Sep 23, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Female here who was suckered into a short romance with Woman's Studies in the 1990s. I agreed with the necessity of advanced personal agency for women that was achieved financially, educationally and legally, but then the train sped on past the station and exploded in the village which leaves me wondering if the net gain was really worth it. My instinct says no.

What we now see is a parasitic individualism with no insight into what actually sustains civilization and no foresight as to what happens without it. We, as women, have not only hamstrung the strength, nobility and responsibility of our men but have shamed and reduced ourselves into small, navel-gazing goddesses of enraged infantilism. It is grotesque and will end badly because it is fashioned from a lie. I thank God that my daughter bought into none of it and I am trusting that my sons will somehow navigate around it until the pendulum swings back and breaks the teeth of some of this nonsense. In the meantime, I wage war by rebuilding the foundation. Faith, family, community. There is only so much that political engagement will accomplish if we aren't proving them wrong with our very lives.

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Thanks for painting this picture Janice. It ain't pretty but it is totally true. I loved this sentence!

"It’s not their alleged intelligence, nor their career-mindedness, nor their liberated determination to “fight back.” It’s their mean-spiritedness, selfishness, and bottomless self-love."


I am beginning to wonder if we don't have a contagion of borderline personality disorder symptoms among feminist women...they are petrified of being abandoned...even by those they don't know! lol

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Great topic, Janice. You are so right about the attitudes of Western women to men making this very rational decision to look elsewhere for a loving mate. But men should be warned. I have made a number of videos about immigration fraud, where Australian men have brought Asian women back to this country only to have them turn around and accuse them of domestic violence, which allows them an easy route to permanent residency. It is an absolute racket! See here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gXFYcw8MBI. Also read this story from Mothers of Sons - https://mothersofsons.info/mothers-stories/vimala/

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Janice, thank you for writing the most insightful article I've ever read on this issue, by a country mile.

Mike Buchanan



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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

The stereotype of the 'submissive' Asian woman seems to never die. They can't look beyond appearances. In Japan, for example, men may dominate in the public sphere, but women are entirely in charge in the private. Traditionally, they control everything domestic, including the household finances, Men usually hand over their entire pay packet to their wives every month. The wives then provide their husbands with an 'allowance' for daily expenses. Men, by and large, are worker drones who serve both corporate and domestic power. It is even difficult for a man to decide to not marry as that will have severe repercussions on his chances for advancement. A man who is not tied down at home is less likely to remain tied to the company he works for.

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"Underneath the anger, there is perhaps a hint of fear. It’s not fear that men will leave the west in droves (they don’t see that happening yet, and neither do I), but it’s fear that men are not, after all, entirely under female control." Yes! Precisely. Feminists have convinced women that men are dangerous or useless without the bit in their mouths. Cannot have any mustangs galloping on the wide open prairies.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

One extremely strong association, is that a lot of women accuse men of for example being a "misogynistic" when it is the women themselves who are extremely angry and hostile towards men.


Claims being made that rich and powerful men are silencing women, when for decades people who tried to speak out for men were the ones who were really silenced.

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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

When I got married it was one of proudest days of my life. When I got divorced, I told people that to be a married man these days is to be a joke figure. When people ask me to describe marriage, I use one word : a humiliation. There is no incentive or reward in marriage for men in the Western world. This article touches on a lot of the reasons why.

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(When I was 11 years old) I had recurring apparitions/dreams/ about diving into a lake and rescuing a drowning girl, taking a bullet on the way down, wounded & all, swimming her to shore, only to have her get up and walk away with her girlfriends while giggiling, as I lay dying. Even as an 'ELEVEN' year old boy!!!!!! I felt like a martyr for Gynocentrism. I also believe devine inspiration informed me even as a child. Now that I'm a 66 year old MAN, I blame SIMPS even more than fEMINISM. MEN can change this tommorrow! 'WEAK MEN create unruly wo-MEN' (Alexis Tocqueville)

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All of these entitlement issues among women these days flow from the basic error that feminists made in concluding that the history of the world was one of oppression of women by men. This cast women as innocent victims and men as guilty perpetrators, with the obvious corollary that women are morally superior to men. This notion of moral superiority is the relationship killer, the marriage killer, the caustic acid that destroys women's ability to respect men.

Women did it to themselves and to men, but it is truly sad how much we have lost and how deep is the suffering that flows from this ego inflation. Our culture is deeply dysfunctional, because the shadow side of women's power is out of control.

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We have come to a very sad state, where men and women seem to have irreconcilably different opinions and expectations about male-female relationships, such as the people in your post seem to demonstrate. However, I suspect that things are not quite as bad in the "real world" as they are in the twitterverse. That is because I believe that people who post such things are actually outliers rather than the mainstream. I know not one so-called "passport bro," nor have I encountered their opposite numbers among the distaff occupants of my world. That may be due to my location in a rural part of the country, where more people than not go to church on Sunday and many still leave their cars and houses unlocked at night. Where parents allow their children to play outdoors without undue concern. Where people smile at one another in passing and often exchange innocuous pleasantries while waiting in line at the grocery or hardware store. Where people live in homes they own and keep up and in good repair and where neighbors help each other when the need arises. Where nearly everybody--females included--own and use firearms but have never engaged in violent behavior with them. I don't live in places where losers like the individuals featured in your post reside, which by-and-large are urban areas. I'm not sure whether living in a city causes peoples' mental problems or whether the arrow of causation runs the opposite way. All I know is that I avoid cities and I feel no diminution of quality of life as a result. I have three grandsons in their early thirties, all of whom have found mates from among the local female population. I would like to think they are the norm, rather than outliers.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

Your piece brought tears. I'm sad for all the lonely, psychologically battered men. They stay quiet, for fear of more vengeance.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

I actually know a few men who have totally given up on Australian women and head over seas. Sometimes just for romance, sometimes finding a life partner.

Australian women have embraced being able to shame and humiliate men with a gusto.

Looking at the recent pile on Russel Brand, Luis Rubiales and a number of Australian actors have had to face public humiliation because of unfounded accusations.

In order for men to be "Not that Guy" it means not approaching women in their own society for their own safety.

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Another thing nobody questions when listening to this feminist rants is how utterly non congruent they are towards the foreign women who choose to marry these gentlemen: are those women oppressed by the bros? Are they priviliged? Aren't these women making their own choices? It's the same irony traditional women in the west experience when feminists start telling them how to live their lives. Then all of a sudden we are mutually dumb and oppressed ánd priviliged SAHM's.. They will not see any woman happy with a man. It confronts them with their own mess.

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"it’s fear that men are not, after all, entirely under female control." Exactly. Essentially all of feminism is about increasing female control over males and their resources. The idea that there might be a backdoor to the prison they seek to build is more than they can stand. Patriarchal building codes! To admit, even for a second that the fault may lie at least partly with them would be to cede some control. Plus of course, women learned long, long ago that the way to gain control over men is to cry in fear or outrage, feigned or real. As long as they get cookies for doing so, they'll continue.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Janice Fiamengo

There is one plausible reason for the degree of open contempt expressed by these people; they require a large selection pool of potentially available mates. When eligible mates flee the candidacy, competition is reduced.

Without that competition, compromise increases. It's a classic power struggle, with all the attendant effort to maintain adversarial participation.

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