On a related note...I worked at my State Fair at a political party booth that supports a candidate that the feminists loathe. This candidate was getting MASSIVE support from men of all ages, races and economic backgrounds. The young men (Gen Z) were the most fervent in their support. A mother tried to corral and shame her tall teenage son after he came over and excitedly grabbed a fan for the candidate HE likes but which she ignores. She grabbed his ear and arm as if her were an errant 4 year old in needs of a spanking and began trying to shame him for what he has shown support for. His demeanor and response was very telling. He tolerated his mother's actions...for now...but it was clear in his head she only made him more determined. This kid was maybe 14 and already 1 foot taller and 100 lbs heavier that the bully trying to control him. Feminists are in for a rude awakening when men finally decide that enough is enough and become all the things feminists fear...with justice and honor on THEIR side.

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My friend Pat K has told me that both his sons (now about 16 and 18) absolutely loathe feminism, having had it shoved down their throats for so long at school.

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I'm hearing this a lot these days. Could be why the feminists are freaking out and seeking extreme emergency powers to lock up dissenters.

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Exactly. Gotten reports of the same myself in America. Gen Z boys -- raised and dominated by women and total feminism, are backing away from it all, fast.

Older boys and men also are withdrawing rapidly from the Femarchy, working minimally, separating from all but close buddies, concentrating on hobbies, sports, vid games. I did the same in the nineties and never looked back at the gyno-gulag. Left the U.S. a decade ago for far more sane climes and people, and very glad I did. Still possible to have a masculine, honorable, loving life in different nations outside the lost anglo countries.

I support U.S. boys 100%, including their wise decisions to cut the cord with Big Sister. Women and the State (same thing) inevitably will triple-down, go total rage-mode, weaponize every aspect of culture, law, government etc. to hurt the males that they assume are the problem. This = galloping totalitarianism of a feminine cast.

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Where did you move to, Michael?

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pls allow me to message the info to you personally, Gregory. I will contact you soon with the answer. m

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Certainly, Michael. Are you able to PM me on substack? Do I need to follow you or some such?

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caught like a wild beast in the corner so they get even more ferocious. Except, these are human beings, female humans and others...

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My daughter, 26 & married now, announced over dinner one night when she was in HS, “I HATE feminists!”


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Good woman.

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They certainly do exist, and in surprisingly large numbers, even in the woke-fem West.

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Indeed and thank you.

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I'm interested in how she did the announcement!

Was she shouting or debating fiercely or did her announcement just arrive like, 'pass me the salt please'... or somewhere in between..

I find it interesting when I/others are pushed a millimetre over some invisible line an sometimes it really makes a huge impact...

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Actually, she stood up away from the dinner table at which the family was seated (wife, dad (me), stepson, son, daughter (her)), stood in the middle of the dining room and said it fairly loudly. I don’t recall the catalyst. But I won’t forget the exclamation.

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Thanks... Sorry, I just realised that you said 'HS' as in high school.. no more questions but that is soo damned interesting... but I like the most that she expressed what she was feeling/thinking.. Good for her..

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She’s a smart woman aware of the world around her and with excellent critical thinking skills.

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The human spirit in full flow.

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The very thing feminists fear, is exactly what they are creating. By teaching boys men are monsters, some will become the monsters that feminists have been trying to prevent.

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Very true. It should be noted that the feminists and LGBT advocates conduct is converting Muslim immigrant communities into supporters of the Republican party precisely because of their attacks on gender roles and the ability for families to raise their children in a manner consistent with their beliefs. If the Handmaid's Tale ever comes to be, it will be precisely because of the behavior of feminists and all the women who silently, or not so silently, are happy to go along with the unearned benefits it brings them.

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I love their Handmaid's Tale analogy -- that Project 2025 imposes a future that "goes back" to the horrific past when...

Families stayed relatively intact...

and women had children.

The Handmaid's Tale will absolutely come to pass through feminist fiat -- when the transgendered, sterilized progeny of "good mothers" are not reproducing (in great numbers) they will enslave those who were intelligent enough to keep their reproductive systems intact.

