way back in 2018.


One of the ways I exposed the fraud was with satire. It really is a useful tool and the lord has blessed me with a modest gift. And as part of that, I designed a shirt at Rush Order Tees using their online design tool, and posted it to Facebook. I credited the shirt to the "Hudson Valley Feminist Collective," which I have basically taken over by doing so many spoofs of them (this included a flyer that said "Forced Vaccination is Rape" during the covid scam).

Earlier this year, I learned that an organization called the NoVo Foundation, led by Peter Buffet, the son of billionaire Warren Buffet, had created the whole campaign against me and paid off organizations an amount comparable to what the FBI offers for one of their most wanted terrorists — depending on how you count, a total in six figures, or seven. Not a bad bounty for the reputation of a horoscope columnist.

So I decided to re-brand DTAMV and credit the "NoVa" foundation, to send them a little thank you message. Buttons along with the press release added above were widely distributed throughout the city of Kingston, New York (a little upstate berg north of NYC) of which Buffet fancies himself student body president, bribing everyone and everything (except me).

That's the basic story!

Anyone in the United States who wants one of these buttons, send a SASE to Chiron Return, PO Box 4141, Kingston, NY 12402. If you want a packet of them, send a check for $5 and I'll send them in a padded envelope.

Thank you Janice for all of your kindness, intelligence and genuine loving support for men, and for being my own personal English professor, which I hope you don't think is too objectifying.



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USA only, sorry...international shipping is too complicated.

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Apr 1Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Let's make a deal, ladies. We will stop thinking about your vaginas when you stop thinking about the size of our bank accounts.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1Liked by Janice Fiamengo

For a few short weeks, my son dated a young woman from a wealthy friend. I commented on her outfit one time (she had a great Katherine Hepburn style) and she retorted, politely that the observation was sexist. I wasn't offended. I was once young and dumb myself decades ago. My son broke up saying she was crazy. I never inquired about specifics. He did mention weeks later that though she came from a wealthy family, and he does not, she expected him to pay for everything. After they had broken up they ran into each other near their college campus at night. She guilted him into walking her to her apartment because it was late and she was a female alone. So, for her, feminism was a light switch to flip on when convenient.

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In my experience your observation, if true, requires a self-awareness many women lack. That was pure solipsism, which is a much murkier mental trait to navigate than selective damselling. They don't see the incongruence of stating they are equal in every way and should get all the prizes they imagine men get while simultaneously thinking men should open doors and kill burglars on their behalf. It seems to be bred into most women.

I know there are exceptions, so the radfems can hold back from hammering this comment. But it is about 20 percent in my opinion.

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A while ago I saw a YT short by an older guy. He said maybe there was a glass ceiling but there was also a glass floor. Really gave me pause as it summed things up very well. I recently encountered a middle-aged woman bitching how it's a man's world in entertainment. Well, the entertainment world is notorious for treating people like crap. A friend told me that everyone in Weinstein's office knew what he was up to. This meant that surely more than one female intern brought an unsuspecting victim to his lair. But no one speaks about this. I voice opposition to the middle-aged woman that there are many women who do well in entertainment and some women opt early to have kids - as another woman in entertainment complained of when she said would no longer hire women. As you indicate, women demand glamo jobs without paying all the dues. That is until their toilet is stopped up or they need drywall installed. It all makes my head hurt. I never once thought there was any reason I couldn't get to the top of my game as a lawyer. I chose not to chase that dream as I hated working in a law firm. That choice is on me.

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Apr 1Liked by Janice Fiamengo

When is it never switched on or off to suit? I've never seen the unswitched version!

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Apr 1Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Though both premises are absurd, the bit about the lesbians who need to be reminded of the vagina tipped me off to the decoy. Well done Janice.

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Thank you!

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Apr 1Liked by Janice Fiamengo

In general I don’t spend much time thinking about vaginas. Now I’m going to.

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Don't think about my wallet or my ability to provide for you?

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I was just thinking that posting this on April Fools Day complicates things for the reader. Feminist theory often reads like satire. Haven't looked at the links and have no idea which one is the joke.

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It is an real challenge, honestly.

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Apr 1Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Hate to admit it, but I honestly thought both were real (and I checked the links to makes sure). Brava on the satire Janice!

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Apr 1Liked by Janice Fiamengo

1. Don’t think about pink elephants! It’s a self-defeating directive.

2. The Supreme Court of Canada has already ruled on the matter of pre-consent to a sexual act while unconscious. It is not legal in Canada. Lots of Canadian males who would love to be woken up in the morning with a BJ will be disappointed to find that a criminal act by their partner now.

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Apr 1Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Don't forget, these laws only really ever get applied one way and most often only when an unhappy female doesn't get her way, usually on unrelated issues.

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Apr 1Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Everything feminism does seems like an April Fool’s joke.

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If there is any certain way to make dudes think of nothing else...

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Apr 1Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Janice, you fooled me. I even said to my husband, as I read out some sections, that Apr 1 was the wrong day to publish this.

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Apr 1Liked by Janice Fiamengo

It was the right day. Obviously.

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Apr 1Liked by Janice Fiamengo


I would comply if you’d stop looking at my hands and nose, my rippling pectorals, or my “too sexy for prime-time” knees. Stop asking me for the time, just so you can see how expensive (or not)!my watch is. Stop micro-judging my behavior, and, stop pinning “Don’t Look Here” Buttons on your tight, low-cut tops!

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Apr 1Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Feminists don’t want men thinking about their vaginas, which they intend to accomplish via a brazen, mass campaign of constantly reminding us about these vaginas that we’re not supposed to think about.

Either this is brilliant reverse psychology, or perhaps feminists really do want us thinking about their vaginas, so they can be offended that we think about their vaginas. I am reminded of the Slut Walk as the epitome of the noble feminine soul and the profound intellectual depth of the now renamed “[Don’t Think About My] Vagina Monologues” (tm)

It would seem that if feminists really wanted men to stop thinking about women’s vaginas—is this redundant?—they could merely advocate that men become trans women lesbians, in which case we’d forget all about vaginas. (We mustn’t be pussies about this.)

Wait—I meant to write “trans lesbian people with vaginas who don’t actually have vaginas, but who are now allowed to think about vaginas even though they will now mysteriously forget about vaginas.” *correction inspired by the Supreme Court of Canada*

Sure glad I’m not thinking about people with vaginas’ vaginas.

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"Either this is brilliant reverse psychology"

It's a bait and switch game.

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Apr 1Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Honestly and again, is there not an issue relating to western women that can’t be satisfactorily answered by the MGTOW approach!

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Apr 2Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Don't think about my vagina!! But please subscribe to my Onlyfans to see my vagina

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Apr 1Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Every or nearly every heterosexual woman I've known has been fascinated - sometimes to a point of obsessiveness - with the penis. And in a period in which most cinematic and other media nudity and sexual objectification is of the male, the "don't think about my vagina" campaign underscores the fact that agenda (feminism) and unintelligent and ludicrous trendiness remain a potent (sorry - don't think about my penis when you read that word!) force.

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