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I believe John Stoltenberg was gay and Dworkin bisexual (she herself being for the most part celibate) and that their marriage was more in the way of friendship -- though I could be wrong. Her hatred of men stemmed from at one time being raped and also having been a prostitute. I read her books years ago -- all of them actually.

She is a good writer but her misandry is out of control. "Our Blood" is her most militant tome. Dworkin was among those who gave us the false idea of "rape culture" -- which is now widely promoted in the education system. She was a revolutionary who wanted the destruction of Western civilization -- and to a remarkable degree, her wish is being fulfilled.

Dworkin is right that the enforcers within the feminist movement are frightening. And that is true of all Leftists because Leftism relies on a mob mentality and the dynamic of scapegoating. This is not incidental; it's at the heart of Leftism, based on a collective sense of identity and groupthink. Thought crimes, and ideological heresy, are the worst sin of the Leftists.

Personal morality and egregious breaches of it don't matter; what matters most to Leftists is adherence to ideology, and affirming one's identity as part of the collective. It's cult-like. The fear comes from having that identity stripped from you, of becoming worthless not only in the eyes of your comrades but in your own eyes. If your entire identity is tied to this belief system, it can be used to control you. And that is exactly what happens. This fear is a way for the authoritarians in the movement to wield power over others.

Those scapegoated by the collective will typically contemplate suicide. They experience existential dread. Conversely, the sense of belonging in the collective brings with it a feeling akin to religious ecstasy, of euphoria at having meaning and purpose in life (as prescribed by the goals of the movement). All Leftists experience the lure of this sense of self and the fear of losing it and becoming reviled.

Apostates and heretics from the movement are regarded as evil and worthy of the worst punishment, of public shaming, doxxing, and violence. I have witnessed and experienced the wrath of the feminist collective many times and it's like watching a lynch mob hang a man. But it's less obvious to conservatives that this same dynamic is what keeps the Leftists themselves in check and easy to control.

A totalitarian society is simply one in which the entire society experiences this social dynamic. Feminism has moved from a marginal movement of a few thousand angry women more than a century ago to a movement that has overtaken the entire Western world. It has done more damage to women and children than any other force in history, in my view, relegating them to profoundly sad and lonely lives. It has been bad not only for men but also for women because it was never about womens' rights as much as it was about hatred of men.

Feminism also teaches young people to blindly obey authority, even when it's wrong, and it presents a simplistic and erroneous view of history and the human condition, brainwashing girls and women into the false belief that they are victims. It is taught from an early age in schools and now in the movies. It does all this, like other forms of cultural Marxism, through fear of censure, as described in this article, and through a relentless stream of propaganda.

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Your description of the pleasures and terrors of utopian belonging/excommunication is very well said. Yes, Dworkin identified as a lesbian and Stoltenberg as gay, but they did marry eventually and reported that they had a sexual relationship (not that it matters--except in relation to Dworkin's confession of feeling pressured to renounce her heterosexuality). Dworkin reported being raped repeatedly throughout her life; it's hard to know what to believe. Perhaps it was all true; perhaps it was a part of her victim identity. I agree that she's a good writer, and so is Chesler; same for Robin Morgan and even, at times, Mary Daly, all of whom I've been reading this week!

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Aug 11, 2023
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Feminists are not in the least, and have never been, interested in equality. Men are to continue to support women, defend them, provide for them, risk their lives for them. They are to open their spaces to women, hire women, promote women, change workplace policies to accommodate women. They are to change their own behavior in conformity with women's demands. When a window shatters in the night, it is still the man who is expected to investigate; if a man is bothering a woman at a nightclub, her boyfriend/husband/male friend is expected to risk bodily harm defending her if necessary. What do women owe men? Nothing at all.

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In addition to this, the hot, heavy, dirty, and dangerous work selectively ignored by feminists, who atop their man made air conditioned office towers, expect men to traditionally do.

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100% AGREED! Important to point out, it's not just fEMINISTS, in fact it's also

trad con wo-MEN even anti fEMINIST wo-MEN who are just as chauvinisitc & gynocentric/

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Two words: Richard Bilkszto

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I have been meaning to write about his case but have been such a coward as to be unable to read the transcripts of exactly what was said to him. I can't bear it; I get too angry.