The natal crisis will impose an economic disaster of epic proportions, but heaven forbid a woman's right to abortion is taken away (even though it hasn't been taken away in most states and probably won't be, anyway).

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The natal crisis is easily solved in much the same way that national defense is addressed. All men are required to register for the draft at age 18 or lose many benefits of society and risk being charged with a felony. They are REQUIRED to serve when asked if they are fit to do so regardless of whether it is convenient. By the same argument, the nation should REQUIRE all women to provide at least 2 children to the nation or join the military. Elective abortion would be illegal for any woman who has not fulfilled her duty to the nation. Any woman not prepared to do this should lose the right to vote and hold elective office as a man who refused to register or respond to the draft would.

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Well, the Nazis tried that.

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I can see the need for this -- but it won't be easy!

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Insightful, thank you.

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Yes. Inevitably. Then they will stomp you all out while crying misogyny.

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If there’s no downside to becoming what they’re being blamed for anyway, why not? Same thing blacks are inciting via their constant yammering & hoaxes about “racism” that really doesn’t exist in America anymore … other than against whites & Asians.

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Monsters are what is needed - then everyone else follows

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Because they see nothing to gain from being otherwise.

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The scariest man is one who has nothing left to loose.

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The last time my abusive mother tried to physically corner me I was 13 years old and had had enough. I hit her across the face as hard as I could, and she never touched me again. That was the first and last time I've ever struck a woman.

It got me put in a glorified orphanage and made a ward of the state. As usual, children go to jail for the abuse their parents commit. But it was worth it.

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Well done Josh, you have the satisfaction of knowing you stood up for yourself as a child. I wish I'd done the same to my own abusive mother. My father never even argued back, because he'd learned from experience that she would take revenge when he was at work, by destroying his belongings, and he was terrified she would injure or kill the children, which she had threatened many times. She tried to drown my brother and me at the beach when we were little, but we managed to struggle free. Years later she related the story, laughing as if it were comical. I've sometimes fantasized about killing her myself as a child. If she were dead, my father would have nothing to fear, and could explain the situation to authorities. I might get off lightly, and family life could go on happily without her. When I told my sister about my fantasy, she said she wished I had done it!

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Sorry you had to go through that experience but glad it worked out in the long run.

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There is a blog "The Last time I hit a woman" about a young boy who hits his mother. https://www.certifiedmale.com.au/issue9/lasttime.htm

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This is interesting. My younger brother, who is 6'4" and over 250 lbs. was a big boy in grade school. He was constantly bullied because of his size and that my mother told him not to hit back because he was so big. Finally, after months of being bullied by a girl, she tore the arm out of my brother's coat (a coat my mother had just bought him for winter). He came home crying. My mother turned him lose on this girl, and told him that if she ever bullies him again, defend yourself. Well, he did defend himself and almost knocked the girl into the following week. My mother got a phone call from her mother and was screaming at my mother. When my mother told her to shut up and told her what happened, and she wanted to be reimbursed for the coat, she beat the shit out of her daughter. End of story.

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That's a great story; thanks for it and good for that kid, who is ready to stand up for himself.

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Exactly. But great news about gen Z.

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The kids know what they need. Good for them.

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"become all the things feminists fear"

Ya kinda just proved their point.

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The fact that so few men do actually proves the opposite. And now officials want to make it increasingly difficult for angry men to discuss their legitimate anger online. What could go wrong?

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There is another way to look at this. Women dominate the early day to day care of children as well as elementary and middle schools. They increasingly dominate high schools and universities. If we have a system that has become misandryst and is causing men to check out from relationships with women or outright coming to despite women...who is at fault for this? An abused puppy who grows up to be a vicious dog was created by the person who raised it. Time for feminists to take a good hard look in the mirror before blaming "men" for the problems in society vis a vis gender relations.

