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As an official old guy, i must tell you how satisfying it is to see these jerks slowly twisting in the wind. As comments elsewhere on here explain its always been about male hatred, the envy of the confident, self sufficient male who needs no-one other than himself, his focus and his learned skills to make his way through the obstacle course of life.. Feminism and Feminists who still hold the burning sword of victimhood aloft bring every woman under its dark penumbra.

After almost 80 years of this bullshit consider that men with successful careers or business’s no longer hire or mentor young woman of promise out of fear of a sexual lawsuit.

Men would rather go their own way than set themselves up to be raped by the Courts.

Most of the women, one see’s recently in appointed positions of power (hello current Liberal caucus/ US cabinet) are such morons, it’s a guilty pleasure to watch them be-clown themselves on social media.

Feminists congratulate themselves on allowing mediocre men to beat, pummel and triumph over naturally talented elite women in the name of Progressive Feminism.

The list, I dare say, goes on…and on. And this they have the nerve to tell us is progress for women

Call it Penis Envy (just how did that surgery go, anyway? Oh, just give it time, I’m sure they’ll workout the, uhm, kinks), male hatred, progressive feminism, whatever, the rats in the maze are running out of places to run and the pendulum is about to swing in the other direction. When it does make sure you put on your pussy hats, place your head firmly between your knees and get ready to kiss your collective ass goodbye.

What did the Abrahamic religions learn and know about Male/ Female relationships that we in the secular west have yet get our heads around. Ya know I always wondered. Hmmm?

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DON'T agree with you about elite wo-MEN athletes being being beaten by mediocre MEN, I myself enjoy seeing fe-MALE athletes being humiliated by Trans genders, it is long overdue.

fe-MALE athletes are virtual trans genders anyway, most don't even have periods and many have wives. SPORTS are BAD for girls, they are un lady like, and a form of androgyny in it's own right. wo-MEN'S sports is a form of GAY PORNOGRAPHY, remember, Girls DID THIS TO BOYS 1rst, and now they are getting KARMA! You reap what you sew.

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Hey Joe,

Maybe its time to have someone make you a warm cup of milk or just switch to decaf…what do you say!

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Naw Bro, I'm gonna have another shot of Rum and another toke of weeed, and then a chicken cutlet. But first a coffee...God bless!

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