And who says you don't have a sense of humour, Janice? A very good chuckle. The only problem is that is a serious issue, that only a woman could articulate. A man would be hung out to dry and shamed mercilessly for the rest of his life.
And who says you don't have a sense of humour, Janice?
A very good chuckle. The only problem is that is a serious issue, that only a woman could articulate. A man would be hung out to dry and shamed mercilessly for the rest of his life.
And who says you don't have a sense of humour, Janice?
A very good chuckle. The only problem is that is a serious issue, that only a woman could articulate. A man would be hung out to dry and shamed mercilessly for the rest of his life.
Thank you, Phillip.