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Actually the opposite as Janice said. Consider this, 3 happily married women who do not know each other but grew up in a more traditional time in America, and all who have sons and grandsons, have commented that the conduct of feminists has been so detrimental to the country that they question whether the 19th Amendment may have been a mistake. This is 3 WOMEN making this statement. Misogynists exist, but are not the problem in the West. It is feminist Misandry that threatens our society...and rest assured...all women will reap what the feminists have sown sooner or later.

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What an excellent, courageous and powerful piece! We are in for a bumpy ride as feminist fundamentalism becomes the law of the land.

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"Feminist Fundamentalism", I'm stealing that.

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You are a legend in the manosphere, along with Baskerville, Fiamengo, Arndt and a few others.

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Feminist fundamentalism is already the law of the land in many parts of Canada. Toronto police are prohibited from pursuing criminal charges whenever a parent complains that their toddler’s feminist teacher was nude in class for a “protest”. However, police and mall rent-a-cops are given authority to use physical violence against pick up artists who are in receipt of “sexual harassment” complaints for approaching female shoppers.

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Maybe because a "pickup artist" (retch) mowed down and killed a dozen people with his van a few years ago.

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Retch to you too. You'd best not comment on issues about which you know so little that you haven't even figured out the terminology.

But aside from the fact that no "pickup artist" mowed down people in a van, what do you think the example would prove logically? Valerie Solanas, famed feminist author of the SCUM Manifesto, which advised women to kill men, actually did try to murder a number of men, including Andy Warhol; she ended up permanently injuring him. By your logic, then, all feminists who speak in dehumanizing ways about men should be treated as would-murderers because this one was. And by the way, Solanas isn't the only woman who has advocated killing men or celebrated the killing or maiming of men.

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And as it creates resistance.

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There is a tendency I noticed for university trained journalists (spin sisters) to try and lump Tate and Peterson together. Using their names in the same sentence, yet they are as similar to each other as chalk and cheese.

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I’ve noticed that. I’ve also noticed that when they talk about, for example, growing “misogyny” they explain it as young men being “influenced” by Peterson and Tate, as if said young men were witless swallowers of others opinions, rather than thinking humans matching some theory with their own experiences and observations, and with exposure to competing theories.

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Young women, on the other hand, are having their “consciousness raised” by feminist lies.

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Peterson is NOT a Tate fan and not shy about it, either. You might as well try and lump Emma Watson and J. K. Rowling together.

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Haven't heard of Peterson being violent in any way. He's an academic.

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Still doesn’t stop them from trying to paint him as a negative influence.

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Nosir. Correct.

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In “Legalizing Misandry,” Nathanson and Young argued that feminism shared the core attributes of a fundamentalist ideology as did National Socialism and Communism. They seem to have been proven correct.

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One of the best books around. I have deep admiration for Paul Nathanson.

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It borders on the magisterial. Certainly my favourite amongst their four “Misandry” books.

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Actually, we made that point directly in one chapter of Spreading Misandry and indirectly in all three of the other volumes. But thanks for remembering us!

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Paul—so honoured to encounter you here. Thank you for the wonderful “Misandry” series, especially “Legalizing Misandry.” The point regarding the essential similarities between ideological feminism and both National Socialism and Communism is an important one. It will be incorporated into an epistemological framework that I have a concept for that derives from a synthesis of Carroll Quigley’s “The Evolution of Civilizations” and Christopher Lasch’s “The Culture of Narcissism” along with various works in narcissism theory.

Just have to find enough spare time to get to work on it.

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Someone put up a sign that said “Islam is right about women and gays.” People melted down and politicians condemned it. This happened in Massachusetts. The Salem witch trials are back. Causing cognitive dissonance will soon be a hate crime.

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Just curious, but did they condemn islam for this, or was it a blanket condemnation of "men"? I would bet the house that it was the latter because the same militant feminists who condemn "men" are among the first to scream about "islamophobia" when the slightest criticism is directed towards muslims.

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As I recall, the response was something like "Oh, this is such a typically misogynistic thing to say, and it is Islamophobic to boot because it falsely implies that Islam is misogynistic when in reality this is simply a projection of the warped, woman-hating and xenophobic western mind."