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I find when I get triggered by what is written, I need to walk away for a while, sometimes that while is many years. The book "Venus The Dark Side" I avoided buying for many years and even after buying it, it took many months before I actually read it.

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Generally the more the person tries to bend over backwards to prove they're not a racist/sexist/misogynist, the more vulnerable they are to these accusations.

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Didn't know about this case, thanks for pointing to it. how horrible.

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Wow, very well said!

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Rape Culture was a 1974 movie/documentary about the rape of males in institutions. Feminists later co-opted the language and concepts and distorted them to exclude those it was meant to help.

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Thanks for this! I had no idea--will look into it. In *Against Our Will,* Susan Brownmiller wrote about the rape of men in prison but did not allow the fact of male rape victims (or the fact that women rape boys in institutions) to interfere with her contention throughout her book that rape is fundamentally patriarchal, the manner in which male predators control and terrorize women.

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Mary Daly is credited.

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Andrea Dworkin, Germaine Greer, and Gloria Allred all claimed they were raped. Since Dworkin has said something like "all sex is rape" Since Germaine Greer has suggested that a wife giving sex to her husband when not in the mood is rape, and since Allred is a Bolshevic who sues MALE celebrities for rape....I would take their suspicious rape 'claims' with a grain of salt

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I wanted to also amplify this compulsion of some/many/all feminists to ever claim and expand the definition of rape so that all heterosexual women can become honorary victims. I believe it's Julie Bindel, notably, who is pushing to expand the definition of rape to include 'retroactive regret' which would trump any form of consent prior to and during intercourse.

As for Dworkin, amazingly, she spent her entire life getting raped. Men simply could not control their base sexual urges in her presence. Before her death, she even recounted and published a particularly harrowing event in a Paris hotelroom here:


and the rebuttal: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/doubting-dworkin-the-radical-writers-dubious-account-of-being-drugged-and-assaulted-does-no-good-for-rape-awareness/article768435/

For all the times that Dworkin was raped, she preferred to compose essays about her trauma and need for recovery than to actually do anything to bring her rapists to stand trial. It's what gives cred amongst her followers and publishers. Rape is a powerfully moving literary theme. I am reminded that so many early Women's Studies departments were staffed with more English majors than sociologists, historians, or legal experts. As a result, literary analysis has always been a filter through which academic feminists have viewed and projected their ideas onto the physical world. It, therefore, comes as no surprise that Andrea Dworkin's last rape would not lead to anything so mundane as a criminal investigation in order to forestall any additional violence against women; her violation better serves a source material, instead, for a stageplay.


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Absoulutely BRILLIANT! All brilliant points. Your essay is much better than Dworkin and Stoltenberg's theater, and serves a much bigger reality than a stage play.

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The definitions of rape and sexual assault, first in feminist ideology and now in law, are so loose as to be almost meaningless. Add to that that rape is used synonymously with sexual assault (the 'Stanford Rapist' was neither charged with nor convicted of rape) in the media and even feminist 'scholarship' and you have the perfect formula for demonizing male sexuality.

I know that many (probably not here, so much) will see this as jaw dropping misogyny, but I am EXTREMELY dubious that a woman as grotesquely unattractive as Andrea Dworkin was raped at all, much less many times. Still, if all it takes is a lingering gaze (as one might be unable to look away from a train wreck) to constitute sexual violation . . .

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#BINGO! Well said. That's exactly my interpretation through my lens as well. I've been observing this $MeToo phenomena since I was 15 years old back in the mid 1970's.. It may sound cruel, but truth is most rape accussers have bad self images and are of low self esteem.

Most are retro interpreting things from the past they consented to at the time.


Attention/money/victim politics/ all play a role. George Will wrote an article about rape victim status being a coveted status. Notice it's invariably wo-MEN who are beyond their prime making these claims like they want to be reborn virgins? I think it's MENOPAUSE driving this phenomena

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