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What a convoluted way of thinking, no wonder we are in real trouble.

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Someone purchased their ideas at Cognitive Dissonance ‘r’ Us.

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Yes! Excellent question. This is a real life example of a situation where feminists and their supporters would be tying themselves up in knots. What on earth to do when one "sacred cow" contradicts the other "sacred cow"?

Situations along these lines help to reveal the epistemological and moral house of cards that feminism is built on.

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Here you can see how this plays out in real life: https://youtu.be/PZHuFah0uds?t=21

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It's all about control!

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It was condemned because it wasn't put there in good faith, but rather to intentionally cause anger and distress. Sometimes tact is the better approach.

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How do you know what the intention was?

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I fear the coming presidential election in America will be one of the most consequential in world history. Powerful writing here, Janice. Thank you for having the guts to put this out there.

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How apt to tie this to the outcome of the presidential election, 2024!

Men's issues are outside the Overton window for both sides of politics (or, three sides if you count MAGA as different from the "right"), yet are lurking in people's assessment of the candidates. Men everywhere have had a gutful of the feminism of the left, and many women, I suspect are attracted (in a political sense, at least) to Trump's overt masculinity.

Trump can't promise to do anything for men, but we all know that if he loses it's THE END for us. A Harris administration will pursue the next level of persecution, as outlined by Janice Here. Us, and our conversations, will be outlawed. As Janice wrote: "Such tyranny will not rest until every dissident boy or man is demoralized, silenced, imprisoned, or dead. "

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Great piece Janice. So true and so well crafted. I am working on a related video that focuses on feminists being on the losing end of online arguments. The schools in Australia are working on a two year program to figure a way to stop this. it's actually pretty funny that they are having to go to this sort of extreme in order to cease losing online arguments with teen boys. LOL When they are confronted with the truth their best gambit is to pathologize the young boys who have bested them!

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"The ‘manosphere’ is dangerous because it is founded in anti-women hate. Individuals and networks in the ‘manosphere’ express conspiratorial and often violent beliefs about women, where a woman’s only value is her ability to procreate or to fulfil the sexual needs and desires of men, where women are referred to as subhuman sexual objects, and where feminism is seen as an enemy of mankind, among others."

Layer upon layer upon layer of projection.

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Yes. The extent of the lying simply astounds.

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It shouldn't astound you when it is considered that the methods used are based on relational aggression and reputation destruction. I have been exposed to this most of my working life. In nursing it is callled Horizontal violence.

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Looking back over the past few decades, there has been a concerted effort to prevent the formation of men's awareness groups. Attempts to establish such awareness groups in Academa has met with a large amount of hostility and resistance.

Even researchers have been targeted if they research forbidden topics.

My suspicion is that the feminists want to prevent men from sharing knowledge and stories about what is happening to them, because the more informed men become, the more aware and knowledgeable they become, the harder it will be for feminists to control the narrative.

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A total fascist take-over is taking place. What about misandry? These are misandrists!

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Thank you, Janice. That's all, just thank you.

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I remember you. You've been slamming your head against this popular evil for a long time now. Big respect to you, sir. And you earned 'sir' from me.

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Around 2004 Canadian Senator Anne Cools, “... The heart of darkness" is how Senator Ann Cools described Canada's new domestic violence laws. when "Shout at our spouse, loose your house".

There was a push from Canadian feminist academics to monitor mens groups.

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Feminism is cancer

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Thank you, Janice. In the USA, the USDOJ pays NGOs such as "Diverting Hate" to direct internet traffic away from Sandman MGTOW, Rollo Tomassi, and several other MRA and MGTOW influencers, towards male feminists like Justin Baldoni. Diverting Hate released a report where Sandman MGTOW and others were called "male supremacists".

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So many lies. I forgot to mention that the Prevention Practitioners Network said at one point that MGTOW "imagines a world without women." So wrong it is laughable. Of course, many feminists like Valerie Solanas, Sally Miller Gearhart, and Mary Daly (the latter both feminist professors) literally did advocate for and joyfully imagine a world without men! But that's perfectly acceptable.

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Another excellent article that is so relevant and important.

The thoughts that occurred to me whilst reading your article and underline the importance of your work appear below.

1. The world to me appears on an inexorable path towards totalitarianism.

2. There appears to be a growing anti trans movement in the feminist movement which I must admit I enjoy watching trigger many feminists (especially JK Rowling). They complain about trans people encroaching on their spaces however cannot see the hypocrisy of feminism having continually encroached on men’s spaces for 50+ years. I wonder if this will be included under the proposed definition of terrorism?

3. Tate is a disgusting individual and his teachings should be eschewed by all however I don’t believe he would have any relevance if it weren’t for the opportunities the inequities feminism provide him.

4. It bemuses me that the continual march of feminism through the years has been either ignored or supported by so many. Martin Niemoller’s poem warning of the dangers of ignoring social changes because they do not directly impact you at a particular point in time becomes more relevant every day in todays social and political climate.

5. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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Team Fem CREATED the trans movement. And the totalitarian homosexual movement. Sow, reap.

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Couldn’t agree more about feminism creating the monster they now despise Michael. I do however think it’s wrong that the victim hood hierarchy allows some really delusional types to unfairly impact women’s sports. Most importantly males of any description in female bathrooms is just plain wrong and the sign of a dystopian society.

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Agree fully amigo. No argument from me.

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In saying that I still enjoy the trigger effect on feminists.

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For decades they promoted the concept that gender was a social construct and even produced reams of research to support that concept.

Personally I think it is wrong, to have men competing against women in sport, but seeing that Gender is a social construct, whom am I to argue.

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Feminism has been, and is, forcefully impacting men’s sports! Conversely, women of any description in male bathrooms or changing rooms is equally wrong!

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Yes. Typical double standard from the grrls. Want to enter male locker rooms like the doods, but horrified when a male enters into their precious space.

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You can tell a hate movement by being as such because it deems itself righteous by the nature of, not its loves, but its hatreds.

By "nature of their hatreds" I do not suggest that any of them are capable of a righteous hatred of evil, for they are not .

But I submit that they deem who they hate as being the proper determinant of the righteousness of their hatred.

"Love your enemies?" God forbid!!

There is nothing more invigorating than hatred, even though the price is high and they will all pay it in due course

Feminism fits this to a T

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Nicely said.

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What a racquet. You have created a space where misogynists worship you in your own kingdom. Brilliant.

It’s the theatre of the absurd. Every guy is a victim. Hyperbole is rewarded. Buzz words like Nazi, misandry, socialist and communist are used with no applicable context. You stroke them like a pet and they roll over for a tummy rub knowing there is at least one woman who not only understands them, she has provided a safe space.

Janice, you have a great niche business because even a whore house has rules. No rules here. Like Richard Gere, in An Officer and a Gentleman, they have nowhere else to go.

I will give you credit for letting the likes of me post rebuttals. That’s something sites like Free Republic refuse to do.


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You obviously don't know what a rebuttal is.

You haven't addressed anything in her article. You haven't even attempted to - just weird deflections about Trump and Fiamengo being married.

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Same thing happened in response to Janice's piece on Kamala Harris. All the dissenters simply hurled abuse and ranted about Trump, as if he was somehow relevant to the Brown/Harris affair. Lefties are all about ad hominem attacks, they're simply incapable of mounting arguments or addressing the actual subject matter. Paul Corrigan's post is a perfect example, it's just a series of personal insults.

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The irrational vehemence and personal animosity in responses such as Paul's are revealing. He doesn't seem to realize that nobody cares what he feels when he demonstrates such an incapacity to mount an argument or restrain his rage.

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"I will give you credit for letting the likes of me post rebuttals."

Well done. You did at least write one sentence which could be considered relevant.

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The feminist simp actually believes this stuff. No wonder the West is in trouble. Place is full of these types.

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Sadly, this perfectly describes feminists and their allies within Christianity. Their hatred and contempt for men and boys is as apparent there as anywhere else, and not only do they see themselves as “virtuous” for having the right hatreds as secular feminists do, they see themselves as virtuous in the Christian sense, and will blather about “love for God and neighbour”, “forgiveness” etc. from a moral highground.

Quite simply, to them males, and particularly the historically patriarchal church, are and always have been “oppressers”, so hatred of them is a Christian virtue.

Even now, in the era when most denominations have admitted women to all positions of power (er… “leadership”), they claim “oppression” as much as ever. Opposing the alleged “oppression” (with a “look at me”) is always a virtue and dissent is unmentionable.

Succinctly summed up as “The Christian churches are simp factories”. 😅

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I gave up on churches years ago: even the male-led churches fear women more than they fear God.

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This is true. Even the ‘pastors’ obey their wives and women generally and ignore God.

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True, but at least they hate other men!

There’s always some virtue in that!

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Yes, Stephen, but I think that you're referring to the many highly SECULARIZED Christian churches--which is to say, churches that seek legitimacy (and members) in a secular world by translating theology into the secular terms of fashionable political ideologies and even pop psychology. There are still a few Christian churches that have not succumbed to the seduction of secular ideologies, all of which promote hatred (a worldview that revolves around hatred and revenge) instead of love (a moral ideal of self-sacrificial love).

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Hi Paul, while I agree with you about there still being churches that don't bow to secular ideology in order to fill pews (I attend one), there is still the problem of gynocentrism in the church as a whole. I've counseled several men who belong to more traditional churches who were summarily castigated and even ostracized by their clergy and congregations the moment the wife made complaints or accusations about them. I think it's fundamentally the same gynocentrism that underlies feminism. As they say, the safest thing that clergy can do from the pulpit is bash men and elevate women. That applies to every church I know about.

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Perhaps, a 75 year old male, who was married for 40 years before his 2nd wife's death, and who lives a single life, will be seen by the thought police not to be a "violent extremist". I have, for example, never been arrested for anything.

I am however, not on any dating website, nor do I make any attempt to meet up with women, because it is my considered opinion, that the vast majority of women are not seeking a man like myself, who is neither handsome nor rich. Worse, I am self-opiniated on a great range of topics, and in many of which, my opinions are not comfortably mundane. Among my interests are diet, rugby, boxing, politics, law, anthropology, history, poetry, Art, business and economics. I am not opposed to studying something new as I did some years ago. I studied feminism and decided that it was not worthy of support.

What I do see women seeking, is a life of conspicuous consumption. A meal at home is inherently inferior to one at a restaurant. A holiday at a beautiful beach in great weather is inferior to a holiday at an expensive resort, with a pool. They want the flash car and the fancy house, with impeccable lawns that they do not mow. But not just that, they want to be seen with it. They want to be seen consuming the oyster entree. They want "selfies" as proof. Life as a parade. I cannot offer that, and I don't want it for myself.

But I do not look forward to arguing my case with the authorities. I do not think they will accept, non participation in female worship. Going my own way, will be seen as a form of silent insubordination. At least suspect, and I do not want to be seen as a terrorist suspect.

Road signs in New Zealand, do not yet direct you to the Gulag. But that cannot be far away.

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"What I do see women seeking, is a life of conspicuous consumption. A meal at home is inherently inferior to one at a restaurant. A holiday at a beautiful beach in great weather is inferior to a holiday at an expensive resort, with a pool. They want the flash car and the fancy house, with impeccable lawns that they do not mow. But not just that, they want to be seen with it. They want to be seen consuming the oyster entree. They want "selfies" as proof. Life as a parade. I cannot offer that, and I don't want it for myself."

I think you have right there the power of feminism over the MSM. For women make 80% of "purchasing decisions " and therefore are the target of almost all advertising of whatever form. If you are a business that relies on advertising revenue you"d better flatter women. In a "consumer society" it's no surprise women's attention is courted so relentlessly.

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This seems correct to me.

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